function [x,costs] = deblur_simpleTightFrame_spingarn(b,kernel,params) % This code corresponds to section 6.1 in the paper % "Image deblurring by primal-dual operator splitting." % We solve minimize mu*||Kx - b||_1 + || Dx ||_1 % subject to 0 <= x <= 1. % K convolves with kernel using periodic boundary conditions. % D is analysis operator for a shearlet tight frame. mu =; % The paper refers to gamma = 1/mu. t = params.t; % t is the primal step size s = params.s; % s is the dual step size overRelax = params.overRelax; % overRelax is called rho in the paper. maxIter = params.maxIter; showTrigger = params.showTrigger; % t = tau; beta = sqrt(s/t); % operator gets scaled by beta. (p. 7 in paper) %%% Using two stepsizes is equivalent to modifying objective and the %%% operators, and using a single step size t. %%% K and D are multiplied by beta, and mu and b %%% are adjusted to compensate for that. kernel = kernel*beta; mu = mu/beta; b = b*beta; %%% Finished modifying objective. % After this modification, we are now minimizing % mu*||Kx - b||_1 + (1/beta)*||Dx||_{iso} subject to 0 <= x <= 1 (using the notation of this code) % We do this using Douglas-Rachford with a single step size t. evalIsoNorm = @(y) sum(sum(sqrt(y(:,:,1).^2 + y(:,:,2).^2))); [numRows,numCols] = size(b); eigValArr_K = eigValArrForCyclicConvOp(kernel,numRows,numCols); eigValArr_D1 = eigValArrForCyclicConvOp(beta*[-1 1]',numRows,numCols); % Note that D is being multiplied by beta eigValArr_D2 = eigValArrForCyclicConvOp(beta*[-1 1],numRows,numCols); % as mentioned above. eigValArr_KTrans = conj(eigValArr_K); eigValArr_D1Trans = conj(eigValArr_D1); eigValArr_D2Trans = conj(eigValArr_D2); applyK = @(x) applyCyclicConv2D(x,eigValArr_K); applyKTrans = @(x) applyCyclicConv2D(x,eigValArr_KTrans); applyD1 = @(x) applyCyclicConv2D(x,eigValArr_D1); applyD1Trans = @(x) applyCyclicConv2D(x,eigValArr_D1Trans); applyD2 = @(x) applyCyclicConv2D(x,eigValArr_D2); applyD2Trans = @(x) applyCyclicConv2D(x,eigValArr_D2Trans); applyD = @(x) cat(3,applyD1(x),applyD2(x)); applyDTrans = @(y) applyD1Trans(y(:,:,1)) + applyD2Trans(y(:,:,2)); applyMtrx = @(x) applyKTrans(applyK(x)) + applyDTrans(applyD(x)) + x; eigValsMtrx = eigValArr_KTrans.*eigValArr_K ... + eigValArr_D1Trans.*eigValArr_D1 + eigValArr_D2Trans.*eigValArr_D2 + ones(numRows,numCols); p_x = b; p_y1 = zeros(numRows,numCols); p_y2 = zeros(numRows,numCols,2); costs = []; figure('Name','x inside Spingarn') for k = 1:maxIter % compute a resolvent at p_x, p_y1,p_y2. xPlus_x = min(p_x,1); xPlus_x = max(xPlus_x,0); xPlus_y1 = prox1Norm(p_y1 - b,mu*t) + b; xPlus_y2 = proxIsoNorm(t/beta,p_y2); term_x = 2*xPlus_x - p_x; term_y1 = 2*xPlus_y1 - p_y1; term_y2 = 2*xPlus_y2 - p_y2; rhs = term_x + applyKTrans(term_y1) + applyDTrans(term_y2); yPlus_x = ifft2(fft2(rhs)./eigValsMtrx); % check = applyMtrx(yPlus_x) - rhs; % check = max(abs(check(:))); yPlus_y1 = applyK(yPlus_x); yPlus_y2 = applyD(yPlus_x); p_xPlus = p_x + overRelax*(yPlus_x - xPlus_x); p_y1Plus = p_y1 + overRelax*(yPlus_y1 - xPlus_y1); p_y2Plus = p_y2 + overRelax*(yPlus_y2 - xPlus_y2); p_x = p_xPlus; p_y1 = p_y1Plus; p_y2 = p_y2Plus; KxMinusb = applyK(xPlus_x) - b; Dx = applyD(xPlus_x); cost = mu*sum(abs(KxMinusb(:))) + (1/beta)*evalIsoNorm(Dx); costs = [costs,cost]; if mod(k,showTrigger) == 0 imshow(xPlus_x,[]) disp(['Spingarn iteration is: ',num2str(k)]) disp(['primal cost is: ',num2str(cost)]) keyboard end end x = xPlus_x; end