French Academy of Sciences Member
Professor Sautet received his Ph.D. in1989, in Paris-Orsay Unversity in France, and did his Habilitation to direct research in Lyon 1 University. He was a visiting scientist in UC Berkeley/LBL in 1991-1992. Then, he was a Director of research, Director of the Laboratoire de Chimie, Director of the Institut de Chimie de Lyon, and Exceptional class director of reserach at CNSR, ENS Lyon, France. Since 2016, he is a Professor in UCLA and CNSI. Sautet is a world-renounced scholar and a recepient of many awards, including the Membership in the French Academy of Sciences, Chevalier de l'ordre des palmes academiques, Pierre Sue Grand Prize of the French Chemical Society, and the Silver Medal of CNRS. Sautet's research interests are in the area of theoretical surface chemistry and heterogeneous and electro-catalysis.