Project Summary
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading has damaged bridges throughout the world during
past earthquakes. Damage has been particularly intense in regions where a non-liquefiable
crust material spreads laterally over underlying liquefied layers. The crust remains
strong as it spreads, and is capable of exerting large demands on embedded bridge components.
Recent research has clarified many of the loading mechanisms required to accurately predict
the response of bridges in laterally spreading ground. However, many bridges were constructed
decades ago when the hazard posed by liquefaction was not fully appreciated, and at a time before
accurate engineering procedures had emerged for evaluating bridge response. The purpose of this
research project is to develop fragility functions that characterize bridge damage as a function
of free-field lateral spreading ground displacement. The fragility functions are intended
to reasonably capture the stock of approximately 13,000 bridges owned by Caltrans. A companion
study was conducted to estimate lateral spreading hazard at Caltrans bridge sites. Results
from these research studies will be directly useful for screening the large bridge inventory
to identify the most critical subset of bridges for more systematic evaluation and possible
The fragility functions are being generated using numerical simulations using the finite element
software platform OpenSees. The input parameters are
varied to reasonably capture the range of soil
conditions ans structural configurations characteristic of Caltrans bridge stock. Engineering demand
parameters such as curvature ductility in the piers, pile cap displacement, and abutment displacement
are related to free-field ground displacement. Disaggregation of the input parameters identifies
particular combinations of soil and structural conditions that are most susceptible to liquefaction-
induced lateral spreading.
Kashighandi, P. (2009). "Demand Fragility Surfaces for Bridges in Liquefied Laterally Spreading Ground." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles. 284 p. Download (17MB)
Zhang, J., Huo, Y., Brandenberg, S.J., and Kashighandi, P. (2008). "Effects of Structural Characterizations on Fragility Functions of Bridges Subject to Seismic Shaking and Lateral Spreading." Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibrations. 7(4):369-382. link
Zhang J and Huo YL, "Evaluating Effectiveness and Optimum Design of Isolation Devices for Highway Bridges Using Fragility Function Method", Engineering Structures, 31(8):1648-1660, 2009. link