1. Stenstrom, M.K., CSMP III - A beginner's guide,
Publication of the Environmental Systems Engineering Department, Clemson
University, Clemson, SC., 1975.
2. Chan, R.T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Use of the rotating
biological contractor for appropriate technology wastewater treatment,
UCLA-ENG-79-24, April, 1979, pp 1-69.
3. Hwang, H.J. and Stenstrom, M.K., The effect of surface
active agents on oxygen transfer, UCLA-ENG-79-30, June, 1979, pp 1-57.
4. Arzt, I. and Stenstrom, M.K., An evaluation of cooling
water requirements for solar power plants in the south western United States,
UCLA-ENG-80-08, 1980, pp 1-89.
5. Arzt,
6. Davis, J.R., Stenstrom, M.K. and McCutchan,
J.W., Improvement of reverse osmosis through pretreatment, UCLA-ENG-80-66,
October 1980, pp 1-130.
7. Chan, R.T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Use of the rotating
biological contactor for appropriate technology wastewater treatment, U.C.
Appropriate Technology Program, Research Leaflet Series, April 1981, pp 1-8.
8. Stenstrom, M.K., Silverman, G.S. and Bursztynsky,
T.A., Oil and grease in stormwater runoff, A Final Report to Association of Bay
Area Governments, February 1982, pp 1-241.
9. Stenstrom, M.K., Vazirinejad, H.R. and Sadeghipour, J., Development of a tubular fabric filter
concept--phase i, UCLA-ENG-81-41, September 1981, pp
10. Stenstrom, M.K., Ng, A., Bhunia, P.K. and Abramson,
S.D., Anaerobic digestion of classified municipal solid waste, UCLA-ENG-81-42,
October 1981, pp 1-89.
11. Masutani, G.K. and Stenstrom, M.K., Mercury in the
aquatic environment, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA 90095, July, 1981, pp 1- 119.
12. Chung, A.P.Y. and Stenstrom, M.K., Anaerobic treatment
of low strength wastes, UCLA-ENG-82-27, February 1982, pp 1-89.
13. Silverman, G. and Stenstrom, M.K., The use of green
belts to control oil and grease in urban stormwaters runoff, Association of Bay
Area Governments Technical Memorandum No. 86, March 1982, pp 1-10.
14. Silverman, G. and Stenstrom, M.K., Dispersion and
outfall devices to mitigate effects of oil and grease in urban stormwaters,
Association of Bay Area Governments Technical Memorandum No. 83, March 1982, pp
15. Stenstrom, M.K., H.O. Vazirinejad and S.D. Abramson,
Development a tubular fabric filter--phase II, UCLA-ENG-83-1, January 1983, pp
16. Stenstrom, M.K., Improvement of reverse osmosis
through pretreatment - phase II, UCLA-ENG-83-22, May 1983, p. 1-76.
17. Stenstrom, M.K. and Ng, A., Powdered activated carbon
enhanced nitrification of petroleum refinery wastewater treatment,
UCLA-ENG-84-11, June 1984, pp 1-223.
18. Masutani, G. and Stenstrom, M.K., A review of surface
tension measuring techniques, surfactants and their implication for oxygen
transfer in wastewater treatment plants, An Unpublished Report to the ASCE
Oxygen Transfer Committee, March 28, 1983.
19. Stenstrom, M.K. and Tran, H.G., A theoretical and
experimental investigation of the dynamics of breakpoint chlorination in
dispersed flow reactors, UCLA-ENG-84-30, July 1984, pp 1-203.
20. Hsu, N.S., Williams, B.J, Yeh
W.-WG. and Stenstrom, M.K., Use of estimation techniques for flood forecasting,
California Water Resources Center, Contribution 192, ISSN 0575-4941, 1985, pp
21. Silverman, G.S., Stenstrom, M.K. and Fam, S.,
Evaluation of hydrocarbons in runoff to San Francisco Bay, Association of Bay
Area Governments, September 1985, pp 1-132.
22. Bhunia, P.K. and Stenstrom, M.K., Optimal design and
operation of wastewater treatment plants. June, 1986, pp 1-224.
23. Boyle, W.C., Campbell H.J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Review
and evaluation of the contractor's oxygen transfer test results for the total
barrier oxidation ditches at Opelika, Alabama, February 28, 1987, pp 1-47.
24. Stenstrom, M.K., SEASnet - A progress report for the
first two years - April 1987, a report submitted to the UCLA Academic Computing
Council, April 1987, pp 1-47.
25. Stenstrom, M.K., Fam, S. and Neethling, J.B.,
Non-volatile chlorinated organics produced during disinfection of reclaimed
wastewaters, UCLA-ENG 87-10, April 1987, pp 1-271.
26. Stenstrom, M.K. and Song, S., The effect of mass
transport limitation on nitrification in the activated sludge process, UCLA-ENG
87-28, 1987, pp 1-168.
27. Boyle, W.C., H.O. Campbell and Stenstrom, M.K., Review
and evaluation of the contractor's oxygen transfer test reports for the total
barrier oxidation ditches at
28. Bauman, L.C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Alternative
processes for removal of organohalogens and organohalogen precursors from reverse osmosis treated
secondary effluents, UCLA-ENG 89-49, 1989, pp 1-191.
29. Neethling, J.B., R.A. Mah and Stenstrom, M.K., Causes
and control of concrete pipe corrosion, A Final Report Submitted to the County
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, June 1989, pp 1-99.
30. Masutani, G. and Stenstrom, M.K., Fine pore diffuser
fouling: the Los Angeles studies, UCLA ENG 90-02, January 1990, pp 1-145.
31. Stenstrom, M.K., Westpoint treatment plant oxygen
process modeling, UCLA-ENG 90-17, March 1990, pp 1-90.
32. Ro, K.S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Aerobic biological
degradation of RDX - Progress report no. 1, UCLA-ENG 91-17, June 1991, pp 1-29.
33. Stenstrom, M.K. and Strecker, E., Assessment of storm
drain sources of contaminants to Santa Monica Bay, Vol. I, Annual Pollutants
Loadings to Santa Monica Bay from Stormwater Runoff, UCLA-ENG-93-62, May 1993,
Vol. I, pp 1-248.
34. Stenstrom, M.K and Strecker, E., Assessment of storm
drain sources of contaminants to Santa Monica Bay, Vol. II, Review of water
& wastewater sampling techniques with an emphasis on stormwater monitoring
requirements, UCLA-ENG-93-63, May 1993, Vol. II, pp 1-92.
35. Stenstrom, M.K and Strecker, E., Assessment of storm
drain sources of contaminants to Santa Monica Bay, Vol. III, Surface drainage
water quality monitoring program plan, UCLA-ENG-93-64, May 1993, Vol. III, pp
36. Stenstrom, M.K and Strecker, E., Assessment of storm
drain sources of contaminants to Santa Monica Bay, Vol. IV, Selection of best
management practices for control of storm water pollution to Santa Monica Bay,
UCLA-ENG-93-65, May 1993, Vol. IV, pp 1-41.
37. Lau, S-L., Bay, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Assessment of
storm drain sources of contaminants to Santa Monica Bay, Vol. V, Toxicity of
dry weather urban runoff, UCLA-ENG-94-100, May 1993, pp 1-E17.
38. Hesselmann, R.X.P. and Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment
concept for RDX-containing wastewaters using activated carbon with off-line
solvent-biological regeneration, UCLA-ENG 94-23, 1994, pp 1-9
39. Lee, C. and Stenstrom, M.K., Competitive adsorption of
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) and cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine (HMX), UCLA-ENG 96-152,
April, 1996, pp 1-153.
40. Maleki, N. and Stenstrom, M.K., Treatment and biodegradation
of the high explosives HMX, RDX and TNT: A Literature Review, UCLA-ENG 96-153,
September, 1996, pp 1-77.
41. Heilmann, H.M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Physico-chemical treatment of water contaminated with RDX
and HMX using activated carbon adsorption and alkaline hydrolysis, UCLA-ENG
96-160, September, 1996, pp 1-144.
42. Wilkie, J. and Stenstrom, M.K., Biological degradation of
RDX using an anoxic fixed film reactor, UCLA-ENG 96-161, September, 1996, pp
43. Suffet, I.H. and Stenstrom, M.K., A study of
pollutants from the Ballona Creek Watershed and Marina del Rey during wet
weather flow, Environmental Science and Engineering Program, School of Public
Health, UCLA, 1997, pp 1-138.
44. Woodward Clyde Consultants. Santa Monica Bay area
municipal stormwater/urban runoff pilot project-evaluation of potential catchbasin retrofits, San Diego, CA, September, 1998, pp
45. Lau, S-L., Bay, S. and Stenstrom, M.K., Assessment of
Storm Drain Sources of Contaminants to Santa Monica Bay, Vol. VI, Toxicity of
Wet Weather Urban Runoff, UCLA-ENG-99, March 1999, pp 1-E16.
46. Stenstrom, M.K. and Ha, H., Final Report Ab-538 Study,
A report to the California State Water Resources Control Board,
September 2001, pp 1-74.
47. Stenstrom, M.K. and Lee, H., Industrial storm water
monitoring program existing statewide permit utility and proposed
modifications, A final report to the California Regional State Water Resources
Control Board, University of California, Los Angeles, January, 2005, pp 1-78.
48. Geosyntec Consultants and Stenstrom, M.K., CIWMB catch
basin insert study final report, GeoSyntec
Consultants, Portland, Oregon, May, 2005, pp 1-186.
49. Devinny, J.S., Kamieniecki, S. and Stenstrom,
M.K., Alternative approaches to stormwater quality control, center for
sustainable cities, USC, August, 2005, pp 1-93.
50. Kayhanian, M., Young, T. and Stenstrom, M.K., Small
particles and associated constituents in highway runoff: methodology and
preliminary results, A Report to the California Department of Transportation,
July, 2005, CTSW -RT-05-73-23.2, pp 1 to 4-3.
51. Stenstrom, M.K. and Kayhanian, M., First flush
phenomenon characterization, A Report to the California Department of
Transportation, August, 2005, CTSW-RT-05 -73-02.6, pp 1-68.
52. Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K., Hydrographic
toxicity evaluation of highway runoff, A Report to the California Department of
Transportation, August, 2005, CTSW -RT-05-73-23.3, pp 1-106.
53. National Research Council, Interim design assessment
for the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant, ISBN 0-309-09445-3, a
group report with 14 other authors, The National Academies, Washington, DC
October, 2005.
54. National Research Council, Interim design assessment
for the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant, ISBN 0-309-09698-7,
a group report with 11 other authors, The National Academies, Washington, DC
October, 2005.
55. Kang, J-H., Kayhanian, M. and Stenstrom, M.K.,
Estimation of time of concentration for three first flush highway runoff characterization
sites, June, 2006.
56. Yunt, F.W. and Stenstrom, M.K., Aeration equipment
evaluation - phase ii process water test results, Report to the US EPA for
Contract No. 68-03-2906, Risk Reduction Laboratory,
57. Park, M-H., Stenstrom, M.K. and Pincetl, S., An
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Proposition O Projects for Water Quality
Improvement, September 2007.
58. Stenstrom, M.K., Energy-conservation in fine pore
installations in activated sludge processes, Report to Southern
59. Stenstrom, M.K., Suffet, I.H. and Vasquez, V., Field
studies for the development of total maximum daily loads for organochlorine
pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in three Los Angeles County lakes,
Final report to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los
Angeles, CA. March 15, 2009.
60. National Research Council, The Blue Grass Chemical
Agent Destruction Pilot Plant's recovery system, a group report with 8 other
authors, The National Academies, Washington, DC, March 7, 2012.
61. Rosso, D. and Stenstrom, M.K., Self-audit of
wastewater treatment processes to achieve energy optimization, Final Report to
the California Energy Commission, CEC 500-11-003, November, 2015.
62. Stenstrom, M.K., Committee on improving the
next-generation EPA multi-sector general permit for industrial stormwater
dischargers, NRC report, coauthored with 7 other authors, Prof. Allen Davis as
Chair. The National Academies Press, Washington DC, February 20, 2019.
63. Stenstrom, M.K. and 13 co-authors, Report of the ad
hoc advisory committee advisors on the July 11, 2021 Flooding at the Hyperion
water reclamation plant and recommendations for future improvements. City of
Los Angeles Board of Public Works, Los Angeles, CA February 11, 2022.