Professor Ya-hong Xie

BS in Physics, Purdue University (1981);
MS (1983) & PhD (1986) in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles.
Professional Experience
Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories (1986-1999);
Professor of Material Science and Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles (1999-Current).
Humboldt Research Award (2012)
Ya-Hong Xie was born in Beijing, China. He entered the Physics Department of Peking University in 1977. He transferred to the Physics Department of Purdue University in Indiana, USA in 1979. He graduated with the B.S. degree in physics from Purdue University in 1981, and the M.S. and Ph. D degrees in electrical engineering from UCLA in 1983 and 1986, respectively. His Ph. D thesis research was on Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy under the guidance of Prof. Kang L. Wang.
Ya-Hong Xie joined Bell Laboratories in 1986 as a member of the technical staff. During his 13 years tenure at Bell Laboratories, Ya-Hong Xie’s research included impurity center mediated luminescence in semiconductors, light emitting porous Si, GeSi/Si molecular beam epitaxy, dislocation kinetics in relaxed GeSi/Si heterostructures, strain induced surface roughening in GeSi epitaxial thin films (also known as self-assembled quantum dots), fabrication of high mobility two-dimensional electron and hole gases in GeSi/Si, and the transport properties and device applications of various Si-based heterostructures.
Ya-Hong Xie joined UCLA as a professor of Materials Science & Engineering in 1999. His current research interests include the physical properties (optical, electronic and mechanical) of graphene and other van der Waals materials especially pertaining to biomedical applications, plasmonics, and epitaxial growths of dislocation-free group III-nitride as well as wide bandgap semiconductor devices.
Jinhua Yan
PhD, Optics, Zhejiang Univeristy (2002-2007)
Visiting Professor
Associate Professor, Zhejiang University of technology (2007-present)
Zhongbo Yan
B.S., Physics, Peking University (2008-2012)
PhD student, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2012-present)
Owen Liang
B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2007-2011)
PhD student, Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA (2011-present)
Jimmy Ng
B.S., Physics, University of California, Berkeley (2009-2013)
PhD student, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2013-present)
Peiyi Ye
M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2012-2013)
PhD student, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2013-present)
Xinke Yu
B.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Scicence, Peking Univerisity (2010-2014)
PhD student, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2014-present)
Yao Yang
B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua Univeristy (2011-2015)
PhD candidate, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2015-present)
Zirui Liu
B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2011-2015)
PhD candidate, Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA (2015-present)
Naoki Kamimura
Visiting Student
Hannes Funk
Visiting Student
B.S., Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Master studetnt, University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Focus on: Micro-, Opto- and Power-Electronics.
Neda Mesgarzadeh
Undergraduate Researcher