Surface Structures

Model of c(4x4)

As dimers bonded to a layer of As.
As coverage = 1.75 ML
Common for MOCVD


Model of (2x4)

As dimers bonded to a layer of Ga.
As coverage = 0.75 ML
Common for MOCVD


Model of (2x6)

Alternating rows of As and Ga dimers
As = Ga = 0.50 ML


Model of (4x2)

Ga dimers bonded to a layer of As atoms.
Ga coverage = 0.75 ML
Common for surface science studies.

  (2x8) GaAs with Hydrogen adsorption


(8x2) GaAs with Hydrogen adsorption
  (1x6) GaAs with Hydrogen adsorption




© Copyright 1996-2007, R. F. Hicks, Semiconductor Material Chemistry and Plasma Processing Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles.

For information, please contact Professor Robert F. Hicks
Last Modified May 21, 2007 05:58 PM