13th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Kyoto, 2001
Symposium Surfaces and
Surface and Bulk
Characterization of Thermally Induced Defects during
Silicon Single
Wafer Epitaxy
Feichtinger1, Mark S. Goorsky1, Frank Muemmler2, Dwain Oster2,
and Jim Moreland3
of Materials Science and Engineering
of California, Los Angeles
Angeles, CA 90095-1595
Siltronic Corp.
Northwest Front Avenue
OR 97283
Siltronic AG
Hess Strasse
We investigated
generation of thermally induced defects during silicon single wafer
epitaxy. The samples were 150 mm
diameter Czochralski silicon test wafers.
A variation of wafer thickness, epitaxial layer thickness, and doping level
was employed. Epitaxial layers were
deposited in a single wafer epitaxy reactor by vapor phase epitaxy at ~ 1100 °C using
trichlorosilane as a precursor gas.
Temperature gradients were introduced in the wafers during the
temperature ramp-up process. In the
employed materials combinations, the introduced lattice misfit is too small to
give rise to layer relaxation via misfit dislocations.
Laser light scatter
scans were recorded using a surface scanner.
The topography of the surface features was recorded using atomic force
microscopy. High-resolution x-ray
diffraction was used to quantify the crystalline quality in various sample
regions. Double crystal x-ray topography
in weak beam reflection mode and defect etching were employed for crystallographic
defect imaging.
Laser surface scanner
plots reveal light-point defect (LPD) patterns on the surface of wafers with
epitaxial layer thickness ~ 7 mm. The aerial distribution of the LPD pattern
changes between test wafers as the applied temperature gradient is
changed. Atomic force microscope scans
give insight into the shape of hillocks and trenches found on the otherwise
smooth epitaxial surface.
A broader Full Width
Half Maximum for Q/2Q triple axis
diffraction scans as well as for rocking curves is found in areas of high
surface LPD counts. Double crystal
x-ray topographs reveal a strong black and white contrast of dot-like and
tail-shaped features in regions where the surface defect exists. We contribute the contrast pattern found in
certain wafer areas to a network of dislocations threading in an angle to the
surface and thus causing the tail-shaped pattern. The etch features found from defect etching show that
dislocations as well as stacking faults exist in the defective areas.
All results suggest
that silicon substrate wafers are very sensitive to thermal slip during
temperature ramp-up and epitaxial layer deposition steps. Due to steep temperature gradients,
dislocations are shown to be generated in test wafers. They thread to the wafer surface in an
angle. The observed surface features
are generated due to a change in crystallographic order where the defects
exist. The precursor gas trichlorosilane preferentially etches these features
and thus works out a surface LPD pattern, which can easily be detected via
surface light scatter. We show that
double crystal x-ray topography is a suitable tool for reliable detection of
thermal slip.