by MKS unless otherwise noted)
1. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., A Computer Program for the
Simulation of Plant Operational Problems and Their Solutions, presented at the
Rocky Mountain Water and
2. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., The use of specific
oxygen utilization rate for control of industrial waste treatment processes,
presented at the 69th AIChE Meeting, Chicago, December 2, 1976.
3. Stenstrom, M.K. and Grieves, C.G., Enhancement of oil
refinery activated sludge by addition of powdered activated carbon, presented
at the 32nd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Lafayette, Indiana,
May 10, 1977.
4. (Invited) Grieves, C.G., Stenstrom, M.K., Walk, J.D.
and Grutsch, J.F., Effluent quality improvement by powdered activated carbon in
refinery activated sludge processes, presented at the 42nd API
mid-year meeting, May 11, 1977. (read by C.G. Grieves).
5. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Powdered activated carbon
enhancement of activated sludge for bat refinery wastewater treatment,
presented at the second open forum on management of petroleum refinery
wastewaters, Tulsa, OK, June 8, 1977. (read by C.G. Grieves).
6. Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic modeling of the chlorine
contact basin in a wastewaters treatment plant, presented at the 1977 JACC
Conference, San Francisco, June 23, 1977.
7. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Dynamic models and
control strategies for wastewater treatment plants - recent advances, presented
at the IFAC Environmental Systems Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, August 1-5, 1977.
(read by J.F. Andrews)
8. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Dynamic models and
control strategies for wastewater treatment plants - an overview, presented at
the IFAC Environmental Systems Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, August 1-5, 1977. (read
by J.F. Andrews)
9. Stenstrom, M.K. Models for oxygen transfer: their
theoretical basis and implications for industrial wastewater treatment,
presented at the 33rd Purdue Industrial Water Conference, West
Lafayette, Indiana, May 10, 1978.
10. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Alternatives for water and
wastewater disinfection, presented at UC Water Resources Center Coordinating
Board Meeting,
11. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Effects of alpha, beta,
theta factors and surfactants upon specification, design and operation of
aeration systems, presented at Aeration Standards Subcommittee Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, October 1, 1978.
12. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Effects of alpha, beta and
theta factors in wastewater aeration, presented at the Aeration Standards
Subcommittee Meeting,
13. Stenstrom, M.K. and Hwang, H.J., The effect of
surfactants on aeration in wastewater treatment, presented at the 34th
Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, May 9, 1979.
14. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Effects of alpha, beta and
theta factors in wastewater aeration, Subgroup D Report, presented at the
Aeration Standards Subcommittee Meeting of ASCE, at the WPCF meeting, Houston,
Texas, October 5, 1979.
15. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Effects of alpha, beta and
theta factors in wastewater aeration - state of the art report, presented at
the Aeration Standards Subcommittee Meeting, ASCE, at San Diego, CA, November
28, 1979.
16. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Biogas production from
classified urban solid wastes, Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar,
March 7, 1980.
17. Stenstrom, M.K., Municipal wastewater reclamation by
reverse osmosis: a three year case study, presented at the 5th
Annual Clemson Membrane Separation Conference,
18. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Automation of the activated
sludge process, presented at the Wastewater Technology Center, Environment
Canada, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, June 27, 1980.
19. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Water reclamation through
reverse osmosis, presented to the Environmental Engineering Division, EXXON
Research and Development Co.,
20. Stenstrom, M.K., Alpha, beta and theta factors for
aeration testing, presented at the 1980 ASCE Environmental Engineering Meeting,
21. Stenstrom, M.K., Optimization of chlorination through
ammonia control, presented at the 1980 JACC Conference, San Francisco, CA,
August 14, 1980.
22. Stenstrom, M.K., Water reuse potential in Saudi
Arabia, Conference on New Town Planning in Saudi Arabia, Lake Tahoe, CA,
September 13, 1980.
23. Stenstrom, M.K., International seminar for water
resources systems planning, Sponsored by UPIICSA,
24. Stenstrom, M.K., Steady-state oxygen transfer testing
at the Whittier
25. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Domestic wastewater on a
source of industrial water,
26. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Oxygen transfer in
wastewater treatment, Seminar, UC Davis, Civil Engineering Dept., February 11,
27. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Discussion of water supply
options for California -- From Five Different Perspectives, UCLA Public Policy
Extension Seminar, Miramar Sheraton Hotel, March 5, 1982.
28. Stenstrom, M.K., Alpha factor-testing at the Whittier
Narrows Treatment Plant, ASCE Oxygen Transfer Steering Committee, New Orleans,
LA, March 2, 1982.
29. Stenstrom, M.K., Surfactants and oxygen transfer, ASCE
Subcommittee on Oxygen Transfer Meeting, October 6, 1982, St. Louis, Mo.
30. Stenstrom, M.K., Economic evaluation of several
aeration systems, 55th WEFtec Conference, St. Louis,
31. Stenstrom, M.K., Conservation and reclamation
strategies--municipal and agricultural applications, UCLA Public Policy
Extension Seminar, in
32. Stenstrom, M.K., Alpha factor-testing in full scale
and near-full scale equipment, 56th WEFtec Conference,
33. Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration systems, seminar,
34. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Seminar on the development
of aquaculture resources, Sponsored by the Mexican Ministry for Agriculture and
Water Resources, Mexico City, D.F. Mexico, December 13-15, 1983.
35. Stenstrom, M.K., Selecting analytical techniques as a
factor in assessing the impact of hydrocarbons in stormwater runoff, Oil in
Freshwater Conference, Edmonton, Canada, October 18, 1984.
36. Stenstrom, M.K., Hydrocarbons in urban runoff, Project
Completion Seminar, Association of Bay Area Governments, November 15, 1985.
37. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Trying to operate a
business within environmental regulation: legal/liability issues, Moderator,
Plenary Session, CWPCA Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference,
38. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Optimization of wastewater
treatment plants, Seminar presented to the Civil Engineering Dept., University
of California, Irvine, May 2, 1986.
39. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Oxygen limited
nitrification in refinery wastewater treatment, Seminar presented to Chevron
Research and Development Co., June 27, 1986.
40. Stenstrom, M.K., Gas transfer applications in water
and wastewater treatment, AEEP Pre WPCF Conference Seminar, University of
41. Stenstrom, M.K., Translating clean water transfer
rates to field conditions, Post WPCF Conference Workshop,
42. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Urban runoff, the
environmental dilemma of the 1990's, A seminar presented
to the Engineering Department, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, April 2,
43. Stenstrom, M.K., Translating clean water transfer
rates to field conditions, 59th WEFtec Conference, San Diego, CA,
April 22, 1987.
44. Stenstrom, M.K., SEASnet -
An education environment for computing and teaching numerical methods in a
distributed computing environment, 1987 IBM ACIS Conference, Boston, MA June
26-27, 1987.
45. Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating oxygen transfer of a full
scale pure oxygen activated sludge plant, 60th WEFtec Conference,
46. Stenstrom, M.K., Land use and urban runoff,
47. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX - The UCLA Experience, Mitre Corporation,
48. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX - The UCLA Experience,
49. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX and the UCLA
50. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX and the UCLA
Experience, IBM Engineering Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ,
September 26, 1988.
51. Boyle, W.C., Stenstrom, M.K., Campbell, H.J. and
Brenner, R.C., Comparison of clear and process water oxygen transfer test
results for draft tube submerged aerators in total barrier oxidation ditches,
61st WEFtec, Dallas, TX, October 3, 1988. (read by W.C. Boyle)
52. Fam, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Properties of some
sulfite reactive nonvolatile halogenated organics produced during chlorination,
61st WEFtec Conference, Dallas, TX, October 3, 1988. (read by S.
53. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX and the UCLA
experience, IBM Special Seminar, Marina Del Rey, CA., October 18, 1988.
54. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Environmental impacts of
urban runoff, Environmental Engineering Society, Cal State University, San Luis
Obispo, CA, October 18, 1988.
55. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX/370 & AIX/PS/2 in
the academic environment, IBM Executive Solutions Conference, Orlando, FL, May
3, 1989.
56. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX/370 & AIX/PS/2 in
the academic environment, IBM ACIS Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 26, 1989.
57. Stenstrom, M.K., Engineering and academic computing,
some aspects of university computing: UCLA/UNSW/IBM experience,
58. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX and the university
environment, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Menai NSW,
59. Stenstrom, M.K., Fine pore diffuser upgrading of
existing activated sludge treatment plants, IAWPRC Specialty Conference,
60. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment of hazardous
wastes in activated sludge plants,
61. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX and the university
environment, IBM European Institute,
62. Stenstrom, M.K., Fine pore diffuser fouling, Chemical
Engineering Department, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, West Germany,
July 10, 1990.
63. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., AIX and the university
environment, IBM for East Educational Conference,
64. Babcock, R.W., Ro., K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Development of a novel enricher reactor concept for testing hazardous
wastewaters, 63rd WPCF Conference, Washington, DC, October 1990.
(read by R.W. Babcock)
65. Stenstrom, M.K., Hazardous wastewater treatment,
Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar,
66. Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating stripping
rates and gas/liquid mass transfer coefficients of semivolatile
organic compounds in surface aeration, 64th WEFtec Conference,
Toronto, Canada, October 10, 1991. (read by C.C. Hsieh)
67. Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Off-line
enricher-reactor for bioaugmentation of activated sludge treating hazardous
organics, 64th WPCF Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 7, 1991.
(read by R.W. Babcock)
68. Robbins, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating stripping
rates and gas/liquid mass transfer coefficients of semivolatile
organic compounds in surface aeration, 64th WEFtec Conference,
Toronto, Canada, October 8, 1991.
69. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Biological treatment of
high explosives manufacturing wastewater,
70. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Daniels, J.I. and Goodfellow, P. Recycling explosive process water and
carbon, DOE Pantex Facility, Amarillo, TX, January
31, 1992.
71. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Improved biological
wastewater treatment through bioaugmentation, Civil Engineering Dept., USC,
March 13, 1992.
72. Stenstrom, M.K., Development of a stormwater
monitoring plan for Santa Monica Bay, Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project
Meeting, Santa Monica, CA, March 30, 1992.
73. Tzeng, C.J., Yuan, W. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Applications of dynamic modeling for the design, operation and control of high
purity oxygen activated sludge processes, 64th CWPCA Conference,
Sacramento, CA, April 8, 1992. (read by C.J. Tzeng)
74. Neethling, J.B., Prins, J.G.,
Schmidt, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Field evaluation of activated sludge systems,
64th CWPCA Conference, Sacramento, CA, April 8, 1992. (read by J.B.
75. Hesselmann, R.F., Alatriste-Mondragon,
F., Babcock, R.W., Knezovich, J.P., Daniels, J.I., Mah, R.A. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Treatment concept for RDX in groundwater, Presented at the 1992 Waste
Management and Environmental Sciences Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April
9-11, 1992 (read by R. Hesselmann).
76. Ro, K.S., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., A
combined biological process to treat water contaminated with trace-level toxic
compounds, Eco-World-92, Washington, D.C., June 14-17, 1992 (read by K.S. Ro).
77. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Development of a biological
process for treating RDX, presented at the Energetic Materials Consortium,
Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, June 17, 1992.
78. Yuan, W., Stenstrom, M.K., Ozgur,
N.H. and Okrent, D. An integrated expert system for
operating a petroleum refinery activated sludge plant, Presented at the 1992 ASCE
Environmental Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6, 1992,
(read by W. Yuan).
79. Babcock, R.W., Tzeng, C.J., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Inducer compounds in the enricher-reactor process, presented at the 1992 ASCE
Environmental Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6, 1992,
(read by R.W. Babcock).
80. Tzeng, C.J. Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Dynamic modeling of VOC emissions in HPO processes, Presented at the 1992
ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6,
1992, (read by C.J. Tzeng).
81. Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating VOC
emission rates in aeration systems, Presented at the 1992 ASCE Environmental
Engineering Division Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2-6, 1992, (read by C.C.
82. Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C., Tzeng, C.J. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Modeling the operational characteristics of the enricher-reactor
bioaugmentation process, 65th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
September 24 1992, (read by R.W. Babcock).
83. Tzeng, C.J. Babcock, R.W., Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Estimation of VOC emissions in HPO processes, 65th WEFtec
Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 24 1992.
84. Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating
semi-volatile organic compound emission rates and oxygen transfer coefficients
in diffused aeration, 65th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
September 24 1992, (read by C.C. Hsieh).
85. Dezham, P., Drury, D.D., Ahmadpour,
J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Full-scale process water testing of membrane aeration
panels, 65th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 21 1992,
(read by P. Dezham).
86. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater contributions to
coastal water pollution, Presented at the 1992 Annual Conference of the
California Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Huntington Beach, CA,
November 17, 1992.
87. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stripping of VOCs from the
activated sludge process, Presented at Clemson University, Clemson, SC, March
22, 1993.
88. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Urban Runoff pollution into
Santa Monica Bay, Rice University, Houston, TX, March 30, 1993.
89. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Rebuilding America - the
education perspective, American Consulting Engineers Council, Los Angeles, CA,
May 2, 1993.
90. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Bioaugmentation of the
activated sludge process using the enricher reactor concept, Environmental
Engineering Science Seminar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
May 12, 1993.
91. Yuan, W., Okrent, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Model
calibration for the high-purity oxygen activated sludge process, Presented at
the IAWQ Instrumentation, Automation and Control Conference, Burlington,
Canada, July 1993.
92. Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Precision and accuracy
of off-gas testing for aeration energy cost reduction, 66th WEFtec
Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 3-7, 1993, (read by R.W. Babcock).
93. Yuan, W., Yin, M.T., Stenstrom, M.K. and Okrent, D.,
Development of an expert system to improve operation and control for an
activated sludge treatment system, 66th WEFtec Conference, Anaheim,
CA, October 3-7, 1993, (read by W. Yuan).
94. Neethling, J.B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Water reclamation
project at
95. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., User centered client/server
computing in an AIX environment, IBM Higher Education Conference, Palm Springs,
CA, February 28, 1994.
96. Zhou, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Experimental and
numerical analysis of diesel fuel infiltration in unsaturated soil, 207th
ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 16, 1994.
97. Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan,
M., Ruth, E., Froines, J., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Trace hydrophobic
organic pollution runoff from non-point sources in Santa Monica Bay. 207th
ACS National Meeting,
98. Heilmann, H., Knezovich, J.P., Daniels, J.I. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Kinetics of aqueous homogeneous alkaline hydrolysis of the
energetic materials HMX and RDX, Presented at the International Symposium on
Energetic Materials Technology, March 23, 1994, Orlando, FL.
99. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Wastewater aeration
efficiency, Presented at the Wastewater and Energy Seminar, Southern California
Edison Company,
100. Stenstrom, M.K., A decision support system for
wastewater treatment plant operations, First ASCE Congress on Computing in
Civil Engineering, Washington, D.C., June 20, 1994.
101. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., PCE degradation, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin Germany, special seminar, July 21, 1994.
102. Heilmann, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Alkaline hydrolysis
of high explosives, International Association on Water Quality, Biannual
Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, July 25, 1994 (read by H. Heilmann).
103. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Field experiments of fine
pore diffusers: panels and disc diffusers, ASCE Oxygen Transfer Subcommittee
104. Currie, R.B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Full scale testing
of aeration systems at Union Sanitary District, 67th WEFtec
Conference, Chicago, IL, October 16, 1994, (read by R.B. Currie).
105. Madireddi, K., Levine, B., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Neethling, J.B., Denitrification in a fluidized sand column: Lake Arrowhead
water reclamation pilot study, 67th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL,
October 16, 1994, (read by K. Madireddi).
106. Yin, T.M., Yuan, W., Stenstrom, M.K. and Okrent, D., A
simulator for the high purity oxygen activated sludge process, 67th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 16, 1994.
107. Yuan, W., Yin, M.T., Stenstrom, M.K. and Okrent, D.,
Modeling the oxygen activated sludge process using the IAWQ Activated Sludge
Model No. 1, 67th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 16, 1994,
(read by W. Yuan).
108. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stripping of volatile
organic compounds from wastewater treatment plants,
109. Stenstrom, M.K., Status of treatment plant options
currently practiced in the United States, Workshop on Treatment and Disposal
Options for Wastewaters,
110. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Wastewater treatment
technologies in the United States, Special Seminar at the Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology,
111. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., A faculty perspective,
teaching and research,
112. Yin, M.T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Developing a
knowledge-base to facilitate the operation of the high-purity oxygen activated
sludge process, IAWQ Large Wastewater Treatment Plants specialty conference,
Vienna, Austria, August 30, 1995.
113. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling activated carbon
adsorption, special seminar, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany,
Sept. 3, 1995.
114. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Alternative method for
oil and grease analysis and subsequent fractionation for toxicity
identification evaluations (TIEs), 68th WEFtec Conference,
115. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment options for the
production of drinking water and from surface waters and reclaimed wastewaters,
116. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment options for the
production of drinking water and from surface waters and reclaimed wastewaters,
Korean Economic Research Institute,
117. Knezovich, J.P., Daniels, J.I., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Heilmann, H.M., Chemical and biological systems for treating waste streams
contaminated with high explosives, 1995 JANNAF Safety & Environmental
Protection Meeting, Tampa, FL, Dec 4-8, 1995, (read by J.I. Daniels and J.P.
118. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Water reclamation at Lake
Arrowhead, CA, Special Seminar, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, January 25, 1996.
119. Stenstrom, M.K., Biotransformation of the high
explosives RDX and HMX, special seminar presented at
120. Stenstrom, M.K. and Redmon,
D.T., Oxygen transfer performance of fine pore aeration in ASBs - a full scale
review, presented at the 1996 TAPPI International Environmental Conference,
Orlando, FL., May 6, 1996.
121. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Advanced wastewater
reclamation at lake reclamation at Lake Arrowhead, CA, Special Seminar,
National Yunlin Institute of Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan, July 1, 1996.
122. Khan, E., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H.,
Development of the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon method for characterizing
reclaimed waters, presented at the 4th International Biodegradable
Organic Matter Conference, Waterloo Canada, June 19-21, 1996, (read by I.H.
123. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Indirect potable water
reclamation at Lake Arrowhead, CA, Special Seminar, Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
124. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Operation of activated
sludge systems, Specialty Training Seminar, Santa Ana River Basin Section of
the CAWEA, Anaheim, CA, August 7, 1996.
125. Khan, E., Suffet, I.H., Levine, B., Babcock, R.W.,
Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of natural organic matter removal by TOC, DOC, UV254, BDOC and ultimate soluble BOD at a water reuse pilot
plant, Abstracts of the Natural Organic Matter Workshop, Poitiers, France,
Sept., 18-19, 1996, (read by I.H. Suffet).
126. Kim, J-H., Stenstrom, M.K., and Harmon, T., A study of
fluid flow and mass transformation in immiscible liquids, 69th WEFtec
Conference, Dallas, TX, October 7, 1996 (read by J.H. Kim).
127. Yuan, W. and Stenstrom, M.K., The modeling of biomass
decay in aerobic activated sludge systems: death-regeneration vs. endogenous
respiration, 69th WEFtec Conference,
128. Madireddi, K., Stenstrom, M.K., Neethling, J.B.,
Babcock, R.W., Jr. and Suffet, I.H., Indirect potable reuse demonstration at
Lake Arrowhead, California, 69th WEFtec Conference, Dallas, TX, October
8, 1996 (read by R.W. Babcock).
129. Wong, K. and Stenstrom, M.K., An integrated geographic
information system and watershed modeling, 69th WEFtec Conference,
Dallas, TX, October 8, 1996.
130. Khan, E., Babcock, R.W., Jr., Stenstrom, M.K., Biodegradable organic carbon
for characterizing reclaimed and treated wastewaters, 69th WEFtec
Conference, Dallas, TX, October 9, 1996 (read by E. Khan).
131. Stenstrom, M.K., Civil and environmental engineering at UCLA,
132. Kim, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling and parameter estimation for
optimal chlorination, presented at the 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific
Regional Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 27, 1997 (read by J.H. Kim).
133. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., The post treatment of hydrolysis
byproducts (hydrolysates) of high explosives RDX/HMX using biological
denitrification, presented at the 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional
Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 28, 1997 (read by K.D. Zoh).
134. Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Pilot plant studies at Lake
135. Khan, E, Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of natural
organic matter removal at a water reuse plant, UC Water Reuse Research Program
Conference, Monterey, CA, June 6, 1997 (read by E. Khan).
136. Stenstrom, M.K., GIS case history: Los Angeles, geographic information
systems: a common reference for improving water quality, Water Environment
Federation Conference on Computer Technologies, Philadelphia, PA, June 15,
137. Stenstrom, M.K., Neural network control of a chlorine contact basin, 7th
IAWQ Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation of Water and
Wastewater Treatment Systems,
138. Madireddi, K., Levine, B., Glater, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Membranes
for advanced water reclamation: a Lake Arrowhead pilot study, IDA World
Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, Madrid, Spain, October 7, 1997.
139. Zoh, K.-D., Kim, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Biological
post-treatment of hydrolysis products of high explosives RDX and HMX using
denitrification, 70th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 21,
1997, (read by K.D. Zoh).
140. Chiou, J.
H.Y, Alatriste-Mondragon, F., Wilkie,
J.A., Hesselmann, R.X.P. and Stenstrom, M.K., Anoxic
transformation and mineralization of RDX, 70th WEFtec Conference,
Chicago, IL, October 22, 1997.
141. Lau, S-L., Bay, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., impact of wet weather runoff to
Santa Monica Bay - A Case Study, 1st Biannual Water Environment
Federation Asia Conference, Singapore, March 9, 1998.
142. Stenstrom, M.K., Impact of Wet Weather Runoff to Santa Monica Bay - A
case study, a seminar presented at the California stormwater quality taskforce,
San Jose, CA, July 10, 1998.
143. Stenstrom, M.K, Opportunities for structural BMPs to control
stormwater, urban storm water management in the southwest: Cost Effective
Solutions, Long Beach, CA, September 28, 1998.
144. Stenstrom, M.K and Lau, S-L., Catch basin insert devices, urban storm
water management in the southwest. Cost Effective Solutions, Long Beach, CA,
September 29, 1998.
145. Stenstrom, M.K., Instrumentation, dynamics and control of the HPO
activated sludge process, In Online Analyzers Based Control of Wastewater
Treatment Plants, 71st WEFtec Conference, Orlando, FL, October 4,
146. Khan, E., King, S., Babcock, R.W. Jr. and Stenstrom, M.K., A batch
method for the rapid determination of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon
(BDOC) in reclaimed and treated wastewaters, 71st WEFtec Conference,
Orlando, FL, October 6, 1998, (read by E. Khan).
147. Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Zermeno, M.,
Patel, D., Garnas, G. and Stenstrom, M.K., Assessment
of aeration basin performance efficiency, 71st WEFtec Conference,
Orlando, FL, October 6, 1998, (read by R. Iranpour).
148. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Application of a membrane bioreactor for
treating high explosive process wastewater, 71st WEFtec Conference,
Orlando, FL, October 6, 1998 (read by K.D. Zoh).
149. Stenstrom, M.K., A geographic information system for non-point source
runoff into the Santa Monica Bay, Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences, UCLA,
150. Stenstrom, M.K. and Lau, S-L., Catch basin inserts to reduce pollution
from stormwater, Comprehensive Stormwater and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
151. and Lau, S-L., Removal of stormwater pollutants with catch basin
inserts, 21st Hawaiian Water Environment Association Meeting,
152. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fenton oxidation of
high explosive RDX and HMX in aqueous solution, 217th ACS National
Meeting, March 25, 1999, Anaheim, CA (read by K.D. Zoh).
153. Stenstrom, M.K., Wong,
K., Ma, J-S. and Lee, H-H. The impact of land use on stormwater quality in a large urban watershed,
US EPA EMAP Meeting, April 8, 1999, San Francisco, CA.
154. Stenstrom, M.K. and Lau, S-L., Catch basin inserts to reduce pollution
from stormwater, presented at the 1st Annual Northern and Southern
California SETAC meeting, Concord, CA, April 26, 1999.
Stenstrom, M.K., Litter control using catch basin inserts, presented at
the CalTrans Litter Control Workshop,
(Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater modeling and its utility for predicting impacts on Santa Monica Bay, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept., U. of Washington, Seattle, WA, May 25, 1999.
157. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Advanced oxidation of the high
explosives RDX and HMX using Fenton's reagent, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany,
August 17, 1999.
158. Iranpour, R, Oh, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., An
OTE prototype to optimize maintenance and air consumption: full scale analyses
at the City of Los Angeles' wastewater treatment plants, 72nd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
October 11, 1999, (read by R. Iranpour).
159. Zoh, K-D and Stenstrom, M.K., Advanced oxidation of RDX
and HMX Wastes using Fenton reagents, 72nd
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 13, 1999, (read by K.D. Zoh).
160. (Invited) Stenstrom M.K., Options for addressing viruses and pathogens
in coastal waters, testimony before the California Assembly Committees on
Coastal Protection and Natural Resources, Santa Barbara, CA, November 18, 1999.
161. Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment of color and COD in wastewater, a series of
seminars at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
Thailand, January 10-14, 2000.
162. Stenstrom, M.K., Lau, S-L. and Khan, E., Catch basin inserts to reduce
pollution from stormwater, 4th IAWQ International Conference on Diffuse
Pollution, Bangkok, Thailand, January 17, 2000.
163. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater modeling and its utility for
predicting impacts to Santa Monica Bay California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA, February 16, 2000.
164. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Improved treatment through bioaugmentation,
Shiraz University, Tehran, I.R. Iran, February 28, 2000.
165. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., An integrated geographic information system
and watershed modeling, First Regional Conference on Water Balance,
166. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Report of the Southern California
Environment, Environmental Law Super Symposium 2000, Environmental Challenges
for the New Millennium, Environmental Law Section of the Los Angeles County Bar
Association, Los Angeles, CA, March 30, 2000.
167. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater technological solutions, Water
Quality Coordinating Committee, State of California State and Regional Water
Quality Control Boards Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 7, 2000.
168. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of potential catch basin
retrofits, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, SUSUMP Work Shop, Los
Angeles, CA, June 9, 2000.
169. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater impacts on Santa Monica Bay and
potential management practices, Los Angeles Basin Section of the California
Water Environment Association, Los Angeles, CA, June 15, 2000.
170. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Testing diffused aeration systems,
171. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Research and development in stormwater
management, the road ahead, SCWMF 2000 Annual Conference and Exhibits,
172. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment of hazardous wastes in the
activated sludge process,
173. Stenstrom, M.K., Wastewater treatment in Southern California, Taiwan
National Environmental Engineering Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, December 1,
174. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Wastewater treatment in Southern California,
Special seminar to the Taiwan EPA, Taipei, Taiwan, December 4, 2000.
175. Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater modeling, Special seminar to the Taiwan
EPA, Taipei, Taiwan, December 4, 2000.
176. Iranpour, R., Paracuelles, R., Zermo, M., Miller, L., Wilson, J., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Ahring, B.K., Successes and failures of thermophilic digestion around the
world, WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference,
177. Moghaddam, O., Oh, S., Iranpour, R, Ahring, B.K and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Economic analysis of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion,
WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, San Diego,
CA, February 22, 2001 (read by S. Oh).
178. Iranpour, R., Oh, S., Shao, Y.J., Kim, H., Moghaddam, O., Wilson, J.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Ahring, B.K. Successful startup ad stabilization of
thermophilic digestion at the Terminal Island Treatment Plant, WEF/AWWA/CWEA
Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, San Diego, CA, February
23, 2001 (read by R. Iranpour).
179. Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater best management practices, Southern
California Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 4, 2001.
180. Iranpour, R., Eldridge, M., Kim, H., Shao, Y.J., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Ahring, B.K., Conversion of mesophilic to thermophilic operations at Terminal
Island Treatment Plant, California Water Environment Association 73rd
Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA, April 17, 2001 (read by R. Iranpour).
181. Chen, H-T, Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling ozone mass
transfer, Pan American Group, International Ozone Association, Newport Beach,
CA, May 8m, 2001.
182. Stenstrom, M.K, Lau, S-L., Lee, H-H., Ma, J-S., Ha, H., Kim, L-H.,
Khan, S. and Kayhanian, M., First flush stormwater runoff from highways, ASCE
EWRI Conference,
183. Amah, G. and Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment of a low carbon nitrified
wastewater effluent in subsurface flow constructed wetlands, 2nd
Annual Ballona Wetlands Foundation Conference, Playa Del Rey,
184. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Membrane technologies for water treatment, 7th
International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality and Treatment Technology,
185. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment of hazardous waste in the
activated sludge process,
186. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment of hazardous waste in the
activated sludge process,
187. Stenstrom, M.K., Engineering challenges associated with minimizing the
impact of coastal runoff, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Association for
the Advancement of Science, Irvine, CA, June 17, 2001.
188. Stenstrom, M.K., Metals and PAHs adsorbed to street particles, 2nd
South Pacific Stormwater Conference,
Rosso, D., Iranpour, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fine pore aeration - fifteen years of off-gas transfer efficiency measurements, 74th WEFtec Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 15, 2001 (read by D. Rosso)
190. Yaghmaei, S., Vossoughi, M., Alemzadeh,
L., Safekordi, A., Iranpour, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., PAH-degrading microorganisms potentially
useful for bioremediation detected in contaminated soil at a tar refinery, 74th
WEFtec Conference,
191. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater pollution control - the challenge
of the next decade, RMIT-UCLA Water Environment Workshop, Melbourne, Australia,
March 19-20, 2002.
192. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Environmental engineering - challenges of
the 21st century, California Water Environment Federation Meeting,
Sacramento, CA, April 5, 2002.
193. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Biological treatment of high explosives,
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department,
194. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater pollution control - the challenge
of the next decade, Orange County Coastal Coalition, Newport Beach, April 25,
195. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Biological treatment of high explosives,
Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department,
196. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., First flush from highways, California State
University, Sacramento, June 12, 2002.
197. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., first flush from highways,
198. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater management: the environmental
challenge of the next decade, National
199. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Biological treatment of high explosives,
200. Ma, J-S., Khan, S., Li, Y-X., Kim, L-H., Ha,
H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Implication of oil and grease
measurement in stormwater management systems, 9th International
Conference on Urban Drainage,
201. Lau, S-L., Ma, J-S., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., First flush of
organics in highway runoff, 9th International Conference on Urban
202. Ma, J-S., Khan, S., Li, Y-X., Kim, L-H., Ha, S., Lau,
S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., First flush phenomena for highways:
how it can be meaningfully defined, 9th International Conference on
Urban Drainage, Portland Oregon. October 8-13, 2002.
Stenstrom, M.K., Best
management practices to reduce pollution from stormwater in highly urbanized
areas 75th WEFtec Conference,
204. Stenstrom, M.K., Storm water
modeling and its utility for predicting impacts on Santa Monica Bay, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department,
University of California, Berkeley, October 9, 2002.
205. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Oil and grease removal from stormwaters,
California Integrated Waste Management Board, Used oil recycling conference,
Pasadena, CA, December 6, 2002.
206. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Role of science: documenting sources of
stormwater pollution to develop more effective BMPs/Stormwater monitoring,
Environmental and Regulatory Issues and Conference Exposition,
207. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Trends in environmental engineering
education: are the universities meeting the needs of the engineering community,
CWEA Meeting,
208. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Structural and non-structural alternatives
for meeting the bacteria TMDL, Combined Stormwater Task Force Meeting, Loyola
Mary Mount University, Play Vista, California, May 29, 2003.
209. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Land use classification for stormwater
modeling using Bayesian Networks, IWA 7th Specialized Conference on
Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, Dublin, Ireland, Sept 17-22, 2003.
(read by
210. Kim, L-H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., A new modeling
approach for estimating first flush metals loading, IWA 7th
Specialized Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, Dublin,
Ireland, Sept 17-22, 2003. (read by L-H. Kim).
211. Melcer, H and Stenstrom, M.K., Engineering excellence returns low cost
solutions and hits jackpot, 76th WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA,
October 15, 2003. (read by H. Melcer).
212. Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Mass first flush of
organic contaminants in highway runoff, IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference,
213. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Towards a better partnership between
academia and the profession, Closing Session, 76th Annual CWEA
214. Stenstrom, M.K., Ma, J-S. and Kayhanian, M., Sampling issues: composite
versus grab, StormCon, Palm Desert, CA, July27, 2004
215. Kayhanian, M., Khan, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., A
new method to estimate oil and grease event mean concentration in roadway
runoff, July 28, StormCon, Palm
Desert, CA, July 28, 2004 (read by M. Kayhanian).
216. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Urban runoff - what it is and isn't, NWRI Urban Runoff Roundtable, Irvine CA., August 4,
217. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Spatial estimates of stormwater
pollutant loading using Bayesian Networks and geographic information systems, Session
56, 77th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 5, 2004.
218. Cakir, F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Greenhouse gas production: a comparison
between aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment technology, Session 18, 77th
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA Oct. 4, 2004.
219. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater: problems, approaches and
solutions, A special seminar to the City of
220. Kim, L-H., Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M., Gil, K-I., Stenstrom, M.K. and
Zoh, K-D., Characteristics of litter wastes in highway runoff, IWA Diffuse
Pollution Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 25, 2004 (Read by L-H. Kim).
221. Han, Y-H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Correlation
analysis among highway stormwater runoff pollutants and characteristics, IWA
Diffuse Pollution Conference,
222. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., A new classification system for urban
stormwater pollutant loading: a case study in the Santa Monica Bay area, IWA
Diffuse Pollution Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 26, 2004 (Read by
223. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Industrial general permit study conclusions,
National Monitoring Coalition, San Jose, CA, Dec. 7, 2004.
224. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Particle
size distribution in highway runoff: measurement, characteristics and
management implications, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept., UC Davis,
225. Stenstrom, M.K., Water Reclamation - A valuable new source of water - US
experiences, In the RMIT-UCLA Water Workshop, Water for a Sustainable Future -
the Role of Water Recycling, Melbourne, Australia, February 8, 2005.
226. Stenstrom, M.K., Industrial water reclamation, in the RMIT-UCLA Water Workshop, Water for a
Sustainable Future -the Role of Water Recycling, Melbourne, Australia, February
8, 2005.
227. Stenstrom, M.K., CIWMB catch basin insert study, Used Oil
Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste Training and Conference, California
Integrated Waste Management Board, San Diego, CA, April 28, 2005
228. Stenstrom, M.K., Application of particle size distribution in highway
runoff: optimization of settling tank design to remove particles, The 4th
South Pacific Conference on Stormwater and Aquatic Resource Protection,
Auckland, New Zealand, May 5, 2005.
229. Stenstrom, M.K., Land inputs and inputs from the watershed, Sixth
Annual Ballona Wetlands Foundation Conference,
230. Li, Y-X., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimization of
settling tank design to remove particles, metals and toxicity in highway runoff,
Presented at the Stormwater Management for Highways symposium of the
Transportation Research Board, Bonita Springs, Florida, July 12, 2005.
231. Rosso, D., Larsen, L.E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Economic analysis of
aeration system retrofits in biological nutrient removal activated sludge
processes, IWA Specialized Conference - Nutrient Management in Wastewater
Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams, Krakow, Poland, September 21, 2005.
(read by D. Rosso).
232. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K Aeration systems - 20 years of experience and
an application of the information to BNR activated sludge analysis, Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington, October 6, 2005.
233. (invited) Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Economic implications of
fine-pore diffuser aging, Session 30, 78th WEFtec Conference,
Washington, DC November 1, 2005 (read by D. Rosso).
234. Jansen, H, Stenstrom, M.K. and de Koning, J.
Development of indirect potable water reuse in impacted areas of the United
States, Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability, IWA, Jeju Island,
Korea, November 7, 2005,
235. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater management Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering,
236. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., The Management and Treatment Policies of
237. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Optimization of settling tank design to
remove particles, metals and toxicity in highway runoff, Department of
Environmental Engineering,
238. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., The management and treatment policies of
non-point sources in the
239. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., The high purity oxygen (HPO) activated
sludge process,
240. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater modeling work at UCLA, Modeling
Summit, sponsored by Tetra Tec and the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality
Control Board, Pasadena, CA, July 14, 2006.
242. Barco, J and Stenstrom, M.K., Calibration method for stormwater runoff
models, CASQA 2006 Conference,
243. Stenstrom, M.K., Rosso, D., Melcer, H.,
244. Stenstrom, M.K., Leu, S-Y and Jiang, P., Theory to practice: oxygen
transfer and the new ASCE standard, 79th WEFtec Conference, Session
62, Dallas, TX, October 25, 2006.
245. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Alpha factors in full-scale aeration
systems, 79th WEFtec Conference, Session 62, Dallas, TX, October 25,
2006 (read by D. Rosso).
246. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating urban stormwater runoff using GIS
and strategies to comply with the Los Angeles-Ballona
creek TMDLs for Zinc, TKN and TSS, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Kongju National University, Kongju, Korea, December 4, 2006.
247. Leu, S-Y, Rosso, D., Jiang, P., Larson, L.E.
and Stenstrom, M.K., Real-time transfer efficiency monitoring for wastewater
aeration systems, 4th IWA Efficient Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, May,
2007. (Read by S-Y. Leu)
248. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Recovering energy in
urban wastewater treatment on a global scale, IWA 4th Leading Edge
Conference, Singapore, June 7, 2007 (Read
by D. Rosso)
249. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Comparison of
pollutant loading estimation using different landuses and stormwater
characteristics in the Ballona Creek watershed, IWA 11th Diffuse Pollution
Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007 (Read by M-H Park)
250. Park, M-H., Pincetl, S. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Implementation of policy for stormwater clean-up: lessons learned from
Proposition O in Los Angeles, CA, IWA 11th Diffuse Pollution Conference, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007 (Read by M-H Park)
251. Kang, J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of street
sweeping effectiveness as a stormwater management practice using statistical
power analysis, IWA 11th Diffuse Pollution Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil,
August 26-31, 2007 (Read by M-H Park)
252. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Energy recovery in
urban wastewater treatment on a global scale, 80th WEFtec
Conference, Session 18,
253. Cakir, F.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Anaerobic treatment
of low strength wastewater, 80th WEFtec Conference, Session 66,
254. Rosso, D., Libra, J., Wiehe,
W., Leu, S-Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Time-variations of transfer efficiency and
head loss for fine-pore membrane diffuses in aeration systems, 80th
WEFtec Conference, Session 101, San Diego, CA, October 17, 2007. (read by S-Y. Leu)
255. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Structural control
solutions: options, information gaps and challenges, a greener shade of blue, 8th
256. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Using predictive models to
support TMDL implementation and compliance, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory,
University of Minnesota, November 14, 2007.
257. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., The future of stormwater
monitoring, Presentation to NRC Panel on Stormwater Assessment, Beckman Center,
Irvine, CA, December 16, 2007.
258. Stenstrom, M.K., Using predictive models to support
TMDL implementation and compliance, CWEA 35th Annual P2S Conference,
259. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Impacts of stormwater on
Santa Monica Bay,
260. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration systems - past,
present and future and what to expect from aeration system upgrades, Central
States 13th Annual Education Seminar, Madison, WI, April 1, 2008.
261. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Dissolved oxygen control -
what to expect and how to avoid pitfalls, Central States 13th Annual
Education Seminar, Madison, WI, April 1, 2008.
262. Lippi, S, Rosso, D., Stenstrom, M.K., Temperature
modeling and prediction for activated sludge systems, IWA Specialty Conference
on Wastewater Treatment Plant Modeling, Quebec City, Canada, June 3, 2008 (read
by S. Lippi)
263. Stenstrom, M.K. and Cakir, F., Greenhouse gas
production and mitigation potentials in wastewater treatment: a comparison
between aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment technology, WEF-AAEE
Sponsored Seminar on Sustainability, Washington, DC, June 22, 2008.
264. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Carbon and energy
footprints of activated sludge processes, presented at the 1st
Annual WEF Sustainability Conference, Washington, DC, June 23, 2008 (read by D.
265. Curren, J., Bush, S. Ha, S., Stenstrom, M.K., Lau,
S-L. and Suffet, I.H., Identification of sub-watershed sources for organic
pollutants in the Ballona Creek Watershed, presented at the 12th IWA DIPCON, Khon Kaen, Thailand, August 25, 2008.
266. Park, M-H., Pincetl, S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Water quality improvements by implementation of proposition o
in the Los Angeles River Watershed, CA, presented at the 12th IWA DIPCON, Khon Kaen.,
Thailand, August 27, 2008.
267. Chan, L., Li, Y-X. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Authentic and reliable suspended solids measurement processes
for stormwater, presented at the 12th
Kaen, Thailand, August 27, 2008 (read by L. Chan).
268. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.
and Park, M-H., Using satellite imagery for stormwater pollution management,
presented at KMITL University, Bangkok, Thailand, August 28, 2008.
269. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Aeration systems - ways of conserving energy and improving sustainability,
presented at the Florida Water Environment Association meeting, Orlando, FL,
September 4, 2008.
270. Park, M-H., Pincetl, S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluating the effectiveness of Prop. O in the City of
271. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Greenhouse gas emissions in unit operations for wastewater treatment,
WEFtec Workshop - Wastewater Treatment in Tomorrow's Climate-Change Driven
World, Chicago, IL, October 18, 2008.
272. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Carbon-footprint effects on biological process layout and landfill
distance, presented at the 81st
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 20, 2008 (read by D. Rosso).
273. Park, M-H., S. Pincetl and
Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of best management practices for urban stormwater
management, Presented at the 81st
WEFtec Conference,
274. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K. and Park, M-H., strategies
for the management of NPS in urban areas of the USA, 2009 International
Symposium on Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Technologies, Seoul, Korea, February
25, 2009.
275. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Energy conservation at
wastewater treatment plants - carbon and energy footprints of activated sludge
processes, National Yulin University, Yulin, Taiwan, June 9, 2009.
276. Leu, S-Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of
bioaugmentation approaches to improve nitrification in activated sludge
processes, 2nd IWA specialized Conference Nutrient Management in
Wastewater Treatment Processes, Krakow, Poland, September 9, 2009.
277. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Towards a low carbon
society - development and practices in the united states, 2009 International
Conference on Low-Carbon Society, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept 24, 2009.
278. Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration, In Aeration 101 -
Fundamentals workshop, 82nd WEFtec Conference, Orlando, FL, October
10, 2009.
279. Leu, S-Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of
bioaugmentation to improve wastewater treatment, 82nd WEFtec
Conference, Orlando, FL, October 10, 2009.
280. Steets, B., Stenstrom, M.K. and Pitt, R., BMP
achievability relative to water quality standards - are there non-compliance
risks for NPDES permittees after BMP implementation, 6th Annual
CASQA Conference, San Diego, CA, November 4, 2009.
281. Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment processes for developing
countries, First International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration
and Management, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, March 3, 2010.
282. Leu, S-Y, Chan, L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Toward long
SRT of activated sludge processes: benefits in energy saving, effluent quality
and stability, 83rd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 6,
283. Singhirunnusorn, W., Stenstrom, M.K. and Sahachaisaeree, N., Multi-criteria decision analysis for
wastewater technology selection in developing countries: scenarios for decentralized
systems in Thailand, 83rd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
October 6, 2010, (read by W. Singhirunnusorn).
284. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Monitoring and GIS
modeling of metals in urban runoff, Danish Technical University, Copenhagen,
Denmark, March 30, 2011.
285. (invited) Stenstrom,
M.K., Beyond nitrification - the benefits of higher SRT operation, 2011 CWEA
Annual Conference, Engineering and Research Committee/AAEE Breakfast, April 15,
286. Steets, B., Jones, J.,
Pitt, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater treatment planning for an industrial
permit with numeric limits CASQA Conference, Monterey CA, September 28, 2011.
287. (invited) Stenstrom,
M.K., AEESP scientists lunch. wastewater reclamation and reuse: past successes,
future challenges and how to meet the needs of the next decades, 84th
WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA October 17, 2011.
288. Singhirunnusorn, W, Sahachaisaeree,
N. and Stenstrom, M.K., Socio-economic criteria for wastewater treatment system
selection: a case of municipality contextual determinants in Thailand, 84th WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA,
October 17, 2011. (read by W. Singhirunnusorn)
289. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Economic and feasibility analysis of process selection and resource
allocation in decentralized wastewater treatment for developing regions, 84th WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA,
October 17, 2011. (read by K.S. Naik)
290. Vermande, S., Liu, R., Ekster, A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration improvements to
save energy, 84th WEFtec Conference, Los Angeles, CA, October 18,
2011 (read by S. Vermande).
291. Ferreira, M., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Metals
concentrations on particles in highway runoff, 84th WEFtec
Conference, Los Angeles, CA, October 18, 2011 (read by M. Ferreira).
292. Stenstrom, M.K., The future of water in southern
California - direct potable reclamation, UCLA IoES-Luskin
Center Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, January 27, 2012.
293. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K. and Park, M-H., Urban BMPs -
an example from southern California, IWA Conference Workshop, Busan, Korea,
September 19, 2012
294. Stenstrom, M.K., diffuser cleaning technologies and
energy conservation, WEF Workshop 102 Sustainable
Aeration Practices, 85th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September
29, 2012.
295. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Net zero, BNR and greenhouse
emissions and sustainable and efficient aeration system, Ovivo Customer
Appreciation Seminar and Banquet, New Orleans, LA, September 30, 2012.
296. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Status report and future, water environment research, AEESP Session at the 85th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA,
October 1, 2012.
297. Yu, Z. L.T., Rahardianto,
A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Cohen, Y., Onsite residential graywater reuse and recycling in the USA: regulatory
incentives and impediments, 85th
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 1, 2012.
298. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Cost and energy
incentives for decentralized treatment -reclamation and footprint, 85th
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 2, 2012 (read by K.S. Naik).
299. Ferreira, M., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Analysis
of performance of a detention basin for treatment of highway runoff, 85th
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 2, 2012 (read by M. Ferreira).
300. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Minimizing energy consumption in
decentralized wastewater collection and treatment systems, WEF Energy and Water
2013 Conference, Nashville, TN, May 7, 2013.
301. Jeung, M.K., Larson, L.E.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Rosso, D., Dynamic energy footprint monitoring of wastewater
aeration systems via full-scale deployment of real-time off-gas analyzers,
Session 6, WEF Energy and Water 2013 Conference, Nashville, TN, May 8, 2013
302. Ferreira, M. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Partitioning of mercury into
several size fractions in highway runoff, IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference,
Beijing, PR China, August 19, 2013.
303. Shabani, F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fate of radionuclides in
wastewater treatment plants, presented at the 5th 5th
IWA ASPIRE Conference, Daejeon, Korea, September 9, 2013.
304. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimizing
decentralized wastewater management systems - reclamation and public health
wastewater collection and treatment systems, presented at the 5th
IWA ASPIRE Conference, Daejeon, Korea, September 10, 2013.
305. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Prioritizing BMPs within a complex watershed to
minimize cost, risk and permit exceedances, Workshop 4, Scientific and
Technological Approaches on Non-Point Sources in Asia, presented at the 5th
IWA ASPIRE Conference, Daejeon, Korea, September 10, 2013.
306. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Dynamic one-dimensional modeling of secondary settling tanks and system
robustness evaluation, presented at the 5th
IWA ASPIRE Conference, Daejeon, Korea, September 11, 2013.
307. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K. and Naik, K.S., Optimizing
decentralized wastewater management systems - reclamation and public health
wastewater collection and treatment systems, Seminar Presented in the Graduate
School of Public Health, Seoul National University, September 11, 2013.
308. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K. and Ferreira,
M., Importance of particle size
distribution in predicting BMP performance, Seminar Presented in the Dept. of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dongguk
University, Seoul, Korea, September 11, 2013.
309. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
The high purity oxygen activated sludge process and application to MBRs Hyundai
Research and Development Center, Motor Group, Seoul, Korea, Sept 12, 2012.
310. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Aeration technologies and control strategies using specific oxygen uptake rate,
Marathon Refinery Wastewater Management Meeting, Garyville,
LA, Sept 17, 2013
311. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Why fine pore aeration, Ovivo Marketing Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Sept 19, 2013.
312. (invited) Naik, K.S. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Decentralized treatment to encourage water reclamation, AIChE
and AWWA Municipal Water Reuse Joint Workshop, Long Beach, CA, September 23,
313. Stenstrom, M.K., Willman,
L., Migsich, N. and Leland, T., My diffuser goes up
to eleven (actually twelve), 86th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October
7, 2013
314. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Research advances and challenges in one-dimensional
mathematical modeling of secondary settling tanks - a critical review, 86th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 8, 2013.
315. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Optimizing decentralized wastewater
management systems for local needs and minimum investment, 86th
WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL, October 8, 2013.
316. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Integrating recycled water moderator and speaker, US-Australian Dialogue on the
Coming Water Crisis: Solutions and Strategies, Los Angeles, CA, January 13,
317. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Water everlasting? the battle to secure Haiti's most essential resource, Blum
Center on Poverty and Health in Latin America, Los Angeles, CA. March 13, 2014,
318. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Beyond nitrification - benefits of higher solids retention time operation,
California Water Environment Association, Los Angeles Basin Section, Marina Del
Rey, CA, March 20, 2014.
319. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
UC California Drought Summit: How wastewater reclamation can help, Sacramento,
CA, April 25, 2014.
320. (invited) Wagner, M and
Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration and mixing, 100-year anniversary of activated sludge,
Essen, Germany, June 12-14, 2014.
321. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimized
decentralized wastewater systems for better energy-efficiency, sanitation and
reclamation, IWA World Water Conference and Exhibition, 2014, Lisbon Portugal, September
22, 2014.
322. Yu, Z.T.L., DeShazo, J.R.,
Stenstrom M.K. and Cohen, Y., Cost-benefit analysis of onsite residential
graywater recycling - a case study: the City of Los
Angeles, IWA World Water Conference and
Exhibition, 2014, Lisbon Portugal, September 22, 2014.
323. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., From nuisance to profit,
Ovivo Seminar, 87th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September
28, 2014.
324. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Metals
in stormwater runoff - performance of a detention basin, California Precast
Concrete Association Fall Meeting, Temecula, CA, November 5, 2014.
325. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Low impact stormwater management for areas with Mediterranean climates,
World Water Forum Meeting, Daegu, Korea, April 14, 2015.
326. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., The state of the art in high efficiency
aeration systems in wastewater treatment, City College of New York City, New
York, April 16, 2015.
327. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Sustainable H2O supplies: options
for better stormwater management, Engineering Sustainability Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, April 21, 2015.
328. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration technology, Renmin
University, Beijing, China. June 15, 2015.
329. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Comparison of global sensitivity methods for the activated sludge model
no.3: a case study of west county wastewater reclamation plant, 6th
IWA ASPIRE Conference, Beijing, China, September 21, 2015.
330. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K. and Naik, K.S.,
Optimized decentralized wastewater systems for better energy efficiency,
sanitation and reclamation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, September 23,
331. Stenstrom, M.K., High purity oxygen processes
and their assessment, 88th WEFtec Conference Workshop, Aeration,
Mixing and Energy Workshop, Chicago, IL, Sept 26, 2015.
332. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., A comprehensive
comparison of one-dimensional continuous settling models based on sensitivity
and uncertainty analysis, 88th WEFtec Conference, Chicago, IL,
September 28, 2015.
333. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Optimizing
wastewater treatment plants to remove trace organics as well as improving
energy efficiency and the Salton Sea - a human and ecological tragedy, Dept. of
Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering National Yunlin University of
Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan, March 30 and 31st, 2016.
334. Wong, E.Y. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Onsite defluoridation system for drinking
water treatment using calcium carbonate, 13th IWA Small Water and Wastewater
Systems Conference, Athens, Greece, August 15, 2016. (read by E.Y. Wong).
335. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Wastewater reclamation in India: from
policy to execution, 13th IWA Small Water and Wastewater Systems Conference,
Athens, Greece, August 15, 2016.
336. Li, Z. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Impact of SRT and carbon sources on particle size distribution and reactor
performance in integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) reactor, 89th
WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 26, 2016 (Read by Z. Li).
337. Mandizadeh, M., Levine, A. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Opportunities for low value heat recovery at wastewater treatment plants,
89th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 26, 2016 (Read by
M. Mandizadeh).
338. Russell, J., Monahan, M.,
Pierce, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Refinery ETP air supply, 89th WEFtec
Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 26, 2016. (Read by J. Russell).
339. Miot, A., Levitin, Y. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Novel control method to achieve higher oxygen utilization in high purity
oxygen activated sludge plants, 89th WEFtec Conference, New Orleans,
LA, September 27, 2016 (Read by A. Miot).
340. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Stormwater research and management with emphasis on low impact development and
modeling, Invited seminars at the School of the Environment, Beijing Normal
University, Beijing, China, November 20-22, 2016.
341. (Invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Aeration Systems - 35 years of experience and aeration systems - Bremerton WA,
testing of 11 year-old diffusers, Special seminar sponsored by Ovivo and the
Georgia State Association of Water Professionals, Atlanta, GA August 1, 2017.
342. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Sanitary sewer overflows, some experiences from Los Angeles, Dept. of
Environmental Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, August 3,
343. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Scientific solutions, 24th International Conference on the
Unification of Science, Seoul, Korea, February 23, 2018.
344. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Seminars on water quality management: new aeration, clarifier modeling,
enhanced removals, stormwater management, Beijing GaoBeiDinh
Group, Beijing, China, August 19-24, 2018.
345. Liang, X., Park, M-H. and
Stenstrom, M.K., Socio-economic factors of high trash generation in the City of
Los Angeles, 3rd Regional IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference, Chiang
Mai, Thailand, November 21, 2018
346. Stenstrom, M.K.,
Environmental health and the quality of human life, 25th International
Conference on the Unity of Sciences, Seoul, Korea, February 12-14, 2019.
347. Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration,
membranes and nutrients, Los Angeles Basin Section of the California Water
Environment Association, Los Angeles, CA, April 24, 2019.
348. Stenstrom, M.K., The high
purity oxygen activated sludge process, a seminar to the Great Lakes Water
Authority, Detroit, MI, August 20, 2019.
349. Stenstrom, M.K., Steets, B.,
Potential industrial general permit implications from the National Academy of
Sciences MSGP Report, California Stormwater Quality Association general
meeting, Monterey, CA, October 9, 2019.
350. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Salton Sea-an environmental and human disaster, Sungkyunkwan
University, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, October 21, 2019
351. Stenstrom, M.K. and Li, R.
Antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria: a review and some recent results, IWA
Micropol & Ecohazards
Conference, Seoul Korea, October 22, 2019.
352. Stenstrom, M.K., Treating
Wastewaters-New priorities - Not just BOD removal and minimizing cost but removing
micronutrients & micropollutants, Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea, October 25, 2019
353. (invited keynote) Stenstrom,
M.K., Continued importance of diffuse pollution and design and implementation
of low impact strategies in the USA, 19th IWA International
Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Jeju Island, Korea, October
27-31, 2019.
354. (invited keynote) Stenstrom,
M.K., Water management solutions in water scarce cities and areas, K-Water
Symposium-Future Proof Cities for Sustainable Development, International
Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting, of the Korean Society of
Environmental Engineers, Busan, Korea, December 12, 2019
355. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.,
Controlling the hazardous of air pollution, 26th International Conference on
the Unity of Sciences, Seoul, Korea, February 3-5, 2020.
356. Stenstrom, M.K., The high
purity oxygen activated sludge process and the benefits of long SRT, Special
Seminar to Carollo Inc., Los Angeles, CA February 14, 2020.
357. Stenstrom, M.K., Rosso, D,
Marx, J. WEFtec Solutions session on aeration equipment, 93rd WEFtec, New
Orleans, LA, October 5, 2020.
358. Li, R. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Recent study of the fate of antibiotic resistance genes in four wastewater
treatment plants, 93rd WEFtec Conference, New Orleans, LA October 6,
2020. (read by R. Li)
359. Stenstrom, M.K, Rosso, D.,
Marx, R., Fox, IT, New ASCE oxygen transfer standards, 93rd Annual
WEFtec conference, New Orleans, LA October 9, 2020.
360. Stenstrom, M.K., The Fate of
antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater treatment plants, Environmental
Health Sciences Seminar, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, October 8, 2020.
361. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K., Recent study of the fate of antibiotic resistance genes
in four wastewater treatment plants, 27th
International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, Seoul, Korea, April 24-25,
362. (invited) Stenstrom, M.K.
Water Seoul 2021: Cities for Climate Resistance, and Best Practices and
Knowledge Sharing - Some Los Angeles Experiences, USA ,
Water Seoul 2021 'Cities for Climate Resistance,' Seoul, Korea, October 8-9,
Seoul, Korea.
363. Stenstrom, M.K. and Rosso,
D., Aeration systems, WEFtec solutions session on aeration equipment, 94th
WEFtec, October 19, 2021, Chicago, IL.
364. Stenstrom, M.K., High points
of the advisors' report, presentation to the City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works,
February 11, 2022.
365. Stenstrom, M.K. Report of
the Ad Hoc advisory committee advisors of the July 11, 2021 flooding at the
Hyperion water reclamation plant and recommendations for future improvements to
the City of El Segundo, city council meeting, March 1, 2022.