Karen Coca Bio

Karen Coca has worked for the City of Los Angeles since she was a student professional worker in 1991. During her entire career she has specialized in solid resources planning, siting and permitting of facilities, and, since 2000, managing the Citywide AB939 program to divert the maximum amount of material from landfill disposal.

During the last five years, Karen has spearheaded the development of the Los Angeles Area Regional Agency (LARA), a joint powers authority with 16 member cities in Los Angeles, to further develop joint solutions to growing solids management programs. For the City of Los Angeles, Karen's group of dedicated employees have successfully begun a new multifamily recycling program for over 70,000 households with a target of 500,000 households, begun curbside recycling for over 60 LAUSD elementary schools so far, and provided technical assistance and site visits to over 100 area businesses.

Karen looks forward to meeting the City's ambitious goal of 70% waste diversion through a combination of creating new opportunities for source reduction for City residents and businesses, expansion of recycling programs, alternatives to landfill disposal, and enhancement of markets for many recyclables.