1. Andrews, J.F., Stenstrom, M.K. and Buhr, H.O., Control
systems for the reduction of effluent variability from the activated sludge
process, Progress in Water Technology,
8(1), pp 41-68, 1976. (Display)
2. Grieves, C.G., Stenstrom, M.K., Walk J.D. and Grutsch
J.F., Powdered carbon improves activated sludge treatment, Hydrocarbon Proc., 56,
pp 125-130, 1977 (Display)
3. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Real-time control
of the activated sludge process, J. Env.
Engr., ASCE, 105(2), pp 245-260,
1979. (Display)
4. Chan, R.T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Low maintenance
wastewater treatment, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 105(6), pp 1172-1176, 1979. (Display)
5. Stenstrom, M.K. and Andrews, J.F., Cost interactions
in an activated sludge system, J. Env.
Engr., ASCE, 106(4), 787-796, 1980. (Display)
6. Stenstrom, M.K. and Poduska, R.A., The effect of
oxygen concentration on nitrification, Wat.
Research, 14(6), pp 643-649,
1980. (Display)
7. Brown, L.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Proposed modification
of the
8. Stenstrom, M.K., Brown, L.C. and Hwang, H.J., Oxygen
transfer parameter estimation, J. Env.
Engr., ASCE, 107(2), pp 379-397, 1981. (Display)
9. Stenstrom, M.K. and Gilbert, R.G., Effects of alpha,
beta and theta factors in design, specification and operations of aeration
systems, Wat. Research, 15(6), pp 643-654, 1981. (Display)
10. Ng, A., Wong, D., Stenstrom, M.K. and Mah, R.A., Bioconversion
of municipal solid wastes, Fuel Gas
Developments, Chapter 4, pp 73-106, ed. Wise, D.L., CRC Press, September
1981. (Display)
11. Stenstrom, M.K., Davis, J.R., Lopez, J. and McCutchan,
J.W., Municipal wastewater reclamation by reverse osmosis: a three-year case
study, J. WPCF, 54(1), pp 43-51, 1982. (Display)
12. Kobayashi, H.A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Mah, R.A., Use of
photosynthetic bacteria for hydrogen sulfide removal from anaerobic waste
treatment effluent, Wat. Research, 17(5), pp 579-587, 1983. (Display)
13. Kobayashi, H.A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Mah, R.A., Treatment
of low strength domestic wastewater using the anaerobic filter, Wat. Research, 17(8), pp 903-909, 1983. . (Display)
14. Stenstrom, M.K. and Gilbert, R.G., Effects of alpha,
beta, theta factors and surfactants upon specification, design and operation of
aeration systems, EPA 600/2-83-102, pp 104-139, 1983.
15. Stenstrom, M.K., Ng, A., Bhunia, P.K. and Abramson,
S.D., Anaerobic digestion of urban solid wastes, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 109(5), pp 1148-1158, 1983. (Display)
16. Stenstrom, M.K., Improvement of reverse osmosis for
municipal wastewater reclamation through pretreatment, Journal of the Water Supply Improvement Association, 10(2), pp 1-18, 1983. (Display)
17. Stenstrom, M.K., Vazirinejad, H.O. and Ng, A., Economic
evaluation of upgrading aeration systems, J.
WPCF, 56(1), pp 20-26, 1984. (Display)
18. Stenstrom, M.K., Silverman, G.S. and Bursztynsky, T.A.,
Oil and grease in urban stormwaters, J.
Env. Engr., ASCE, 110(1), pp 58-72, 1984. (Display)
19. Hwang, H.J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of
fine-bubble alpha factors in near-full scale equipment, J. WPCF, 57(12), pp
1142-1151, 1985. (Display)
20. Stenstrom, M.K., Fam, S. and Silverman, G.S., Analytical
methods for quantitative and qualitative determination of hydrocarbons and oil
and grease in wastewater, Env. Tech.
Letters, 7(12), pp 625-636,
1986. (Display)
21. Silverman, G.S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Fam, S., Best
management practices for controlling oil and grease in urban stormwater runoff,
J. Environmental Professional, 8, pp 351-362, 1986. (Display)
22. Stenstrom, M.K., Fam, S. and Silverman, G.S., Analysis
of oil and grease components to assess the quality of urban runoff, Oil in Freshwater, Pergamon Press, pp
138-148, 1987. (Display)
23. Ng, A.S, Stenstrom, M.K. and Marrs, D., Nitrification
enhancement in the powered activated carbon-activated process for the treatment
of refinery wastewaters, J. WPCF, 59(4), pp 199-211, 1987. (Display)
24. Ng, A.S and Stenstrom, M.K., Role of adsorption for
nitrification enhancement in the powdered activated carbon-activated sludge
process, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 113(6), pp 1285-1301, 1987. (Display)
25. Fam, S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Silverman, G., Hydrocarbons
in urban runoff, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 113(5), pp 1032-1046, 1987. (Display)
26. Fam, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Precursors of
non-volatile chlorination byproducts, J.
WPCF, 59(11), pp 969-978, 1987.
27. Fam, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., The reaction of
dechlorinating agents with some non-volatile halogenated organics, Env. Tech. Letters, 9(8), pp 833-846, 1988. (Display)
28. Silverman, G.S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Fam, S., Land use
consideration in reducing oil and grease in urban stormwater runoff, J. Env. Systems, 18(1), pp 31-47, 1988/89. (Display)
29. Stenstrom, M.K., Kido W.H., Shanks, R.F. and Mulkerin, M., Estimating oxygen transfer capacity of a full
scale pure oxygen activated sludge plant,
J. WPCF, 61(2), pp 208-220,
1989. (Display)
30. Philichi, T.L. and Stenstrom, M.K., The effect of
dissolved oxygen probe lag upon oxygen transfer parameter estimation, J.
WPCF, 61(1), pp 83-86, 1989.
31. Bauman, L.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Observations of the
reaction between organohalides and sulfite, Env.
Sci. and Tech., 23(2), pp
232-236, 1989.
32. Stenstrom, M.K., Cardinal, L. and J. Libra, J., Treatment
of hazardous substances in wastewater treatment plants, Env. Progress, 8(2), pp
107-112, 1989. (Display)
33. Boyle, W.C., Stenstrom, M.K., Campbell, H.O. and
Brenner, R.C., Oxygen transfer in clean and process water for draft tube
turbine aerators in total barrier oxidation ditches, J. WPCF, 61(8), pp
1449-1463, 1989. (Display)
34. Talati, S.N. and Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration basin heat
loss, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 116(1), pp 70-86, 1990. (Display)
35. Bauman, L.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Removal of organohalogens and organohalogen
precursors in reclaimed wastewater --I, Wat.
Research, 24(8), pp 949-955,
36. Bauman, L.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Removal of organohalogens and organohalogen
precursors in reclaimed wastewater -II, Wat.
Research, 24(8), pp 957-964,
37. Stenstrom, M.K., Upgrading existing activated sludge
treatment plants with fine pore aeration systems, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 22(7/8),
pp 245-251, 1990. (Display)
38. Masutani, G.K. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic surface
tension effects on oxygen transfer, J.
Env. Engr. ASCE, 117(1), pp
126-142, 1991.
39. Stenstrom, M.K. and Song, S., Effects of mass
transport limitation on nitrification in the activated sludge process, Research
J. WPCF, 63(3), pp 208-219,
40. Cardinal, L.J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Enhanced biodegradation
polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the activated sludge process, Research J. WPCF, 63(7),
pp 950-957, 1991. (Display)
41. Cheng, R., Glater, J., Neethling, J.B. and Stenstrom,
M.K., The effects of small halocarbons on RO membranes performance, Desalination, 85(1), pp 33-44, 1991.
42. Babcock, R.W., Ro., K.S., Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Development of an off-line enricher reactor process for activated sludge
degradation of hazardous-wastes, Wat.
Env. Research, 64(6), pp
782-791, 1992. (Display)
43. Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Use of inducer
compounds in the enricher-reactor process for degradation of 1-Naphthylamine, Wat. Env. Research, 65(1), pp 26-33, 1993.
44. Hsieh, C.C., Ro., K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating
emissions of twenty VOCs: surface aeration,
J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 119(6), pp 1077-1098, 1993. (Display)
45. Hsieh, C.C., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Estimating
emissions of twenty VOCs: diffused aeration,
J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 119(6), pp 1099-1118, 1993. (Display)
46. Babcock, R.W., Chen, W., Ro, K.S., Mah, R. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Enrichment and kinetics of biodegradation of 1-Naphthylamine in activated
sludge, Appl. Micro. and Biotec., 39(2),
pp 264-269, 1993. (Display)
47. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Discussion of Alternatives
to methanol-water elution of solid-phase extraction columns for the
fractionation of high Log Kow organic
compounds in aqueous environmental samples, J.
Chrom., 646(2),
pp 439-441, 1993. (Display)
48. Yuan, W.B.W., Okrent. D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Model calibration
for the high-purity oxygen activated sludge process - algorithm development and
evaluation, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 28(11-12), pp 163-171, 1993. (Display)
49. Ozgur, N.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Development of a
knowledge-based expert system for process control of nitrification in the
activated sludge process, J. Env. Engr.,
ASCE, 120(1), pp 87-107, 1994. (Display)
50. Heilmann, H.M., Stenstrom, M.K., Hesselmann, R.P.X.
and Wiesmann, U., Kinetics of the homogeneous alkaline hydrolysis of high
explosive 1,3,5,8-Tetraaza-1,3,5,7 Tetranitrocyclooctane
(HMX), Wat. Sci. and Tech., 30(3), pp 53-61, 1994.
51. Greene, G.E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Ozone disinfection
of urban storm drain water, Ozone Sci.
and Engr., 16(5), pp 403-428,
52. Sedory, P.E. and Stenstrom, M.K., A dynamic model for the
prediction of aeration basin temperature, J.
Env. Engr., ASCE, 121(9), pp 609-618, 1995.
53. Yin, M.T., Andrews, J.F. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimum simulation
and control of fixed speed pumping stations, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 122(3), pp 205-211, 1996.
54. Heilmann, H.M., Wiesmann, U. and Stenstrom, M.K., Kinetics
of the aqueous homogenous alkaline hydrolysis of high explosives HMX and RDX, Env. Sci. and Tech., 30(5), pp 1485-1492, 1996.
55. Yin, M.T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fuzzy logic process
control of the HPO-AS process, J. Env.
Engr., ASCE, 122(6), pp 484-492, 1996.
56. Bay, S.M., Greenstein, D.J., Lau, S-L. , Stenstrom,
M.K. and C.G. Kelley, C.G., Toxicity of dry weather flow from the Santa Monica
bay watershed, Bulletin of Southern
California Academy of Sciences, 95,
pp 33-45, 1996. (Display)
57. Madireddi, K., Babcock, R.W., Levine, B., Huo, T.L., Khan, E., Ye, Q.F., Neethling, J.B., Suffet,
I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Pilot-scale wastewater reclamation at Lake Arrowhead
California: An Overview, Wat. Env.
Research, 69(3), pp 350-362,
1997. (Display)
58. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Solid phase extraction
for oil and grease analysis, Wat. Env.
Research, 69(3), pp 368-374,
1997. (Display)
59. Ro, K.S., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Development
of a biological process to treat water contaminated with trace-level toxic
compounds, Wat. Research, 31(7), pp 1687-1693, 1997.
60. Wong, K.M., Strecker, E.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., A geographic
information system to estimate stormwater pollutant mass loadings, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 123(8), pp
737-745, 1997.
61. Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Biological denitrification
of high explosives processing wastewaters, Wat.
Sci. and Tech., 36(12), pp
47-54, 1997.
62. Khan, E., Babcock, R.W., Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Method development for measuring biodegradable organic carbon in
reclaimed and treated wastewaters, Wat.
Env. Research, 70(5), pp
1025-1032, 1998. (Display)
63. Khan, E., Babcock, R.W., Viriyavejakul,
S., Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC)
for indicating wastewater reclamation plant performance and treated wastewater
quality, Wat. Env. Research, 70(5), pp 1033-1040, 1998. (Display)
64. Yin, M.T., Yuan, W. and Stenstrom, M.K., A fuzzy-supported
estimator for
the HPO-AS process, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 125(2), pp 137-145, 1999.
65. Fisher, T.S., Hayward, D.G., Stephens, R.D. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Polychlorinated di-benzo-dioxins and di-benzo-furans in Los Angeles Urban
Runoff, J. Env. Engr, ASCE, 125(2), pp 185-191, 1999. (Display)
66. Zoh, K-D., Daniels, J.I., Knezovich, J.P. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Treatment of hydrolysates of the high explosives Hexahydro-1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-Triazine
and Octahydro-1,3,5-Tetranitro-1,3,5,7-Tetrazocine using biological
denitrification, , Wat. Env. Research,
71(2), pp 148-155, 1999.
67. Madireddi, K., Babcock, R.W., Levine, B., Kim, J-H.
and Stenstrom, M.K., An unsteady-state model to predict concentration
polarization in commercial spiral wound membranes, J. Membrane Science, 157(1),
pp 13-34, 1999.
68. Khan, E., King, S., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Factors influencing biodegradable dissolved organic carbon measurement, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 125(6), pp 514-521, 1999.
69. Iranpour, R., Stenstrom, M.K., Tchobanoglous, G., Miller,
D., Wright, J. and Vossoughi, M. Environmental
engineering: energy value of replacing waste disposal with resource recovery, Science,
285(5428), pp 706-710, 1999. (Display)
70. Levine, B.B., Madireddi, K., Lazarova,
V., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H. Treatment of trace organic compounds by
membrane processes: at the Lake Arrowhead water reuse pilot plant, Wat. Sci.
and Tech., 40(4-5), pp 293-301, 1999.
71. Yates, R.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Gravimetric sampling
procedure for aqueous ozone concentrations, Wat. Research, 34(4), pp 1413-1416, 2000.
72. Iranpour, R., Stenstrom, M.K., Lee, J.J., Miller, D., Tajrishi, M., Abrishamchi, A., Schroeder,
E.D. and Tchobanoglous, G., Management analysis of wastewater capital improvements
programs in large cities, Wat. Research, 34(5), pp 1714-1726, 2000.
73. Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Zermeno,
M., Moghaddam, J. Wilson and Stenstrom, M.K., Assessment of aeration system
performance efficiency: frequent sampling for damage detection, Wat. Env.
Research, 72(3), pp 363-376,
74. Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Zermeno,
M., Varsh, V., Abrishamchi,
A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Assessment of aeration basin performance: sampling
methods and tank coverage, Wat. Research, 34(12), pp 3137-3152, 2000.
75. Levine, B.B., Madireddi, K., Lazarova,
V., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Treatment of trace organic compounds by
ozone-biological activated carbon for wastewater reuse: the Lake Arrowhead pilot
plant, Wat. Env. Research, 72(4),
pp 388-396, 2000.
76. Lau S-L., Khan, E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Catch basin
inserts to reduce pollution from stormwater, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 44(7), pp 23-34, 2001. (Display)
77. Iranpour, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Relationship between
oxygen transfer rate and airflow for fine-pore aeration under process
conditions, Wat. Env. Research, 73(3),
pp 266-275, 2001.
78. Babcock, R.W, King, S., Khan, E. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Use of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon to assess treatment process
performance in relation to solids retention time, Wat. Env. Research, 73(5), pp 517-525, 2001.
79. Zoh, K.D and Stenstrom, M.K., Application of a
membrane bioreactor for treating explosives process wastewater, Wat.
Research, 36(4), pp 1018-1024,
80. Zoh, K.D and Stenstrom, M.K., Fenton
oxidation of Hexahydro-1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-Triazine (RDX) and
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-Tetranitro-1,3,5,7-Tetrazocine (HMX), Wat. Research, 36(5), pp
1331-1341, 2002.
81. McPherson, T.N., Burian, S.J.,
Turin, H.J., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Comparison of the pollutant
loads in dry and wet weather runoff in a Southern California urban watershed, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 45(9), pp 255-261, 2002.
82. Buffleben, M.S., K. Zayeed, D., Kimbrough, Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Evaluation
of urban non-point source runoff of hazardous metals entering Santa Monica Bay,
California, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 45(9), pp 263-268, 2002.
83. Iranpour, R., Shao, Y.J., Ahring,
B.K. and Stenstrom, M.K., Case study of aeration performance under changing
process conditions, J. Env. Engr.,
ASCE, 128(6), pp 562-569, 2002.
84. Kim, L-H., Choi, E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Sediment
characteristics, phosphorus types and phosphorus release rates between river
and lake sediments, Chemosphere, 50(1),
pp 53-61, 2002.
85. Iranpour, R., Oh, S., Cox, H.H., Shao, Y.J., Moghaddam,
O., Kearney, R.J., Deshusses, M.A., Stenstrom, M.K.
and Ahring, B.K., Changing Mesophilic Wastewater sludge digestion into
thermophilic operation at Terminal Island treatment plant, Wat. Env.
Research, 74(5), pp 494-507, 2002.
86. Tzeng, C.J, Iranpour, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling
and control of oxygen transfer in the HPO activated sludge process, J. Env.
Engr., ASCE, 129(5), pp 402-411,
2003. (Display)
87. Cakir, F.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., A dynamic model for
anaerobic filter, Journal of Environmental Science and Health (Part A), 38(10), pp 2069-2076, 2003.
88. Ha, H. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Identification of land use with water quality data in stormwater using a neural
network, Wat. Research, 37(17), pp 4222-4230, 2003.
89. Kim, L-H., Choi, E., Gil, K.I. and Stenstrom, M.K., Phosphorus release rates from sediments and pollutant characteristics in Han River, Seoul, Korea, Sci.
Total. Env., 321(1-3), pp
115-125, 2004.
90. Kim, L-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Event mean
concentrations of litter from highways during storms, Sci. Tot. Env. 330(1-3), pp 101-113, 2004.
91. Lee, H. Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Seasonal first flush phenomenon of urban stormwater discharges, Wat.
Research, 38(19), pp 4153-4163,
92. Kim, L-H., Kayhanian, M., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom,
M.K., A new modeling approach for estimating first flush metal mass loading, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 51(3-4), pp 159-167, 2005.
93. Abellera, L.V. and Stenstrom, M.K., Application of
remotely sensed environmental data for control and automation, Environmental Instrumentation and Automation,
9(4), pp 1-8, 2005.
94. Lee, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Utility of Stormwater
Monitoring, Wat. Env. Research, 77(3),
pp 219-228, 2005.
95. Rosso, D., Iranpour, R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fifteen
years of off-gas transfer efficiency measurements on fine pore aerators: key
role of sludge age and normalized air flux, Wat. Env. Research, 77(3), pp 266-273, 2005.
96. McPherson, T.N., Burian, S.J., Stenstrom, M.K., Turin,
H.J, Brown, M.J. and Suffet, I.H., Trace metal pollutant load in urban runoff
from a Southern California watershed, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 131(7), pp 1073-1080, 2005.
97. Li, Y-X., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Particle size distribution in highway runoff, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 131(9), pp 1267-1276, 2005.
98. McPherson, T.N., Burian, S.J., Stenstrom, M.K., Turin,
H.J, Brown, M.J. and Suffet, I.H., Dry and wet weather flow nutrient loads from
a Los Angeles watershed, J. AWRA, 41(4), pp 959-969, 2005.
99. Kim, L.H., Kayhanian, M., Zoh, K-D. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Modeling of highway runoff, Sci.
Tot. Env., 348(1-3), pp 1-18, 2005.
100. Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Mass loading of first flush
pollutants with treatment strategy simulations, Trans. Research Record: J. Transportation Research Board, No. 1904,
pp 133-143, 2005.
101. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Comparative economic analysis of the
impacts of mean cell retention time and denitrification on aeration systems, Wat. Research, 39(16), 3773-3780, 2005.
102. Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Metals and PAHs adsorbed to street
particles, Wat. Research, 39(17), pp 4083-4092, 2005.
103. Cakir, F.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Greenhouse Gas Production: a
Comparison between Aerobic and Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Technology, Wat. Research, 39(17), pp 4197-4203, 2005.
104. Amah, G., Suffet, I.H., Orton, R., Gamble, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment
of low-carbon nitrified wastewater effluent in subsurface flow constructed
wetlands, Land Contamination &
Reclamation, 13, pp 223-237,
105. Park,
M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., A new classification system for
urban stormwater pollutant loading: a case study in the Santa Monica bay area, Journal of Water and Environmental
Technology (Japan), 3, pp
191-197, 2005.
106. Choi, J.K., Son, H-S., Kim, T.S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Zoh, K-D., Degradation
kinetics and mechanism of RDX and HMX in TiO2 photocatalysis, Environmental Technology, 27(2), pp 219-232, 2006.
107. Kim, T-S, Kim, J-K, Choi, K., Stenstrom, M.K. and Zoh, K-D., Degradation
mechanisms and the toxicity assessment in tio2 photocatalysis and
photolysis of Parathion, Chemosphere,
62(6), pp 926-933, 2006.
108. Kim, L-H., Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M., Gil, K-I, Stenstrom, M.K. and Zoh,
K-D., Characteristics of litter waste in highway storm runoff, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 53(2), pp 225-234, 2006. (Display)
109. Han, Y-H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Correlation
analysis among highway stormwater pollutants and characteristics, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 53(2), pp 235-243, 2006.
110. Khan, S., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Oil and grease
measurement in highway runoff-sampling time and event mean concentrations, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 132(3), pp
415-422, 2006.
111. Park,
M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Spatial estimates of stormwater pollutant loadings
using Bayesian Networks and geographic information systems, Wat. Env. Research, 78(4), pp 421-429, 2006.
112. Rosso,
D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Surfactant effects on alpha factors in aeration systems,
Wat. Research, 40(7), pp 1397-1404, 2006.
113. Rosso,
D., Ho, D.L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Effects of interfacial surfactant
contamination on bubble gas transfer, Chem.
Engr. Sci., 61(16), pp
5500-5514, 2006.
114. Li, Y-X.,
Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic characteristics of
particle size distribution in highway runoff: implications for settling tank
design, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 132(8), pp 852-861, 2006.
115. Kim,
L-H., Jeong, S.M., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Estimating pollutant mass accumulation on highways during dry periods, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 132(9),
pp 985-993, 2006. (Display)
116. Rosso,
D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Economic implications of fine-pore diffuser fouling, Wat. Env. Research, 78(8), pp 810-815, 2006 (Display)
117. Rosso,
D., Larson, L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Surfactant effects on alpha factors in
full-scale wastewater aeration systems, Wat.
Sci. and Tech., 54(10), pp
143-153, 2006.
118. Li, Y-X,
Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., First flush and natural
aggregation of particles in highway runoff, Wat.
Sci. and Tech., 54(11-12), pp
21-27, 2006.
119. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Using satellite imagery for stormwater
pollution management with Bayesian Networks, Wat. Research, 40(18), pp
3429-3438, 2006.
120. Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Implications of a
kinematic wave model for first flush treatment design, Wat. Research, 40(20), pp 3820-3830, 2006.
121. Han,
Y-H., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Characteristics of highway
stormwater runoff, Wat. Env. Research,
54(12), pp 2377-2388, 2006.
122. Park,
M-H., Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Utility of LANDSAT-derived land use
data for estimating storm-water pollutant loads in an urbanizing area, J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 133(2), pp 203-210, 2007.
123. Jansen,
H.P., Stenstrom, M.K. and de Koning, J., Development of indirect potable reuse
in impacted areas of the United States, Wat.
Sci. and Tech., 55(1-2), pp 357-366,
124. Soliman,
M.A., Pedersen, J.A., Park, H., Castaneda-Jimenez, A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet,
I.H., Human pharmaceuticals, antioxidants and plasticizers in wastewater
treatment plant and water reclamation plant effluent, Wat. Env. Research, 79(2),
pp 156-167, 2007.
125. Kang, J-H., Li, Y., Lau, S-L., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Particle destabilization in highway runoff to optimize pollutant removal,
J. Env. Engr., ASCE, 133(4), pp 426-434, 2007.
126. Lee, H, Swamikannu, X., Radulescu, D., Kim, S-J.
and Stenstrom, M.K., Design of storm water monitoring programs, Wat. Research, 41(18), pp 4186-4196, 2007.
127. Rosso,
D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Energy-saving benefits of denitrification, Env. Engr.: Appl. Research & Practice,
3, pp 29-38, summer, 2007.
128. Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Classifying environmentally significant urban land
uses with satellite imagery, J. Env.
Management, 86(1), pp 181-192, 2008.
129. Kayhanian,
M, Stransky, C., Bay, S., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Toxicity of urban highway runoff with respect to storm duration, Sci. Tot. Env., 389(2-3), pp 386-406, 2008.
130. Kang,
J-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Predicting the existence of stormwater
first flush from the time of concentration, Wat.
Research, 42(1-2), pp 220-228,
131. Kaliman,
A., Rosso, D., Leu, S-Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fine-pore aeration diffusers: accelerated
membrane ageing studies, Wat. Research, 42(1-2), pp 467-475, 2008.
132. Jung,
Y.J., Stenstrom, M.K., Jung, D.I., Kim, L-H. and Min, K.S. National pilot projects
for management of diffuse pollution in Korea, Desalination, 226(1-3),
pp 97-105, 2008.
133. Rosso,
D. and Stenstrom, M.K., The carbon-sequestration potential of municipal
wastewater treatment, Chemosphere, 70(8), pp 1468-1475, 2008.
134. Barco,
J., Papiri, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., First flush in a
combined sewer systems, Chemosphere, 71(5), pp 827-833, 2008.
135. Barco,
J., Wong, K. M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Automatic calibration of the US EPA SWMM model
for a large urban catchment, J. of
Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 134(4),
pp 466-473, 2008.
136. Rosso,
D., Libra, J.A., Wiehe, W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Membrane
properties change in fine-pore aeration diffusers: full-scale variations of
transfer efficiency and head loss, Wat.
Research, 42(10-11), pp
2640-2648, 2008.
137. Rosso,
D., Larson, L.E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration of large-scale municipal wastewater
treatment plants: state of the art, Wat.
Sci. and Tech., 57(7), pp
973-978, 2008.
138. Kang,
J-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of street sweeping effectiveness as a
stormwater management practice using statistical power analysis, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 57(9), pp 1309-1315, 2008.
139. Park,
M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Comparison of pollutant loading estimation using
different land use and stormwater characteristics in Ballona Creek Watershed, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 57(9), pp 1349-1354, 2008.
140. Stenstrom,
M.K., Rosso, D., Melcer, H., Appleton, R., Occiano, V.,
Langworthy, A. and Wong, P., Oxygen transfer in a
full-depth biological aerated filter, Wat.
Env. Research, 80(7) 663-671,
141. Ha,
S.J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Predictive modeling of storm-water runoff quantity
and quality for a large urban watershed, J.
Env. Engr., ASCE, 134(9), pp 703-711, 2008.
142. Chan,
L., Li, Y-X. and Stenstrom, M.K., Protocol evaluation of the total suspended
solids and suspended sediment concentration methods: solid recovery efficiency
and application for stormwater analysis, Wat.
Env. Research, 80(9), pp
796-805, 2008.
143. Li,
Y-X., Kang, J-H., Lau, S-L., M Kayhanian and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimization of
settling tank design to remove particles and metals, J. of Env. Engr. ASCE, 134(11),
pp 885-894, 2008
144. Park,
M-H., Pincetl, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Water quality
improvement by implementation of Proposition O in the Los Angeles river watershed, California Wat. Sci. and Tech., 58(12), pp 2271-2278, 2008
145. Lippi,
S, Rosso, D., Lubello, C., Canziani,
R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Temperature modeling and prediction for activated
sludge systems, Wat. Sci. and Tech., 59(1), pp 125-131, 2009.
146. Jiang,
P., Chen, H.T., Babcock, R.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling ozone mass transfer
in reclaimed wastewater, Wat. Env.
Research, 81(1), pp 57-68, 2009.
147. Ma,
J-S., Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Sampling issues in urban
runoff monitoring programs: composite versus grab, J. of Env. Engr. ASCE, 135(3),
pp 118-127, 2009.
148. Park,
M-H, Stenstrom, M.K. and Pincetl, S., Water quality improvement policies
lessons learned from the implementation of Proposition O in Los Angeles, CA, Environmental Management, 43(3), pp 514-522, 2009.
149. Lau,
S-L., Han, Y-H., Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Characteristics
of highway stormwater runoff in
150. Singhirunnusorn,
W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Appropriate wastewater treatment systems for
development countries: criteria and indicator assessment in Thailand, Wat. Sci. & Tech. 59(9), pp 1873-1883, 2009. (Display)
151. Park,
M-H., Swamikannu, X. and Stenstrom, M.K., Accuracy and precision of the volume-concentration method for urban
stormwater modeling, Wat. Research, 43(11),
pp 2773-2786, 2009.
152. Kang,
J-H., Debats, S.R. and Stenstrom, M.K., Stormwater management using street
sweeping, J. of Env. Engr. ASCE, 135(7), pp 479-489, 2009.
153. Leu,
S-Y, Babcock, R.W. Jr., Tzeng, C.J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Modeling the
performance of hazardous wastes removal in bioaugmented activated sludge
processes, Wat. Env. Research, 81(11), pp 2309-2319, 2009.
154. Leu,
S-Y, Rosso, D., Larson, L.E. and Stenstrom, M.K., Real-time monitoring aeration
efficiency in the activated sludge process and methods to reduce energy
consumption, Wat. Env. Research, 81(12), pp 2471-2481, 2009. (Display)
155. Leu, S-Y and Stenstrom, M.K., Bioaugmentation to improve nitrification
in wastewater treatment, Wat.
Env. Research, 82(6), pp 524-535, 2010.
156. Leu, S-Y, Libra, J.A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Monitoring off-gas O2/CO2
to predict nitrification performance
in activated sludge processes. Wat.
Research, 44(11) pp 3434-3444, 2010.
157. Singhirunnusorn,
W. and Stenstrom, M.K., A critical analysis of economic factors for diverse wastewater
treatment processes: case studies in Thailand, Sustain. Environ. Res., 20(4),
pp 263-268, 2010.
158. Jiang, P.,
Tzeng, C-J, Hsieh, C.C. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Modeling VOC emissions in the high purity oxygen (HPO) activated
sludge process, J. of Env. Engr. ASCE 136(11)
pp 1189-1196, 2010. (Display)
159. Park, M-H., Ridgeway, I.K., Swamikannu, X. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation of stormwater BMPs
for implementing industrial stormwater
permitting strategy. Wat. Sci.
& Tech, 62(11), pp 2558-2563, 2010.
160. Curren, J., Bush, S., Ha, S., Stenstrom, M.K., Lau, S-L. and
Suffet, I.H., Identification of sub-watershed sources for chlorinated
pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Ballona Creek watershed, Sci. Total Env., 409(13), pp 2525-2533, 2011.
161. Vasquez, V.R., Curren, J., Lau, S-L., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H.,
A field studies and modeling approach to support organochlorine pesticide and PCB
total maximum daily load calculations: case study for Echo Park Lake, Los
Angeles, CA, Sci. Total Env., 409(19), pp 4010-4015, 2011.
162. Chan, L.C, Leu, S-Y., Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., The relationship between mixed-liquor
particle size and solids retention time in the activated sludge process, Wat. Env. Research, 83(12), pp
2178-2186, 2011.
163. Leu, S-Y., Chan, L.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Toward long SRT of activated sludge processes: benefits in energy saving,
effluent quality and stability, Wat. Env. Research, 84(1), pp
42-53, 2012. (Display)
164. Gil, K., Rho, H., Kim, D. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Comparison of bio-p module and the modified bio-p module in the step-feed
biological nutrient removal process, Env.
Earth Sci., 65(3) pp 929-936, 2012.
165. Jiang, P. and Stenstrom, M.K., Oxygen transfer
parameter estimation: impact of methodology, J. of Env. Engr. ASCE, 138(2) pp 137-142, 2012.
166. Rosso,
D., Jiang, L-M., Hayden, D.M, Pitt, P., Hocking, C.S., Murphy, S. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Towards more accurate design and specification of aeration systems using
on-site column testing, Wat. Sci. &
Tech, 66(3), pp 627-634, 2012.
167. Naik, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evidence of the
influence of wastewater treatment on improved public health, Wat. Sci. & Tech, 66(3),
pp 644-652, 2012.
168. Rosso, D., Jiang, L-M., Pitt, P., Hocking, C.S., Stenstrom, M.K., Murthy,
S., Hayden, D.M., Zhong, J., Coller, D.H., Kim, A-Y.
and Xu, H., Methodology for in situ column testing to improve accuracy during
design and specification of
aeration systems, J. of Env. Engr, ASCE,
139(4), 530-537, 2013.
169. Yu, Z.L.T., Rahardianto,
A., DeShazo, J.R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Cohen, Y., Critical review: regulatory
incentives and impediments for onsite graywater reuse in the United States, Wat. Env. Research, 85(7)
650-662, 2013.
170. Ferreira, M., Lau, S-L. and Stenstrom, M.K., Size fractionation of
metals present in highway runoff: beyond the six commonly reported species, Wat.
Env. Research, 85(9) 793-805, 2013
171. Ferreira, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Importance of particle
characterization in stormwater runoff, Wat. Env. Research, 85(9)
839-848, 2013
172. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., One-dimensional modeling of secondary
clarifier tanks and design impacts of sizing, Wat. Research, 50, 160-170,
173. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dynamic
one-dimensional modeling of secondary
settling tanks and system robustness evaluation, Wat. Sci. & Tech, 69(11),
2339-2349, 2014.
174. Li, B.
and Stenstrom, M.K., Research advances and challenges in one-dimensional
modeling of secondary settling tanks - a critical review, Wat. Research, 65,
40-63, 2014.
175. Yu,
Z.T.L., DeShazo, J.R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Cohen, Y., Cost-benefit analysis of
gray water recycling - a case study: the city of Los Angeles, J. AWWA, 107(9), 2015.
176. Yu, Z.T.L., Bill, B.R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Cohen, Y., Feasibility of a
semi-batch vertical-flow wetland for onsite residential graywater treatment, Ecological Engineering, 82, 311-322, 2015.
177. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Construction of analytical solutions and
numerical methods comparison of the ideal continuous settling model, Comp. & Chem. Engr., 80, 211-222, 2015.
178. Lee, E.S.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Zhu, Y., Ultrafine particle infiltration into passenger
vehicles part I: experimental evidence, Transportation
Research Record Part D-Transport and Environment, 38,156-165,
179. Lee,
E.S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Zhu, Y., Ultrafine particle infiltration into
passenger vehicles part II: model analysis, Transportation
Research Record Part D-Transport and Environment, 38,144-155, 2015.
180. Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., A sensitivity and model reduction analysis
of one-dimensional secondary settling tank models under wet-weather flow and
sludge bulking conditions, Chem.
Engr. J., 288,
813-823, 2016.
181. Li, B.
and Stenstrom, M.K., Practical
identifiability and uncertainty analysis of the one-dimensional
hindered-compression continuous settling model, Wat. Research, 90,
235-246, 2016.
182. Naik,
K.S., Stenstrom, M.K., A feasibility analysis methodology for decentralized
wastewater systems - energy-efficiency and cost, Wat. Env.
Research, 88(2), 201-209, 2016.
183. Abdullah, K., Malloy, T., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Toxicity of
acidization fluids used in California oil exploration, Tox. Env. Chem, 99(1),
78-94, 2016.
184. Shi, K., Qiu, Y., Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Effectiveness and Potential of Straw- and Wood-Based Biochars
for adsorption of imidazolium-type ionic fluids, Ecotox. and Env. Safety, 130,
155-162, 2016
185. Yu, Z.T.L., Rahardianto, A., Stenstrom, M.K.
and Cohen, Y., Performance and economic evaluation of a modular vertical-flow
wetland for onsite residential bathroom graywater treatment, J. AWWA, 108(7), E392-E404, 2016.
186. Chinen,
K.K., Lau, S-L., Nonezyan, M., McElroy, E., Wolfe,
B., Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Predicting run-off induced mass loads in
urban watersheds: linking land use and Pyrethroid contamination, Wat. Research, 102, 607-618, 2016.
187. Yu, Y., Li, Y-X., Li, B., Shen, Z. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Metal enrichment and lead isotope analysis for source apportionment in the
urban dust and rural surface soil, Environmental
Pollution, 216, 764-772, 2016.
188. Cheng, H, Chen, G., Qu, Y., Li, B. and Stenstrom, M.K., Factors that
Influence degradation of 1-ehyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate by
Fenton Oxidation, Royal Society of
Chemistry Advances, 6,
59889-59895, 2016.
189. Tseng, L.Y., Robinson, A.K., Zhang, X., Xu, X., Southon,
J., Hamilton, A.J., Sobhani, R., Stenstrom, M.K. and Rosso,
D., Identification of Preferential Paths of Fossil Carbon within Water Resource
Recovery Facilities via Radiocarbon Analysis, Environ. Sci. Technol., 50 (22) 12166 - 12178, 2016.
190. Yu, Y, Li, Y-X., Li, B., Shen, Z. and Stenstrom, M.K., Profiles of lead
in urban dust and the effect of the distance to multi-industry in an old heavy
industrial city in China, Ecotox and Envir. Safety, 137,
281-287, 2017.
191. Garrido-Baserba, M., Sobhani,
R., Asvapathangul, R., McCarthy, G.W., Olson, B.H., Odize, V., Al-Omari, A., Murthy, S., Nifong, A., Godwin, J.,
Bott, C.B., Stenstrom, M.K., Shaw, A.R. and Rosso, D., Modelling the link
amongst fine-pore diffuser fouling, oxygen transfer efficiency and aeration
energy intensity, Wat. Research, 111,
127-139, 2017.
192. Abdullah, K., Stenstrom M.K., Suffet, I.H., Swamikannu, X. and Malloy, T.,
Regulating oil and gas facility stormwater discharge: an assessment of surface
impoundments, spills and permit compliance, Envir. Sci & Policy, 76, 139-145, 2017.
193. Li, Z., Stenstrom, M.K. and Li, X. Removal of 17b-estradiol in a biological active carbon reactor with acetic acid and humic acid, Water.
Env. Research, 89 (9), 871-879, 2017.
194. Li, Z. and Stenstrom, M.K., Impacts of SRT on particle size distribution
and reactor performance in activated sludge processes, Wat Env. Research, 90(1), 48-56, 2018
195. Wong, E.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Onsite defluoridation system for drinking
water treatment using calcium carbonate J.
of Envr. Management, 216, 270-274, 2018
196. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluation
of three turbulence models in predicting the steady state hydrodynamics of a
secondary sedimentation tank, Wat.
Research, 143, 445-456, 2018.
197. Li, R., Jay, J. A. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fate of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic resistant bacteria in
wastewater treatment plants, Wat. Env. Res., 91(1), 5-20, 2019
198. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Turbulence and inter-phase mass diffusion
assumptions on performance of secondary settling tanks, Wat. Env. Res., 91(2),101-110, 2019
199. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Generalizing the effects of the baffling
structures on the buoyancy-induced turbulence in secondary settling tanks with
eleven different geometries, Chem. Engr.
Res and Design, 143, 215-225,
200. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Evaluating the effects of inlet geometry
on the limiting flux of secondary settling tanks with CFD model and 1D flux
theory model, J. of Env. Engr, ASCE, 145(10)
04019065, 1-9, 2019.
201. Liang, X., Park, M-H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Socio-economic factors of
high trash generation in the City of Los Angeles, Wat. Sci. & Tech, 80(3), 408-417, 2019.
202. Shabani, F., Roshanak, A., Minamide, T., Venezia, T. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Soil aquifer treatment to meet reclaimed water requirements, Wat. Env. Res.,
Early Access, September, 2019.
203. Gao, H. Stenstrom, M.K., The influence of wind in secondary settling tanks
for wastewater treatment - a computational fluid dynamics study. Part I:
circular secondary settling tanks, Wat.
Env. Res., Early Access, September, 2019.
204. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., The influence of wind in secondary
settling tanks for wastewater treatment - a computational fluid dynamics study.
Part II: rectangular secondary settling tanks, Wat. Env. Res., Early Access, September, 2019.
205. Toumari, A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Suffet, I.H., Impact of aluminum and
iron (III) on removal of fluoride ion (F-) by calcite, Env. Engr. Sci., 36(110),
1388-1395, 2019.
206. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., Development and application in CFD
modeling for secondary settling tanks over the last three decades: a review, Wat. Env. Res., September 2020.
207. Lee, D.H., Kim, J-H., Park, M-H., Stenstrom, M.K. and Kang, J-H., Automatic
calibration and improvements on an instream chlorophyll a simulation in the HSPF model, Ecological
Modeling, 415, 108835, 2020.
208. Gao, H. and Stenstrom, M.K., The influence of model parameters and
inlet turbulence boundary specification methods in secondary settling tanks-A
computational fluid dynamics study, J.
of Env. Engr, ASCE,146(5),
04020028, 2020.
209. Ghavanlougha, M., Valenca, R., Le, H., Rahman, M., Borthakur,
A., Ravi, S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Mohanty, S.K., Compaction conditions affect the
capacity of biochar-amended sand filters to treat road runoff, Sci. Total Env., 735, 139180, 2020.
210. Garrido-Baserba, M., Rosso,
D., Odize, V., Rahman, A., Van Winckel,
A., Novak, J.T., Al-Omari, A., Murthy, S, Stenstrom, M.K. and De Clippereir, H., Increasing oxygen transfer efficiency
through sorption enhancing strategies, Wat.
Research, 183, 116086, 2020.
211. Le, H., Valenca, R.,
Ravi, S, Stenstrom, M.K. and Mohanty, S.K., Size-dependent biochar breaking
under compaction: implications on clogging and pathogen removal, Environmental Pollution, 266, 114195,
212. Ferreira, M., Park, M-H., Jay, J.J., Green, P.G.
and Stenstrom, M.K., Partitioning of mercury into several size fractions in
highway runoff, J. Env. Engr, ASCE, 147(2), 04020146, 2021.
213. Valenca, R., Borthakur, A., Zu, Y., Matthiesen,
E.A., Stenstrom, M.K. and Mohanty, S.K., Biochar selection for Escherichia Coli Removal in Stormwater
Biofilters, J. Env. Engr, ASCE, 147(2), 06020005, 2021.
214. Kang, J-H, Park, M-H, Ha, S-J and Stenstrom,
M.K., An empirical modeling approach to predicting pollutant loads and
developing cost effective stormwater treatment strategies for a large urban
watershed, Sci, Total Env., 760, 143388, 2021.
215. Kayhanian, M., Stenstrom, M.K., First flush
phenomenon and its application for Stormwater runoff management., J. Water and Wastewater, 31(6), 12-26, 2021.
216. Ghavanloughajar, M., Borthakur, A., Valenca, R.
McAdam, M., Khor, C.M., Dittrich, T.M., Stenstrom, M.K., Mohanty, S.K., Iron
amendments minimize the first-flush release of pathogens from stormwater
Biofilters, Env. Poll., 281, 116989.
217. Pitt, R., Otto, M., Questad,
A., Issac, S., Colyar, M.,
Steets, B., Gearheart, R., Jones, J., Josselyn, M.,
Stenstrom, M.K., Clark, S., Costa, P., Wokurka, J., Laboratory
media tests comparisons to long-term performance of biofilter, media filter and
treatment train stormwater controls, J.
Sus. the Built Envr., ASCE, 7(4), 04021015, 2021. 218.
218. Wong, E.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., The usage of
calcium phosphate systems for onsite defluoridation treatment, Journal of Environmental
Science and Health (Part A) Ahead-of-print, 1-78., 2021
219. Pitt, R., Otto, M., Questad,
A., Issac, S., Colyar, M.,
Steets, B., Gearheart, R., Jones, J., Josselyn, M.,
Stenstrom, M.K., Costa, P. and Wokurka, J.,
Performance changes during long-term monitoring of full-scale media filter
stormwater controls at an industrial site, J.
Sus. the Built Envr., ASCE, 8(1), 04021019, 2022.
220. Firouzian, M.,
Stenstrom, M.K. and Rosso, D., Effects of power tariffs and aeration dynamics
on the expansion of water resource recovery facilities, J. Cleaner
Production, 1, 5, 2022.
221. Borthakur, A., Chhour, K.L., Gayle, H.L., Prehm,
S.R., Stenstrom, M.K., and Mohanty, S.K. Natural aging of expanded shale, clay,
and slate (ESCS) amendment with heavy metals in stormwater increases its
antibacterial properties: implications for biofilter design, J. Haz. Mat., 429,