from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, matrix, blas, amd, base, cholmod, misc, sparse, mul, solvers, sqrt from proxlib import proxqp_blockdiagonal, proxqp_general import time def solve(A,b,C,L,dims,proxqp = None,sigma=1.0,rho=1.0, **kwargs): """ Solves the SDP min. < c, x > s.t. A(x) = b x >= 0 and its dual max. -< b, y > s.t. s >= 0. c + A'(y) = s Input arguments. A is an N x M sparse matrix where N = sum_i ns[i]**2 and M = sum_j ms[j] and ns and ms are the SDP variable sizes and constraint block lengths respectively. The expression A(x) = b can be written as A.T*xtilde = b, where xtilde is a stacked vector of vectorized versions of xi. b is a stacked vector containing constraint vectors of size m_i x 1. C is a stacked vector containing vectorized 'd' matrices c_k of size n_k**2 x 1, representing symmetric matrices. L is an N X P sparse matrix, where L.T*X = 0 represents the consistency constraints. If an index k appears in different cliques i,j, and in converted form are indexed by it, jt, then L[it,l] = 1, L[jt,l] = -1 for some l. dims is a dictionary containing conic dimensions. dims['l'] contains number of linear variables under nonnegativity constrant dims['q'] contains a list of quadratic cone orders (not implemented!) dims['s'] contains a list of semidefinite cone matrix orders proxqp is either a function pointer to a prox implementation, or, if the problem has block-diagonal correlative sparsity, a pointer to the prox implementation of a single clique. The choices are: proxqp_general : solves prox for general sparsity pattern proxqp_clique : solves prox for a single dense clique with only semidefinite variables. proxqp_clique_SNL : solves prox for sensor network localization problem sigma is a nonnegative constant (step size) rho is a nonnegative constaint between 0 and 2 (overrelaxation parameter) In addition, the following paramters are optional: maxiter : maximum number of iterations (default 100) reltol : relative tolerance (default 0.01). If rp < reltol and rd < reltol and iteration < maxiter, solver breaks and returns current value. adaptive : boolean toggle on whether adaptive step size should be used. (default False) mu, tau, tauscale : parameters for adaptive step size (see paper) multiprocess : number of parallel processes (default 1). if multiprocess = 1, no parallelization is used. blockdiagonal : boolean toggle on whether problem has block diagonal correlative sparsity. Note that even if the problem does have block-diagonal correlative sparsity, if this parameter is set to False, then general mode is used. (default False) verbose : toggle printout (default True) log_cputime : toggle whether cputime should be logged. The output is returned in a dictionary with the following files: x : primal variable in stacked form (X = [x0, ..., x_{N-1}]) where xk is the vectorized form of the nk x nk submatrix variable. y, z : iterates in Spingarn's method cputime, walltime : total cputime and walltime, respectively, spent in main loop. If log_cputime is False, then cputime is returned as 0. primal, rprimal, rdual : evolution of primal optimal value, primal residual, and dual residual (resp.) sigma : evolution of step size sigma (changes if adaptive step size is used.) """ solvers.options['show_progress'] = False maxiter = kwargs.get('maxiter',100) reltol = kwargs.get('reltol',0.01) adaptive = kwargs.get('adaptive',False) mu = kwargs.get('mu',2.0) tau = kwargs.get('tau',1.5) multiprocess = kwargs.get('multiprocess',1) tauscale = kwargs.get('tauscale',0.9) blockdiagonal = kwargs.get('blockdiagonal',False) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose',True) log_cputime = kwargs.get('log_cputime',True) if log_cputime: try: import psutil except(ImportError): assert False, "Python package psutil required to log cputime. Package can be downloaded at" #format variables nl,ns = dims['l'], dims['s'] C = C[nl:] L = L[nl:,:] As, bs = [],[] cons = [] offset = 0 for k in xrange(len(ns)): Atmp = sparse(A[nl+offset:nl+offset+ns[k]**2,:]) J = list(set(list(Atmp.J))) Atmp = Atmp[:,J] if len(sparse(Atmp).V) == Atmp[:].size[0]: Atmp = matrix(Atmp) else: Atmp = sparse(Atmp) As.append(Atmp) bs.append(b[J]) cons.append(J) offset += ns[k]**2 if blockdiagonal: if sum([len(c) for c in cons]) > len(b): print "Problem does not have block-diagonal correlative sparsity. Switching to general mode." blockdiagonal = False #If not block-diagonal correlative sprasity, represent A as a list of lists: # A[i][j] is a matrix (or spmatrix) if ith clique involves jth constraint block #Otherwise, A is a list of matrices, where A[i] involves the ith clique and #ith constraint block only. if not blockdiagonal: while sum([len(c) for c in cons]) > len(b): tobreak = False for i in xrange(len(cons)): for j in xrange(i): ci, cj = set(cons[i]), set(cons[j]) s1 = ci.intersection(cj) if len(s1) > 0: s2 = ci.difference(cj) s3 = cj.difference(ci) cons.append(list(s1)) if len(s2) > 0: s2 = list(s2) if not (s2 in cons): cons.append(s2) if len(s3) > 0: s3 = list(s3) if not (s3 in cons): cons.append(s3) cons.pop(i) cons.pop(j) tobreak = True break if tobreak: break As,bs = [],[] for i in xrange(len(cons)): J = cons[i] bs.append(b[J]) Acol = [] offset = 0 for k in xrange(len(ns)): Atmp = sparse(A[nl+offset:nl+offset+ns[k]**2,J]) if len(Atmp.V) == 0: Acol.append(0) elif len(Atmp.V) == Atmp[:].size[0]: Acol.append(matrix(Atmp)) else: Acol.append(Atmp) offset += ns[k]**2 As.append(Acol) ms = [len(i) for i in bs] bs = matrix(bs) meq = L.size[1] if (not blockdiagonal) and multiprocess > 1: print "Multiprocessing mode can only be used if correlative sparsity is block diagonal. Switching to sequential mode." multiprocess = 1 assert rho > 0 and rho < 2, 'Overrelaxaton parameter (rho) must be (strictly) between 0 and 2' # create routine for projecting on { x | L*x = 0 } #{ x | L*x = 0 } -> P = I - L*(L.T*L)i *L.T LTL = spmatrix([],[],[],(meq,meq)) offset = 0 for k in ns: Lk = L[offset : offset + k**2,:] base.syrk(Lk, LTL, trans = 'T', beta=1.0) offset += k**2 LTLi = cholmod.symbolic(LTL, amd.order(LTL)) cholmod.numeric(LTL, LTLi) #y = y - L*LTLi*L.T*y nssq = sum(matrix([nsk**2 for nsk in ns])) def proj(y,ip=True): if not ip: y = +y tmp = matrix(0.0,size=(meq,1)) ypre = +y base.gemv(L,y,tmp,trans='T',\ m = nssq, n = meq, beta = 1) cholmod.solve(LTLi, tmp) base.gemv(L,tmp,y,beta=1.0,alpha=-1.0,trans='N',\ m = nssq, n = meq) if not ip: return y time_to_solve = 0 #initialize variables X = C*0.0 Y = +X Z = +X dualS = +X dualy = +b PXZ = +X proxargs = {'C':C,'A':As,'b':bs,'Z':Z,'X':X,'sigma':sigma,'dualS':dualS,'dualy':dualy, 'ns':ns,'ms':ms,'multiprocess':multiprocess} if blockdiagonal: proxqp = proxqp_blockdiagonal(proxargs,proxqp) else: proxqp = proxqp_general if log_cputime: utime = psutil.cpu_times()[0] wtime = time.time() primal = [] rpvec, rdvec = [],[] sigmavec = [] for it in xrange(maxiter): pv, gap = proxqp(proxargs) blas.copy(Z,Y) blas.axpy(X,Y,alpha=-2.0) proj(Y,ip = True) #PXZ = sigma*(X-Z) blas.copy(X,PXZ) blas.scal(sigma,PXZ) blas.axpy(Z,PXZ,alpha=-sigma) #z = z + rho*(y-x) blas.axpy(X,Y,alpha=1.0) blas.axpy(Y,Z,alpha=-rho) xzn = blas.nrm2(PXZ) xn = blas.nrm2(X) xyn = blas.nrm2(Y) proj(PXZ,ip = True) rdual = blas.nrm2(PXZ) rpri = sqrt(abs(xyn**2 - rdual**2))/sigma if log_cputime: cputime = psutil.cpu_times()[0] -utime else: cputime = 0 walltime = time.time() -wtime if rpri / max(xn,1.0) < reltol and rdual / max(1.0,xzn) < reltol: break rpvec.append(rpri/max(xn,1.0)) rdvec.append(rdual/max(1.0,xzn)) primal.append(pv) if adaptive: if (rdual/xzn*mu < rpri/xn): sigmanew = sigma * tau elif (rpri/xn*mu < rdual/xzn): sigmanew = sigma / tau else: sigmanew = sigma if it % 10 == 0 and it > 0 and tau > 1.0: tauscale *= 0.9 tau = 1 + (tau - 1)*tauscale sigma = max(min(sigmanew,10.0),0.1) sigmavec.append(sigma) if verbose: if log_cputime: print "%d: primal = %e, gap = %e, (rp,rd) = (%e,%e), sigma = %f, (cputime,walltime) = (%f, %f)" % (it,pv,gap,rpri/max(xn,1.0),rdual/max(1.0,xzn),sigma,cputime, walltime) else: print "%d: primal = %e, gap = %e, (rp,rd) = (%e,%e), sigma = %f, walltime = %f" % (it,pv,gap,rpri/max(xn,1.0),rdual/max(1.0,xzn),sigma, walltime) sol = {} sol['x'] = X sol['y'] = Y sol['z'] = Z sol['cputime'] = cputime sol['walltime'] = walltime sol['primal'] = primal sol['rprimal'] = rpvec sol['rdual'] = rdvec sol['sigma'] = sigmavec return sol