1. Grieves, C.G., Stenstrom, M.K., Grutsch, J.F. and
Walk, J.D., Activated carbon improves efficient quality in refinery sludge
process, Industrial Wastes, pp 30-35,
July/August 1977.
2. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Dynamic modeling of
the chlorine contact basin in a wastewater treatment plant, A Manuscript
presented at the 1977 JACC Conference,
3. Grieves, C.G., Stenstrom, M.K., Grutsch, J.F. and
Walk, J.D., Effluent quality improvement by powdered activated carbon,
Proceedings of the American Petroleum Inst., Refining Dept., 56, pp 242-251, 1977.
4. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Discussion of new
approach to bacterial kinetics in wastewater, by G.F. Andrews and Tien, C. J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 104, pp 1310-1312, 1978.
5. Stenstrom, M.K. and Grieves, C.G., Enhancement of oil
refinery activated sludge by addition of powered activated carbon, Proceedings
32nd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference (1977), 32, pp 196-205, Ann Arbor, 1978.
6. Grieves, C.G., Stenstrom, M.K., Walk J.D. and Grutsch,
J.F., Powdered activated carbon enhancement of activated sludge for BATEA
refinery wastewater treatment, Proceedings of the Joint EPA-API-NPRA-VT
Second Open Forum on Management of Petroleum
Refinery Wastewater, EPA Publication 600/2-78, pp 344-368, 1978.
7. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Dynamic models and
control strategies for wastewater treatment plants - recent advances, Environmental Systems, Planning, Design and
Control, Proceedings of IFAC Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 1978.
8. Andrews, J.F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic models and
control strategies in wastewater treatment plants - an overview, Environmental Systems, Planning, Design and
Control, Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 1978.
9. Stenstrom, M.K., Models for oxygen transfer: their
theoretical basis and implications for industrial wastewater treatment,
Proceedings 33rd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference (1978), 33, pp 679-686,
10. Stenstrom, M.K. and Hwang, H.J., The effect of surface
active agents on industrial aeration systems, Proceedings of 34th
Purdue Industrial Waste Conference (1979), 34,
pp 902-909, Ann Arbor, 1980.
11. Stenstrom, M.K., Optimization of chlorination of
activated sludge plant effluent by ammonia control, Proceedings of the 1980
JACC Conference, Vol. 1, pp TA6-01-TA6-D5, 1980.
12. Mueller, J.A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Review of Mathematical Modeling in Water and
Wastewater Treatment, J. WPCF, 53(2), pp 86a, 1981(book review).
13. Hwang, H.J and Stenstrom, M.K., Discussion of method
for estimating the capacity of an activated sludge plant, J. WCPF, 54(4), pp 390.
14. Bhunia, P.K. and Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment plant
design to minimize capital and operating cost, Proceedings, Instrumentation and
Control of Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transport Systems, Pergamon Press, pp 693, 1985. (Abstract)
15. Lake, L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Public health and water
supply: institutional issues regarding ground water contamination in
California, Proceedings, 15th Biennial Groundwater Conference, pp
97-102, 1985.
16. Stenstrom, M.K., Networking to Support Educational
Objectives, Proceedings, IBM AEP Conference, San Diego, pp IV-76-82, 1986.
17. Stenstrom, M.K., SEASnet - An education environment
for computing and teaching numerical methods in a distributed computing
environment, Proceedings 1987 ASEE Conference, Reno, Nevada, pp 1540-1543,
18. Stenstrom, M.K., Teaching Numerical Methods in a
Workstation/Server Environment, Proceedings 1987 ASEE Conference, Reno, Nevada,
pp 1544-1546, 1987.
19. Stenstrom, M.K., SEASnet - An education environment
for computing and teaching numerical methods in a distributed computing
environment, 1987 IBM ACIS Conference, Reno, NV, June 24, 1987.
20. Stenstrom, M.K., Cardinal, L. and J. Libra, J. Treatment
of Hazardous Substances in Conventional Biological Treatment Plants, Paper 59D,
Proceedings Spring AIChE Convention, New Orleans, LA,
March 1988.
21. Silverman, G.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Source control of
oil and grease in urban areas, Design Criteria
for Runoff Water Quality Control, ASCE,
22. Stenstrom, M.K., Upgrading existing activated sludge
treatment plants with fine pore aeration systems, Proceedings, IAWPRC Specialty
Conference on Large Treatment Plants,
23. Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C., Tzeng, C.J., Ro., K.S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Degradation of 1-naphthylamine by activated sludge using bioaugmentation, Proceedings of the 1991 ASCE Environmental Engineering Division
Conference, Reno, Nevada, pp 493-498, 1991.
24. Yuan, W., Stenstrom, M.K., Ozgur,
N.H. and Okrent, D., An integrated expert system for
operating a petroleum refinery activated sludge plant, Proceedings of the 1992
ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6,
1992, pp 480-485.
25. Babcock, R.W., Tzeng, C.J., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Inducer compounds in the enricher-reactor process, Proceedings of the
1992 ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August
2-6, 1992, pp 469-473.
26. Tzeng, C.J., Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Dynamic modeling of voc emissions in HPO
processes, Proceedings of the 1992 ASCE Environmental Engineering Division
Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6, 1992, pp 67-72.
27. Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating VOC
emission rates in aeration systems, Proceedings of the 1992 ASCE Environmental
Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6, 1992, pp 73-78.
28. Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C., Tzeng, C.J. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Modeling the operational characteristics of the enricher-reactor bioaugmentation process, Proceedings of the 65th WEFtec
Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 21-24, 1992, Volume I, pp 309-320.
29. Tzeng, C.J., Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Estimation of VOC emissions in HPO processes, 65th WEFtec
Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 21-24, 1992, Volume I, pp 357-366.
30. Hsieh, C.C., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Estimating semi-volatile organic compound emission rates and oxygen transfer
coefficients in diffused aeration, 65th WEFtec Conference, New
Orleans, LA, September 21-24, 1992, Volume I, pp 367-378.
31. Dezham, P., Drury, D.D., Ahmadpour,
J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Full scale process water testing of membrane aeration
panels, 65th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 21-24, 1992, Volume
III, pp 29-38.
32. Yates, R.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Bromate production in
ozone contactors, Proceedings of the 1993 AWWA Conference,
33. Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Precision and
accuracy of off-gas testing for aeration energy cost reduction, Proceedings of
the 66th WEFtec Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 3-7, 1993, Vol.
III, pp 217-224
34. Hsieh, C.C., Tzeng, C.J. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Competing removal mechanisms of semi-volatile organic compounds in the
activated sludge process, Proceedings of the 66th WEFtec Conference,
Anaheim, CA, October 3-7, 1993
35. Yuan, W., Yin, M.T., Stenstrom, M.K. and Okrent, D.,
Development of an expert system to improve operation and control for an
activated sludge treatment system, 66th WEFtec Conference, CA,
October 3-7, 1993, Vol. V, pp 45-55.
36. Lau, S-L., Bay, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Contaminants
in urban runoff and their impact on receiving waters, Proceedings of the 4th
IAWQ Asian Regional Conference on Water Conservation and Pollution Control,
Jakarta, October 5-9, 1993, 1(I-2) (Display)
37. Zhou, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Experimental and
numerical analysis of diesel fuel infiltration in unsaturated soil, Preprints
of Papers, 207th ACS National Meeting, 1994, 34(1), pp 407-410 (extended abstract).
38. Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan,
M., Ruth, E., Froines, J., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Trace hydrophobic
organic pollution runoff from non-point sources in Santa Monica Bay, Preprints
of Papers, 207th ACS National Meeting, 34(1), pp 487-489 (extended abstract).
39. Swamikannu, X. and Stenstrom, M.K., Auto dismantler
and recycler facilities: storm water pollution, prevention and regulatory
policy, Session P93, Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting, Air and
Waste Management Association, June 19-24, 1994,
40. Heilmann, H., Stenstrom, M.K., Hesselmann, R.P.X and
Wiesmann, U., Kinetics of the homogeneous alkaline hydrolysis of high explosive
1,3,5,8-tetraaza-1,3,5,7-tetranitrocyclooctane (HMX), Proceedings of 1994 IWA
Biannual Conference, Budapest, Hungary, July, 1994.
41. Yin, M.T., Yuan W. and Stenstrom, M.K., A decision
support system for wastewater treatment plant operations, First ASCE Congress
on Computers in Civil Engineering, Washington, D.C., June 1994.
42. Currie, R.B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Full scale testing
of aeration diffuser systems at Union Sanitary District, 67th WEFtec
Conference, Chicago, IL, October 15-18, 1994, #AC941905, Vol. I, pp 117-128.
43. Madireddi, K., Levine, B., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Neethling, J.B., Denitrification in a fluidized sand column: lake arrowhead
water reclamation pilot study, 67th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL,
October 15-18, 1994, #AC946603, Vol. I. pp 325-335.
44. Yin, M.T., Yuan, W., Stenstrom, M.K. and Okrent, D. A
simulator for the high-purity oxygen activated sludge process, 67th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 15-18, 1994, #AC942706, Vol. I. pp
45. Yuan, W., Yin, M.T., Stenstrom, M.K. and Okrent, D.,
Modeling the oxygen activated sludge process using the IAWQ Activated Sludge
Model No. 1, 67th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 15-18,
1994, #AC946603, Vol. I. pp 325-335.
46. Knezovich, J.P., Daniels, J.I., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Heilmann, H.M., Chemical and biological systems for regenerating activated
carbon contaminated with high explosives, Proceedings 1994
47. Stenstrom, M.K. and Heilmann
H.M., Abwasserreinigung in Sudkalifornien,
(in German, Wastewater treatment in Southern California), Wasserwirtschaft
Wassertechnik, June, 1995, pp 18-24.
48. Yin, M.T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Developing a
knowledge-base to facilitate the operation of the high-purity oxygen activated
sludge process, IAWQ Large Wastewater Treatment Plants Specialty Conference, Vienna,
Austria, August 30, 1995.
49. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Application of oil
sorbents in oil and grease removal from stormwater runoff, 68th
WEFtec Conference, Miami Beach, FL, October 21-25, 1995, # 9572008, Vol. 3, pp
50. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Alternative method for
oil and grease analysis and subsequent fractionation for toxicity
identification evaluations (TIEs), 68th WEFtec Conference,
51. Alatriste-Mondragon, F., Baresi, L., Hee, S.Q., Stenstrom, M.K. and Mah, R. Purification of the
enzymes involved in biotransformation of
hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) from anaerobic spore-forming rod,
Abstracts Of The General Meeting of The American Society For Microbiology,
1995, Vol. 95, p 430. (abstract).
52. Knezovich, J.P., Daniels, J.I, Stenstrom, M.K. and
Heilmann, H.M., Chemical and biological systems for treating waste streams
contaminated with high explosives, Proceedings of the 1995 JANNAF Safety &
Environmental Protection Meeting, Tampa, FL, Dec. 4-8, 1995, pp 533-541.
53. Stenstrom, M.K and Redmon D.T., Oxygen transfer
performance of fine pore aeration in ASBs - A Full Scale Review, Proceedings of
the 1996 TAPPI International Environmental Conference, Book 1, Orlando, FL.,
May 6, 1996, pp 121-131.
54. Alatriste-Mondragon, F., Baresi, L.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Mah R., Degradation of
hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) by Clostridium putrificum, Abstracts Of The
General Meeting Of The American Society For Microbiology, 1996, 96, p 453. (abstract).
55. Khan, E., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H.,
Development of the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon method for
characterizing reclaimed waters, Abstracts of the 4th International
Biodegradable Organic Matter Conference, Waterloo Canada, June 19-21, 1996, pp
37-40 (extended abstract).
56. Khan, E., Suffet, I.H., B. Levine, Madireddi, K.,
Babcock, R.W., Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of natural organic matter removal by
TOC, DOC, UV254, BDOC and ultimate soluble BOD at a water reuse pilot
plant, Abstracts of the Natural Organic Matter Workshop, Poitiers, France,
Sept., 18-19, 1996, Paper # 23, pp 1-5 (extended abstract).
57. Kim, J-H., Stenstrom, M.K. and T. Harmon, A study of
fluid flow and mass transformation in immiscible liquids, 69th
WEFtec Conference, Dallas, TX, October 5-9, 1996 # 9605001, Vol. 3. pp 1-15.
58. Yuan, W. and Stenstrom, M.K., The modeling of biomass
decay in aerobic activated sludge systems: death-regeneration vs. endogenous
respiration, 69th WEFtec Conference,
59. Madireddi, K., Stenstrom, M.K., Neethling, J.B.,
Babcock, R.W., Jr. and Suffet, I.H., Indirect potable reuse demonstration at
Lake Arrowhead, California, 69th WEFtec Conference, Dallas, TX,
October 5-9, 1996 # 9628004, Vol. 7. pp 45-56.
60. Wong, K. and Stenstrom, M.K., An integrated geographic
information system and watershed modeling, 69th WEFtec Conference,
Dallas, TX, October 5-9, 1996 # 9637002, Vol. 4. pp 141-152.
61. Khan, E., Babcock, R.W., Jr., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Suffet, I.H., Biodegradable organic carbon for characterizing reclaimed and
treated wastewaters, 69th WEFtec Conference, Dallas, TX, October
5-9, 1996 # 9668003, Vol. 4. pp 617-628.
62. Levine, B., Madireddi, K., Khan, E., Stenstrom, M.K.,
Ye, Q.F. and Suffet, I.H., Treatment of trace organic compounds by ozone/gac for wastewater reuse: the Lake Arrowhead pilot plant,
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Specialty Conference, Beneficial
Reuse of Water Solids, Marbella, Malaga, Spain, April, 1997.
63. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., The post treatment of
hydrolysis byproducts (hydrolysates) of high explosives RDX/HMX using
biological denitrification, Proceedings of the 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific
Regional Conference, Seoul, Korea, May, 1997, Vol. I, pp 190-197.
64. Madireddi, K., Levine, B., Kim, J-H. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Dual membrane separation for removal of organics and dissolved solids
during municipal wastewater reclamation for indirect potable reuse, Proceedings
of the 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Seoul, Korea, Vol.
I, pp 603-610.
65. Kim, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., An Integrated model for
the prediction of subsurface fluid flow and contaminant migration, Proceedings
of the 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Seoul, Korea, May,
1997, Vol. II, pp 1205-1212.
66. Kim, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling and parameter
estimation for optimal chlorination, Proceedings of the 6th IAWQ
Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Seoul, Korea, May, 1997, Vol. II, pp
67. Madireddi, K., Levine, B., Glater J. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Membranes for advanced water reclamation: Lake Arrowhead pilot study,
Proceedings, IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, Madrid, Spain,
October, 1997, Vol. IV, pp 57-65.
68. Zoh, K-D., Kim, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Biological
post-treatment of hydrolysis products of high explosives RDX and HMX using
denitrification, 70th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 19-22,
1997 # 9743004,.Vol. 5, pp 661-670.
69. Chiou, J.H.Y, Alatriste-Mondragon,
F., Wilkie, J.A., Hesselmann
R.X.P. and Stenstrom, M.K., Anoxic transformation and mineralization of RDX, 70th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 19-22, 1997, #9776006, Vol. 3, pp
359-370. (Display)
70. Lau, S-L., Bay, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Impact of wet
weather runoff to Santa Monica Bay - a case study, Proceedings of the 1st
Biannual Water Environment Federation Asia Conference, Singapore, March 8-11,
1998, Vol. 2, pp 221-232.
71. Wahlberg, E.J., Gerges,
H.Z., Gharagozian, A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Discussion
of secondary clarifier analysis using data from the clarifier research
technical committee protocol, Wat. Env.
Research, 70, pp 249-252, 1998.
72. Stenstrom, M.K. and Boyle, W.C., Aeration Systems -
Responsibilities of the manufacturer, designer and owner, J. of Env. Engr., ASCE, 124, pp 397-398, May, 1998.
73. Barnett, M.W., Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F. Dynamics and Control of Wastewater Systems,
editor and author of two chapters, Mathematical Modeling and Computer
Simulation (with H-H Lee, J-S. Ma and M.W. Barnett) and Dynamics and Control of
the High Purity Oxygen (HPO) Activated Sludge Process, Vol. 6, Technomic, Lancaster, PA, 1998, pp 31-54 and pp 315-334.
74. Khan, E., King, S., Babcock, R.W. Jr. and Stenstrom,
M.K., A batch method for the rapid determination of biodegradable dissolved
organic carbon (BDOC) in reclaimed and treated wastewaters, 71st
WEFtec Conference,
75. Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Zermeno,
M., Patel, D., Garnas, G. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Assessment of aeration basin performance efficiency, 71st WEFtec
Conference, Orlando, FL, October 1998, Vol. 1, pp 337-349.
76. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Application of a membrane
bioreactor for treating high explosive process wastewater, 71st
WEFtec Conference,
77. Stenstrom, M.K., Wastewater Treatment, In Southern California Environmental Report
Card, UCLA Institute of the Environment, Los Angeles, CA, pp 16-25, 1998. (Display).
78. Stenstrom, M.K. and Lau, S-L., Catch basin inserts to
reduce pollution from stormwater, Comprehensive Stormwater and Aquatic
Ecosystem Management Conference,
79. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fenton oxidation of
high explosive RDX and HMX in aqueous solution, Preprints of Papers, 217th
ACS National Meeting, 1999, 39, No.
1, pp 48-51 (extended abstract).
80. Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater Impact, In Southern California Environmental Report
Card 1999, UCLA Institute of the Environment, Los Angeles, CA, pp 12-21,
1999. (Display)
81. Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A. Zermeno,
M., Mayer, D., Patel, D., Oh, S., Moghaddam, O., Garnas,
G., Langley, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., An
OTE Prototype to optimize maintenance and air consumption: full scale analyses
at City Of Los Angeles wastewater treatment plants, 72nd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
October 13, 1999.
82. Zoh, K-D and Stenstrom, M.K., Advanced oxidation
of RDX And HMX wastes using Fenton reagents, 72nd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
October 13, 1999.
83. Stenstrom, M.K., Lau, S-L. and Khan, E., Catch basin
inserts to reduce pollution from stormwater, Proceedings of the 4th IAWQ
DIPCON, Bangkok, Thailand, pp 50-61, January 17, 2000.
84. Buffleben, S., Nix, D., Ouyang, X., Ruth, E. and
Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Evaluation of non-point source runoff on
suspended solids that enter Santa Monica Bay, ASCE-Water Resources Division,
Minneapolis MN Symposia -Proceedings July 30-Aug 2, 2000.
85. Pedersen J.A., Yeager, M. A., Ma, J-S., Lee, H. H.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Estimation of land use-specific
organophosphorus insecticide loadings from a multiple-use watershed, Abstracts
of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 220: 255-Envr, Part 1, August 20,
86. Stenstrom, M.K., Wastewater treatment in southern
California, Proceedings of the 25th Wastewater Treatment Technology
Conference, Yulin, Taiwan, December 2, 2000.
87. Iranpour, R., Parqacuelles,
R., Zermeno, M., Miller, D., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Ahring, B.K.. Successes and failures of thermophilic
digestion of municipal wastewater sludge around the world, Proceedings of the
WEF/AWWA/CWEA Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Session 3,
88. Moghaddam, O., Oh, S., Iranpour, R., Ahring, B.K. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Economic analysis of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic
digestion, Proceedings of the WEF/AWWA/CWEA Residuals and Biosolids Management
89. Iranpour, R., Oh, S., Shao, Y.J., Kim, H., Moghaddam, O., Wilson, J., Stenstrom, M.K. and Ahring, B.K., Successful startup and stabilization of thermophilic digestion at the Terminal Island Treatment Plant, Proceedings of the WEF/AWWA/CWEA Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Session 20, San Diego, CA, February 21-24, 2001.
90. McPherson, T., Burian, S. J., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Suffet, I.H., Trace metal pollutant loading in wet weather and dry weather
urban runoff from a Southern California watershed, Abstracts of Papers of the
American Chemical Society, 221: 75-ENVR, Part 1 April 1, 2001.
91. Ting, S-H., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Modeling ozone mass transfer, Proceedings of the International Ozone
Association Pan American Group - Annual Conference, Paper 9B-2, San Diego, CA,
May 8, 2001.
92. Stenstrom, M.K., Lau, S-L., Lee, H-H., Ma, J-S., Ha,
H., Kim, L-H., Khan, S. and Kayhanian, M., First flush stormwater runoff from
highways, ASCE EWRI Conference,
93. Stenstrom, M.K., Membrane technologies for water
treatment, 7th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality and
Treatment Technology, pp 5-1 - 5-9, Taipei, Taiwan, May 29-30, 2001.
94. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Metals and PAHs
adsorbed to street particles, Proceedings of the 2nd South Pacific
Stormwater Conference,
95. Rosso, D., Iranpour, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fine pore
aeration - fifteen years of off-gas transfer efficiency measurements, 74th
WEFtec Conference,
96. Iranpour, R, Oh, S., Kim, H., Shao, Y.J., Hagekhalil, A., Schafer, P., Stenstrom, M.K. and Ahring,
B.K., Legal standards for municipal sewage plant biosolids disinfection:
application to production of Class A exceptional quality, 74th
WEFtec Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 15, 2001.
97. Mondragon, F.A., Gavala, H.,
Iranpour, R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Ahring, B.K., Biodegradation and toxicity of
phthalate esters during the anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge, 74th
WEFtec Conference,
98. Yaghmaci, S., Vossoughi, M., Alemzadeh, L., Safekordi, A.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Iranpour, R., PAH-degrading microorganisms potentially
useful for bioremediation detected in contaminated soil at a tar refinery, 74th
WEFtec Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 16, 2001.
99. Ma, J-S., Khan, S., Li,
Y-X., Kim, L-H., Ha, H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Implication
of oil and grease measurement in stormwater management systems, Proceedings of
the 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage,
100. Lau, S-L., Ma, J-S., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., First flush of
organics in highway runoff, Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Urban Drainage,
101. Ma, J-S., Khan, S., Li, Y-X., Kim, L-H., Ha, S., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian,
M. and Stenstrom, M.K., First flush phenomena for highways: how it can be
meaningfully defined, Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Urban Drainage,
102. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Best management practices to reduce
pollution from stormwater in highly urbanized areas, 75th WEFtec
Conference, Chicago, IL, September 30-October 3, 2002.
103. Cakir, F.
and Stenstrom, M.K., A dynamic model for anaerobic filter, proceedings of the 5th
specialized conference on small water and wastewater treatment systems,
Istanbul, Turkey, Sept 24-26, 2002, pp 723-728.
104. Cakir, F.
and Stenstrom, M.K., A survey of anaerobic treatment methods of low strength
wastewater, Proceedings of the 5th Specialized Conference on Small
Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept 24-26, 2002, pp
105. Stenstrom, M.K. and Berk, R., Water reclamation, In Southern California Environmental Card 2002,
UCLA Institute of the Environment, Los Angeles, CA, pp 15-21, 2002. (Display).
106. Kim, L-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Prediction of event mean
concentrations and first flush effects using a mass interpolation wash-off
model for highway runoff, Proceedings of the 6th IWA International
Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Amsterdam, pp 227-235, October 1, 2002.
107. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Land use classification for stormwater
modeling using Baysian networks, Paper 3, Theme 10,
Proceedings of the IWA 7th Specialized Conference on Diffuse
Pollution and Basin Management, Dublin, Ireland, Sept 17-22, 2003.
108. Kim, L-H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., A new modeling
approach for estimating first flush metals loading, Paper 11, Theme 4, Proceedings
of the IWA 7th Specialized Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin
Management, Dublin, Ireland, Sept 17-22, 2003.
109. Melcer, H., Wunder, D., Tam, P., Parrella A., Clement, C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Engineering
excellence returns low cost solutions and hits jackpot, Session 72, 76th
WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA, October 12-16, 2003.
110. Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Mass first flush of
organic contaminants in highway runoff, Paper 3Q5K13, Proceedings of the
IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Oct. 19-23, 2003,
111. Stenstrom, M.K., Ma, J-S. and Kayhanian, M., Sampling issues: composite
versus grab, Proceedings, StormCon,
112. Kayhanian, M., Khan, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., A
new method to estimate oil and grease event mean concentration in roadway
runoff, Proceedings, StormCon, Palm
Desert, CA, July 26-29, 2004
113. Cakir, F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Greenhouse gas production:
comparison between aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment technology,
Proceedings of the IWA 10th World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion,
114. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Identifying main areas
generating stormwater pollution from satellite imagery and ancillary data,
Proceedings IGARSS 2004, 0-7803-8743-0/04, IEEE, September, 2004.
115. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Spatial estimates of
stormwater pollutant loading using Bayesian networks and geographic information
systems, Session 56, 78th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct.
2-6, 2004.
116. Cakir, F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Greenhouse gas production: a
comparison between aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment technology,
Session 18, 78th WEFtec Conference,
117. Kim, L-H., Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M., Gil, K-I., Stenstrom,
M.K. and Zoh, K-D., Characteristics of litter wastes in highway runoff, Paper
1E-III-1, IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 24-29, 2004.
118. Han, Y-H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Correlation analysis among highway stormwater runoff pollutants and
characteristics, Paper 1E-III-4, IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference, Kyoto,
Japan, Oct. 24-29, 2004.
119. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., A new classification
system for urban stormwater pollutant loading: a case study in the Santa Monica
Bay area, Paper 2-E-IV-4, IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Oct.
24-29, 2004.
120. Abellera, L.V. and Stenstrom, M.K., Land use
classification using satellite data for stormwater management, Proceedings of
the 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, pp 1251-1256,
121. Abellera, L.V. and Stenstrom, M.K., Application of
satellite data for stormwater modeling, Proceedings of the 8th Map
India Annual International Conference, , New Delhi, India, paper AD 143,
February 7-9, 2005.
122. Abellera, L.V. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimation of
pollutant loadings from remotely-sensed data with knowledge-based systems and
GIS, Proceedings of the 8th Map India Annual International
Conference, , New Delhi, India, paper AD 283, February 7-9, 2005.
123. Abellera, L.V. and Stenstrom, M.K., Assessing the
accuracy of satellite image classification for pollutant loadings estimation,
Proceedings, 3rd International Symposium Remote Sensing and Data
Fusion Over Urban Areas (URBAN 2005),
124. Kang, J-H., Li, Y-X., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Application of particle size distribution in highway runoff:
optimization of settling tank design to remove particles, The 4th
South Pacific Conference on Stormwater and Aquatic Resource Protection,
Auckland, New Zealand, May 5, 2005.
125. Kayhanian, M, Young T. M.
and Stenstrom, M.K., Limitation of current solids measurements in stormwater
runoff, Stormwater, Vol. 6, No. 5,
126. Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and
Stenstrom, M.K., PAHs and organic pollutants in highway runoff, 1st
IWA ASPIRE Conference, Singapore, July 10-15, 2005, paper 7F5.
127. Abellera, L.V. and Stenstrom, M.K., Impervious surface
detection from satellite imagery with knowledge-based systems and GIS,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering,
Cancun, Mexico, July 12-15, 2005.
128. Park, H-H, Suffet, I. H. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Estimates of urban stormwater runoff using GIS, Proceedings,
10thICUD Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26, 2005.
129. Kayhanian, M., Ha, S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Constituents annual load estimates from highways, 10th
ICUD Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26, 2005.
130. Rosso, D., Larsen, L.E. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Economic analysis
of aeration system retrofits in biological nutrient removal activated sludge
processes, IWA Specialized Conference - Nutrient Management in Wastewater
Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams, Krakow, Poland, September 19-21, 2005,
pp 589-596.
131. Leu, S-Y, Libra, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic model
for predicting off-gas mole fraction from the nitrifying activated sludge
process, IWA Specialized Conference - Nutrient Management in Wastewater
Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams, Krakow, Poland, September 19-21, 2005,
pp 1339-1343.
132. Stenstrom, M.K., Water quality, In Southern California Environmental Report
Card 2005, UCLA Institute of the Environment, Los Angeles, CA, pp 12-19,
2005. (Display).
133. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Economic implications
of fine pore diffuser ageing, 78th WEFtec Conference, Session 30,
Washington, DC, November 1, 2005.
134. Jansen, H., Stenstrom, M.K..
and de Koning, J., Development of indirect potable
water reuse in impacted areas of the united states, wastewater reclamation and
reuse for sustainability, IWA Conference on Water Reclamation, Session 8-1, Jeju Island, Korea, November 7, 2005.
135. Stenstrom, M.K., The management and treatment policies
of non-point sources in the United States, 1st International Forum
on NPS Management, Ministry of the Environment, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 15, 2005, pp
37-48 (Korean and English).
136. Stenstrom, M.K., Rosso, D., Melcer, H., Appleton, R., Langworthy, A. and Wong, P. Oxygen transfer in a biological
aerated filter, 79th WEFtec Conference, Session 4, Dallas, TX,
October 23, 2006.
137. Stenstrom, M.K., Leu, S-Y. and Jiang, P., Theory to
practice: oxygen transfer and the new ASCE Standard, 79th WEFtec
Conference, Session 62, Dallas, TX, October 25, 2006.
138. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Alpha factors in full-scale
aeration systems, 79th WEFtec Conference, Session 62,
139. Singhirunnsorn, W., Sahachaisaeree, H. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Factors determining community support leading to the success
of communal self-managed wastewater treatment systems: a case study of low
income communities in Bangkok, 79th WEFtec Conference, Dallas, TX,
October 25, 2006.
140. Leu, S-Y., Rosso, D., Jiang,
P., Larson, L.E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Real-time transfer efficiency monitoring
for wastewater aeration systems, 4th IWA Efficient Conference,
141. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Recovering energy in
urban wastewater treatment on a global scale, IWA 4th Leading Edge
142. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Comparison of
pollutant loading estimation using different landuses
and stormwater characteristics in Ballona Creek Watershed, IWA 11th Diffuse
Pollution Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007.
143. Park, M-H., Pincetl, S. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Implementation of policy for stormwater clean-up: lessons learned from
Proposition O in Los Angeles, CA, IWA 11th Diffuse Pollution
Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007.
144. Kang, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of street
sweeping effectiveness as a stormwater management practice using statistical
power analysis, IWA 11th Diffuse Pollution Conference, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007.
145. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Energy recovery in
urban wastewater treatment on a global scale, 80th WEFtec
Conference, Session 18,
146. Cakir, F.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Anaerobic treatment of low
strength wastewater, 80th WEFtec Conference, Session 66,
147. Kaliman, A., Stenstrom, M.K., Leu, S-Y. and Rosso, D.,
Accelerated ageing procedures for assessing decline in fine-pore diffusers
performance, 80th WEFtec Conference, Session 101,
148. Rosso, D., Libra, J., Wiehe,
W., Leu, S-Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Time-variations of transfer efficiency and headloss for fine-pore membrane diffuses in aeration
systems, 80th WEFtec Conference, Session 101,
149. Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., First-flush
characterization for stormwater runoff treatment, Stormwater, 9(2), March/April, 2008.
150. Lippi, S, Rosso, D., Lubello,
C., Canziani, R. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Temperature modeling and prediction for activated sludge systems, Proceedings
of the IWA Specialty Conference on Wastewater Treatment Plant Modeling, Quebec
City, Canada, June 3, 2008.
151. Lippi, S., Rosso, D., Lubello,
C., Canziani, R. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Temperature modeling and prediction for activated sludge systems, Paper
ID 218, International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering,
Florence, Italy, June 24-27, 2008.
152. Rosso, D., Leu, S-Y., Jiang, P., Larson, L.E. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration efficiency monitoring with real-time off-gas
analysis, Paper ID 278, International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental
Engineering, Florence, Italy, June 24-27, 2008.
153. Stenstrom, M.K., Lippi, S., Lubello,
C. and Rosso, D., Strategie di risparmio
energetico in bachini d aerazione a microbille, Paper ID
279, International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering,
Florence, Italy, June 24-27, 2008.
154. Curren, J., Bush, J., Ha, S., Stenstrom, M.K., Lau,
S-L. and Suffet, I.H., Identification of sub-watershed sources for organic
pollutants in the Ballona Creek Watershed, paper 01-045, 12th IWA DIPCON, Khon Kaen, Thailand, August 25, 2008.
155. Park, M-H., Pincetl, S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Water quality improvements by implementation of Proposition O
in the Los Angeles River Watershed, CA, paper
01-038, 12th IWA DIPCON, Khon Kaen, Thailand, August 27,
156. Chan, L., Li, Y-X. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Authentic and reliable suspended solids measurement processes
for stormwater, paper 01-066, 12th IWA DIPCON, Khon Kaen, Thailand, August 27, 2008.
157. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Carbon-footprint effects on biological process layout and landfill
distance, 81st WEFtec
Conference, Chicago, IL, pp 2738-2747, October 20, 2008.
158. Park, M-H., Pincetl, S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of best management practices for urban stormwater
management, 81st WEFtec
Conference, Chicago, IL, pp 6928-6944, October 22, 2008.
159. Leu, S-Y and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of bioaugmentation approaches to improve nitrification in
activated sludge processes, 2nd IWA specialized Conference Nutrient
Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes, Krakow, Poland, pp 867-873.
September 9, 2009.
160. Leu, S-Y, Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Evaluation of bioaugmentation to improve wastewater
treatment, 82nd WEFtec Conference, Orlando, FL, pp 39-56, October
12, 2009.
161. Samstag, R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Bateman, L., Upgrade of a
high purity oxygen plant for improved energy efficiency and process control, 82nd
WEFtec Conference, Orlando, FL, pp 7111-7119, October 14, 2009.
162. Leu, S-Y., Chan, L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Toward long
SRT of activated sludge processes: benefits in energy saving, effluent quality
and stability, 83rd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, pp
7282-7295, October 6, 2010.
163. Singhirunnusorn, W., Stenstrom, M.K. and Sahachaisaeree, N., Multi-criteria decision analysis for
wastewater technology selection in developing countries: scenarios for
decentralized systems in Thailand, 83rd WEFtec Conference, New
Orleans, LA, pp 6973-6979, October 6, 2010.
164. Vasquez, V.R., Curren, J., Lau, S-L., Stenstrom, M.K.
and Suffet, I.H., A field studies and modeling approach to support
organochlorine pesticide and PCB Total Maximum Daily Load calculations: case
study for Echo Park Lake, Los Angeles, CA, IWA Biannual Conference, Montreal,
Canada, September 19-24, 2010.
165. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evidence of the
influence of wastewater treatment on improved public health, IWA Conference,
Xi'an, China, September, 2011.
166. Leu, S-Y., Rosso, D., Larson, L.E., Naik, K.S., Srinivasa, A. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Energy auditing to improve energy saving
of wastewater treatment processes, IWA Conference, Xi'an China, September 2011.
167. Singhirunnusorn, W., Sahachaisaeree, N. and Stenstrom, M.K., Socio-economic
criteria for wastewater treatment system selection: a case of municipality
contextual determinants in Thailand, 84th
WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA pp 1486-1492, October 17, 2011
168. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Economic and
feasibility analysis of process selection and resource allocation in
decentralized wastewater treatment for developing regions, 84th
WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA pp 1444-1456, October 17, 2011.
169. Vermande, S., Liu, R., Ekster, A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration improvements to
save energy, 84th WEFtec
Conference, Los Angeles, CA pp 2192-2201, October 17, 2011
170. Ferreria, M, Lau, S-L. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Metals Concentrations in Particles in Highway Runoff, 84th WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA pp
4294-4300, October 17, 2011.
171. Yu, Z.L.T, Rahardianto, A.,
DeShazo, J.R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Cohen, Y., Critical review: present onsite
graywater reuse regulatory incentives and impediments
in the United States, Session 026, 85th WEFtec Conference, New
Orleans, LA. October 1, 2012
172. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Cost and energy
incentives for decentralized treatment: reclamation and footprint, Session 049,
85th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA. October 2, 2012
173. Ferreria, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Analysis of performance of a detention basin
for treatment of highway runoff, Session 065, 85th WEFtec
Conference, New Orleans, LA. October 2, 2012
174. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Minimizing energy consumption in
decentralized wastewater collection and treatment systems, Session 4, WEF
Energy and Water 2013 Conference, Nashville, TN, May 7, 2013.
175. Jeung, M.K., Larson, L.E.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Rosso, D., Dynamic energy footprint monitoring of
wastewater aeration systems via full-scale deployment of real-time off-gas
analyzers, Session 6, WEF Energy and Water 2013 Conference, Nashville, TN, May
8, 2013.
176. Ferreira, M., Jay, J.A.,
Green, P. and Stenstrom, M.K., Partitioning
of mercury into several size fractions in highway runoff, IWA Diffuse Pollution
Conference, Beijing, PR China, August 19, 2013.
177. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimizing
decentralized wastewater management systems - reclamation and public health
wastewater collection and treatment systems, 5th IWA ASPIRE
Conference, Daejeon Korea, September 10, 2013.
178. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic one-dimensional modeling of secondary settling
tanks and system robustness evaluation, 5th IWA ASPIRE Conference,
Daejeon Korea, September 9, 2013.
179. Otto, M., Hobson, P., Kampalath,
R., Steets, B., Pitt, R., Jones, J., Stenstrom, M.K., Gearheart,
R., Josselyn, M. and Taege,
D., A new statistical methodology using subcatchment
monitoring data to prioritize placement of stormwater treatment controls, Stormwater, September, 2013.
180. Stenstrom, M.K., Willman,
L., Migsich, N. and Leland, T., My diffuser goes up
to eleven (actually twelve), 86th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL,
October 7, 2013
181. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Research advances and challenges in one-dimensional
mathematical modeling of secondary settling tanks - a critical review, 86th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 8, 2013.
182. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Optimizing decentralized wastewater
management systems for local needs and minimum investment, 86th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 8, 2013.
183. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Bright lights, big
city, smaller treatment systems? Water
Env. Tech.,
October, 2013, pp 45-51.
Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimized
decentralized wastewater systems for better energy-efficiency, sanitation and
reclamation, IWA World Water Conference and Exhibition, Lisbon Portugal,
September, 2014.
Yu, Z.T.L., DeShazo, J.R., Stenstrom M.K. and Cohen,
Y., Cost-benefit analysis of onsite residential graywater recycling - a case
study: the City of Los Angeles, IWA World Water Conference and Exhibition,
Lisbon Portugal, 2014.
Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Comparison of global sensitivity methods for the
Activated Sludge Model No.3: A case study of west county wastewater reclamation
plant, IWA Aspire Conference, Beijing, China, September, 2015.
187. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
A comprehensive comparison of one-dimensional continuous settling models based
on sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, 88th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, September, 2015
188. Garrido-Baserba, M., P. Asvapathanagul, P.,
McCarthy, G., Olson, B.H, Sobhani, R., De Clippeleir, H., Odize, V., Smeraldi, J.D., Al-Omri, A.,
Murthy, S., Bott, C., Nifong,
A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Rosso, D., Effect of biological process rate on fouling
of fine pore diffusers, 88th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL,
September, 2015
189. Wong, E.Y. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Onsite defluoridation system for drinking
water treatment using calcium carbonate, 13th IWA Small Water and Wastewater
Systems Conference, Athens, Greece, August 15, 2016.
190. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Wastewater reclamation in India: from
policy to execution, 13th IWA Small Water and Wastewater Systems Conference,
Athens, Greece, August 15, 2016.
191. Li, Z. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Impact of SRT and carbon sources on particle size distribution and reactor
performance in integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) Reactor, 89th
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September, 2016.
192. Mandizadeh, M., Levine, A. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Opportunities for low value heat recovery at wastewater
treatment plants, 89th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
September, 2016.
193. Miot, A., Levitin, Y. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Novel control method to achieve higher oxygen utilization in
high purity oxygen activated sludge plants, 89th WEFtec Conference,
New Orleans, LA, September, 2016.
194. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K.
Computational fluid dynamics applied to secondary clarifier analysis, World
Environmental and Water Resources Congress, EWRI, Sacramento, CA 2017.
195. Li, Z, Arnot,
M., Hughes, J, Yoshida, H., Tan, P. and Stenstrom, M.K., Reducing viscosity of
thickened waste activated sludge, improving dewaterability
of digested sludge and increasing biogas production through thermochemical
hydrolysis process, 90th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL October 1 to
4, 2017.
196. Liang, X., Park, M-H. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Socio-economic factors of high trash generation in the City of
Los Angeles, 3rd Regional IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference, Chiang
Mai, Thailand, pp 210-211, November 21, 2018
197. Li, Z., Arnot, M., Yoshida,
H., Forstner, F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Operation and maintenance of
a thermochemical hydrolysis process: sodium hydroxide dosing, heat exchanger
maintenance, odor control and impact on sludge biochemical methane potential,
91st WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, October, 2018.
198. Gao, H and Stenstrom, M.K.
Computational fluid dynamics analysis for improving secondary settling tank
performance, EWRI conference, Henderson, NV, 2020.
199. Li, R., Jay, J.A. and
Stenstrom, M.K. Recent study of the fate of antibiotic resistance genes in four
wastewater treatment plants, 93rd WEFtec
Conference, New Orleans, LA October, 2020.
200. Stenstrom, M.K. Air quality
in California - a snapshot of a success story, Session 2, 26th International
Conference on the Unity of Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 2020.