Welcome to the SOFIA Lab

The SOFIA Laboratory is part of the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, and is directed by Professor Jeff D. Eldredge. We are interested in exploring a wide variety of phenomena that occur in fluid flows in nature and technology. The members of our group are investigating...

Though these topics are superficially diverse, they have an essential unifying principle: they are all unsteady flow phenomena. For example, a flying insect generates lift and thrust by the unsteady production of vorticity—the local rotation of the fluid—at the edges of its wings. An insect has an amazing mastery of its medium that we are only beginning to understand. By concentrating on the tools that natural selection has endowed, then perhaps we can develop new ideas for controlling small-scale aircraft. We pursue most projects in this curiosity-driven (but application-oriented) fashion.

Check out our new book!

J. D. Eldredge, Mathematical Modeling of Unsteady Inviscid Flows (Springer, 2019)

A note on companion code:

The PotentialFlow package, written in Julia by former lab member Dr. Darwin Darakananda and myself (Jeff), provides a rich set of tools to accompany this book. These are written in the Julia language.

PotentialFlow package

I am still constructing an organized set of example notebooks for the book. However, the existing notebooks in this package contain many solved examples.

Contact Information

SOFIA Laboratory
c/o Prof. Jeff D. Eldredge
420 Westwood Plaza
Box 951597
Los Angeles, CA 90095

jdeldre at ucla.edu
Fax: (310) 206-4830
Phone: (310) 206-5094