since 9/98

Welcome to the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Research Group homepage. On these pages, you will find brief description of our research activities, the people in our group, and our facilities. We welcome your questions and comments.

Under the guidance of professor Ajit Mal, the research group focuses on solid mechanics and nondestructive evaluation (NDE). Damage mechanisms in structural materials (high strength metallic alloys, and fiber- reinforced composites) and ways of nondestructively evaluating these damages (from low-velocity impact, corrosion, and fatigue loading) are key areas of interest. The research involves laboratory testing, theoretical modeling, and numerical simulation in developing new methods to characterize the degradation processes at an early stage. Currently, the scope of research is also being extended to areas in biomechanics.
The group members consist of post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduate students. There are also scholars and students visiting from other universities, many of them from abroad. Just this year, two Swiss students completed their thesis research at our laboratory. Interestingly, they contacted us after reading about us on our homepage in their native Switzerland.

