Michael K. Stenstrom is a Distinguished Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.
His research and teaching are in the environmental engineering area with emphasis on biological treatment methods and applications of computing technologies to environmental engineering research. Over the past 15 years he has performed research to characterize stormwater and minimize its impacts on the environment.
He has had several administrative positions in the school including Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (8 years), Assistant Dean for Computing Resources and Associate Dean for Research and Facilities. He developed the SEASnet Computing Facility and in the 1980's chaired the task force that created the campus network.
Things to see and read
Michael Knudson Stenstrom on Ressearch Gate
ASCE Oxygen Transfer Parameter Estimation Program. This program has been updated. The new version's link is below.
Old clean water oxygen transfer estimation program. Save as a zip file, extract and run setup to install!
New clean water oxygen transfer estimation program. Save as a zip file, extract the Excel file and run. No installation required. Instructions included! Updated to Version 3.04 on Dec 25, 2012.
Aeration basin temperature modeling programs. Save as a zip file, extract and run setup to install!
From HEALING THE BAY, UCLA Today, Feb 26, 1996 (a big image, 1136x971)
Ballona Creek at night, following a large storm
Ballona Creek as it is, most of the time!
Peer Reviewed Publications
Other Publications
Dissertations and Thesis Supervised
Grants and Contracts
PowerPoints of selected seminars
The other place where I live
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Directions to my office and the Dept Seminar Room 4275 Boelter Hall (PDF file)
Map of UCLA (PDF file with yellow sticky tab comments. You can save it or print it!)
Some Primary UCLA Links
Institute of the Environment /
Civil and Environmental Engr Dept /
Environmental Science and Engineering Program
Gas Transfer Notes (pdf)
Redox Notes (pdf)
Microbiology Notes (pdf)
Reactor Mass Balance Notes (pdf)
CEE 253 Notes (pdf)
Song Nitrification Paper (pdf)
Kang Kinematic Wave Paper
Madireddi RO Membrane Paper
Forward Difference PGM
Generalized Crank-Nicolson and Characteristics Averaging PGM
Pictures shown at the 40th anniversery of the UCLA ESE Program on October 27, 2012. A big file! 315 pictures