Bio for Senator David Roberti

David Roberti is intimately familiar and knowledgeable with government and regulatory matters. His 28 years of service in the legislature and 13 years of service as President Pro Tem of the California State Senate provide superior understanding of the nature and process of governmental actions. He is well known as one of California's most prominent legislators.

In addition, David Roberti is an attorney experienced in government and business transactions, negotiations, and processes. After Loyola University and USC Law School, David Roberti served as Deputy Attorney General and as a Clerk in the District Court of Appeals. While in the legislature, Roberti chaired the Senate Judiciary, Assembly Labor Relations, Northridge Earthquake, and Small Business Enterprises Committees among others.

David Roberti is also intimately familiar with issues that occur in waste, recycling, and hazardous waste businesses. David was chief Senate negotiator of AB 939, California’s landmark waste management legislation, and the author of California’s Hazardous Waste Management Act of 1986, the Hazardous Waste Reduction Act of 1989, as well as legislation establishing the California Hazardous Waste Hotline.

In addition to his legislative service, David Roberti was also a member of the California Integrated Waste Management Board and the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board more recently.   3600 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 714   Los Angeles, CA 90010   Tel 213.383.4380   Fax 213.383.4150