Dan Jacobson

Political Director, Environment California


water pollution, genetic engineering, food safety, toxic pollution transportation, offshore oil drilling, auto pollution/diesel, polluter subsidies/green taxes, Superfund/brownfields, energy policy, renewable energy, sprawl/open space, wilderness/forests, public lands, endangered species, ocean protection/sustainable fishing, urban planning.


Mr. Jacobson coordinates policy development, research, and legislative advocacy for Environment California. Based in Sacramento, he leads the organizations policy agenda and advocates before the state legislature.

Mr. Jacobson led efforts to pass the California Clean Energy Act, the strongest renewable energy law in the country, which requires the state's investor-owned utilities to generate at least 20 percent of their electricity from clean sources such as wind or solar by the year 2017.

Mr. Jacobson also helped pass the Clean Water Enforcement Act of 1999, an enormous victory for California's waterways that established mandatory minimum fines for violators of the state's clean water laws.

He has authored several reports, including Three Strikes and You Profit: A CALPIRG Study of Clean Water Enforcement in California, and testified before the state legislature on preservation and clean air issues.

He has appeared on The OReilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, and has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The Sacramento Bee. Mr. Jacobson serves on the board of the Clean Power Campaign.

Prior to moving to California, Mr. Jacobson served as the Program Director for Florida PIRG, where he advocated protecting Florida's coast from oil drilling.