I have been a faculty member in the MAE Department at UCLA since 1995. From 1977 to 1995 I was a member of the Chemical Engineering Department at UCLA. I received my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1977. My BS is in chemistry. My research interests lie in the chemistry and fluid mechanics of high temperature reacting flows, with applications in combustion and chemical vapor deposition. Current work includes both experiments and numerical simulation.
A list of publications is available to those with a PostScript viewer.
I usually teach undergraduate courses in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, heat transfer, fluid mechanincs and mathematics. Graduate speciality courses include molecular dynamics and combustion chemistry. I have begun the process of making course notes, exams and homework assignments available over the Web. For example, see ChE 109, Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering
I am a member of the Combustion Institute, and currently serve and treasurer and ad-hoc webmaster for the Western States Section. I frequently review for Combustion and Flame and Combustion Science and Technology, and occassionally review for Journals in physical chemistry and fluid mechanics. I frequently serve on EPA's Peer Review Panel for university research grants and SBIR awards.