Pb-free solder applications and requirements in automotive industry
Tsung-Yu Pan,
Ford Research Laboratory
Ford Motor Company
Dearborn, MI 48121-2053
automotive electric and electronic components encounter a harsh environment:
extremes in hot and cold temperature cycling, vibration, and corrosive
atmosphere, coupled with additional component self-heating. The Key Life Test of Ford Corporate
Engineering Test Procedure states that the reliability of electronic modules
and sensors has to meet or exceed the wear out requirements based on the real
world customer usage profiles with regard to 10 years/150,000 miles in
service. The test is accelerated and
uses combinations of the environmental stresses of temperature, humidity,
vibration, mechanical cycling/shock/drop, actual electrical loads, dust, salt,
and thermal soak/cycle/shock.
example of using Pb-free solder in automotive applications is alternator. The ambient service temperature of the
alternator can get to 175oC.
Ford has produced alternators with Sn-3.5Ag eutectic solder since 1988,
and constitutes one of the very first Pb-free solder assemblies in mass
production (5 million parts a year) in the industry. The wave soldering process has been carefully designed, due to
the higher melting temperature of the Sn-Ag solder, larger thermal mass of the
alternator stator, and the bare copper of the stator wires. A special no-clean, VOC-free, water-based
flux was also implemented recently for further improving the environment. The flux is compatible with the Sn-Ag solder
and the bare copper wires, is capable of either foaming of spraying, and with
excellent solder joint quality.