Amplitude Modulation Cues for Perceptual Voicing Distinctions in Noise


Brian P. Strope and Abeer A. Alwan


Abstract: This paper describes measurements of the perception of voicing for fricatives in noise. In addition to a low-frequency spectral cue, voiced fricatives can include a temporal amplitude-modulation cue at the pitch-rate in high-frequency regions. Syllable initial fricatives [s] and [z] were manually isolated from CV syllables, high-pass filtered above 3 kHz, and added to flat-spectrum background noise. Subjects were able to discriminate these sounds below 0-dB SNR. Discrimination thresholds were analyzed using three psychoacoustic models of amplitude-modulation detection.




Perceiving speech in an acoustically noisy environment requires intelligent use of redundant multi-dimensional cues spread over wide-ranging time scales. Speech perception research has often focused on spectral cues (from approximately 400-8000 Hz) that are available through a critical-band filtering mechanism. This approach is currently used in most automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, together with a hierarchy of non-stationary stochastic models operating at the progressively slower rates of: the speech-frame, phoneme, word, phrase and even sentence. More recently, speech perception research has also investigated the role of temporal amplitude-modulation cues (1) at the syllabic- or articulator-rate of approximately 2-20 Hz, with some application to ASR (2). The current study examines the perception of pitch-rate amplitude-modulation cues associated with vocal fold vibration at roughly 80-300 Hz. This dimension is ignored in most ASR systems and in some speech perception studies. The strident fricatives [s z] are used as a case study.




Fricatives are produced by forming a sufficiently narrow constriction in the vocal tract to generate a turbulent noise-like source. With voiced fricatives, vibrating vocal folds introduce low-frequency energy at the first few harmonics of the fundamental frequency. Measurements using the relative level of the first harmonic have been shown to be good indicators for voiced/unvoiced fricative distinctions (3)(4). In the current study, the fricatives [s z] with the vowels [a i u] were recorded as CV syllables from four talkers. Figure 1 compares log-magnitude spectral estimates for [s] and [z] averaged over 96 measurements.

FIGURE 1: Mean spectral estimates for [s] and [z] (N=96).


A typical ASR system relies on the low-frequency spectral difference to discriminate these sounds. However, Figure 2 shows examples of the temporal waveform for [z] and [s] after each has been high-pass filtered above 3 kHz. These waveforms provide evidence that during voiced fricatives, the vibrating vocal folds can modulate the pressure source behind the constriction sufficiently to generate an acoustic pitch-rate amplitude-modulation cue in high-frequency regions. Perceptual discrimination thresholds were measured for these isolated high-pass tokens in a flat background noise (see Figure 3B). Four subjects participated in the measurements.


FIGURE 2: Temporal waveforms of [z] and [s] after high-pass filtering.




The perceptual sensitivity to this amplitude-modulation cue was analyzed using three psychoacoustic models. The first is an envelope-statistic model, adapted from (5)(6), that uses a 3-kHz bandwidth filter, half-wave rectification, 90-Hz low-pass filtering, and a normalized fourth-moment statistic. The second, adapted from (7)(8), uses 6 4th-order gamma-tone filters (from roughly 4.5 to 7.5 kHz), half-wave rectification, 1-kHz low-pass filtering, modulation filtering with a Q3dB of 2, internal noise, and a standard deviation statistic. The third, motivated by (9)(10)(11), uses the same 6 filters, half-wave rectification, 280-Hz low-pass filtering, and then computes the running autocorrelation in each channel. The channel-autocorrelations are summed across the 6-channels to generate a summary autocorrelogram. The model's statistic is the peak difference between any two summary autocorrelogram values at delays of t and t/2. Figure 3A shows each model's prediction of temporal modulation transfer functions (5)(perceptual data is an interpolated average from (6) and (8)). Figure 3B shows [s z] discrimination predictions for each model, together with perceptual thresholds tracked at two d' values. The third model's predictions best approximate the perceptual discrimination of high-pass filtered [s] and [z] in noise. [Work supported by NIDCD grant #DC02033 and the NSF.]

FIGURE 3: A) Temporal modulation transfer functions (m=modulation depth). B) Discriminating [s] and [z] in noise.




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