






Figure 3-1.  Experimental set-up for the harmonicmicrobunching experiment in Neptune.  The CO2 laser frequency is at the 7th harmonicof the fundamental frequency of the undulator radiation.  The 12 MeV electron beam is microbunched and producesharmonics ofthe CO2 radiation via coherenttransition radiation (CTR), which is detected on the mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector.



Figure 3-2.  Summary guided length vs. density for different gas-jet lengths where self-guiding was observed by imaging the transmitted laser light from the plasma.  The solid red curve is the plot of the 1/ne scaling predicted by the nonlinear pump depletion expression.  The dotted blue line is the predicted guided distance if the laser pulse diffracts c/wp per Rayleigh length, ZR.  The vertical dashed line is approximately the minimum density where refraction balances the diffraction of our small laser spot.




Figure 3-3. Experimental evidence for ionization induced trapping in a plasma wake.  The measured electron charge with energy greater than 25 MeV rapidly increases once the threshold for ionizing the 6th electron of Nitrogen is approached in a 9:1 He:N2 gas mix.  The blue diamonds are experimental points and the red dots are simulation points.  Simulations revealed that the “early” onset of N+6 injection (to the left of the red N+6 line) is due to self-focusing.




Figure 3-4.  The position of the first and the second accelerating bucket (dotted lines) of the wakefield as a function of time.  The initial slope is close to the linear group velocity of the laser pulse in the plasma.  At later times as the laser pulse becomes pump depleted it propagates at a slower velocity as evidenced by the accelerating buckets slipping backward in the (z-ct) frame.