News & Links
LA ASME May 2014 Presentation:
"Hydrogen Economy: Maybe Not; Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars: Should be Yes"
Presented by: Dr. Vasilios Manousiouthakis
Metropolitan Water District Building
May 15th, 2014, 6:30pm
Seminars in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering:
"The Rollercoaster Ride of Natural Gas as a Chemical Industry Fuel
and Feedstock"
By: Dr. Jeff Siirola
March 19th, 2014, 4:00pm
Engineering Training to Elementary Students
March-April, 2011
Professor Manousiouthakis was awarded the Lawrence K. Cecil Award in
Environmental Chemical Engineering at the 2010 Annual AIChE Meeting
November, 2010
Hydrogen Fueling Station to be built in 2012
October, 2010
The Hydrogen
UCLA Magazine, April 1st, 2006.
UCLA Professor Brings Hydrogen Car to CSUN to Promote Energy Efficiency
CSUN Daily Sundial, November 22nd, 2005
A Breath of Fresh Exhaust: Hydrogen fuel cell prototype marks next step
toward emissions-free cars
UCLA Daily Bruin, November 18th, 2005.
DaimlerChrysler and UCLA Combine Fuel Cell Technology and Education
The Auto Channel, July 14th, 2005.
Hydrogen Fueling
Station to be Built at UCLA
UCLA Engineer Magazine, Fall 2004.