


P. K. Orzechowski, N. Chen, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Optimal suppression of laser beam jitter by high-order RLS adaptive control,” Trans. Control Systems Technology. to appear.

P. K. Orzechowski, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Characterization of optimal FIR gains and minimum-variance performance for adaptive disturbance rejection,” in American Control Conference, (New York, NY), IEEE, June 2007.

Y.-T. Liu and J. S. Gibson, “Adaptive control in adaptive optics for directed energy systems," Optical Engineering, April 2007.

P. K. Orzechowski, J. S. Gibson, T.-C. Tsao, D. Herrick, M. Mahajan, and B. Wen, “Adaptive suppression of optical jitter with a new liquid crystal beam steering device,” in Defense & Security Symposium., (Orlando, FL), SPIE, April 2007.

D. Herrick, P. K. Orzechowski,
J. S. Gibson, T.-C. Tsao, M. Mahajan, and B. Wen, “An alternative beam alignment approach for tactical systems,” in Directed Energy Systems Symposium: Beam Control Conference., (Monterey, CA), DEPS, March 2007.

P. K. Orzechowski, N. Chen, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Optimal jitter rejection in laser beam steering with variable-order adaptive control,” in Conference on Decision and Control, (San Diego, CA), IEEE, December 2006.

N. O. Perez Arancibia, N. Chen, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Variable-order adaptive control of a mems steering mirror for suppression of laser beam jitter,” Optical Engineering, November 2006.

P. K. Orzechowski, T.-C. Tsao, and J. S. Gibson, “The effect of computational delay on performance of adaptive control systems,” in IMECE, (Chicago, IL), ASME, November 2006.

T. A. Rhoadarmer, L. M. Klein, J. S. Gibson, N. Chen, and Y.-T. Liu, “Adaptive control and filtering for closed-loop adaptive-optical wavefront reconstruction,” in SPIE Conference on Advanced Wavefront Control, (San Diego, CA), SPIE, August 2006. [DOI: 10.1117/ 12.682476].

N. O. Perez Arancibia, N. Chen, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Adaptive control of jitter in laser beam pointing and tracking,” in SPIE Conference on Advanced Wavefront Control, (San Diego, CA), SPIE, August 2006. [DOI: 10.1117/12.681302].

P. K. Orzechowski, N. Chen, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Adaptive control of jitter in a laser beam pointing system,” (Minneapolis, MN), IEEE, June 2006.

N. O. Perez Arancibia, Neil Chen, Steve Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Adaptive control of a MEMS steering mirror for free-space laser communications,” in Optics and Photonics 2005, (San Diego, CA), SPIE, August 2005.

Y.-T. Liu, N. Chen, and J. S. Gibson, “Adaptive filtering and control for wavefront reconstruction and jitter control in adaptive optics,” (Portland, OR), IEEE, June 2005.

N. O. Perez Arancibia, N. Chen, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Adaptive control of a MEMS steering mirror for suppression of laser beam jitter,” in American Control Conference, (Portland, OR), IEEE, June 2005.

P. K. Orzechowski, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Optimal disturbance rejection by LTI feedback control in a laser beam steering system,” (The Bahamas), IEEE, December 2004.

N. O. Perez Arancibia, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Adaptive control of MEMS mirrors for beam steering,” in IMECE2004, (Anaheim, CA), ASME, November 2004.

P. K. Orzechowski, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Disturbance rejection by optimal feedback control in a laser beam steering system,” in IMECE, (Anaheim, CA), ASME, November 2004.

B.-S. Kim, J. S. Gibson, and T.-C. Tsao, “Adaptive control of a tilt mirror for laser beam steering,” in American Control Conference, (Boston, MA), IEEE, June 2004.

N. Chen and J. S. Gibson, “Subspace system identification based on multichannel lattice filter,”
in American Control Conference, (Boston, MA), IEEE, June 2004.

Y.-T. Liu and J. S. Gibson, “Adaptive optics with adaptive filtering and control,” in American Control Conference, (Boston, MA), IEEE, June 2004.

J. S. Gibson, C.-C. Chang, and N. Chen, “Adaptive optics with a new modal decomposition of actuator and sensor spaces,” in American Control Conference, (Arlington, VA), June 2001.

R. T. M'Closkey, J. S. Gibson, and J. Hui, “System identification of a MEMS gyroscope,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, pp. 201–210, June 2001.

S.-J. Chen and J. S. Gibson, “Feedforward adaptive noise control with multivariable gradient lattice filters,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 49, pp. 511–520, March 2001.

J. S. Gibson, C.-C. Chang, and B. L. Ellerbroek, “Adaptive optics: wavefront correction by use of adaptive filtering and control,” Applied Optics, Optical Technology and Biomedical Optics, vol. 39, pp. 2525–2538, June 2000.

C.-C. Chang and J. S. Gibson, “Parallel control loops based on spatial subband processing for adaptive optics,” in American Control Conference, (Chicago, IL), IEEE, June 2000.

J. S. Gibson, G. H. Lee, and C.-F. Wu, “Least-squares estimation of input/output models for distributed linear systems in the presence of noise,” Automatica, vol. 36, pp. 1427–1442, 2000.

C. R. Anderson, Y.-C. Chen, and J. S. Gibson, “Control and Identification of vortex wakes,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, June 2000.

J. S. Gibson, C.-C. Chang, and B. L. Ellerbroek, “Adaptive optics: Wavefront reconstruction by adaptive filtering and control,” in 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (Phoenix, AZ), IEEE, December 1999.

J. S. Gibson, C.-C. Chang, and B. L. Ellerbroek, “Adaptive reconstructors for adaptive optics,” in AeroSense, (Orlando, FL), SPIE, April 1999.

R. T. M'Closkey, J. S. Gibson, and J. Hui, “Input-output dynamics of the JPL microgyroscope,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1998.

R. T. M'Closkey, J. S. Gibson, and J. Hui, “Model identification of the {JPL} microgyroscope,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, December 1998.

C.-F. Wu and J. S. Gibson, “Blind identification and deconvolution for IIR channels,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1998.

C.-L. Meng and J. S. Gibson, “Fast identification of parameters in optical systems,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 99, no. 1, October 1998.

S.-B. Jiang and J. S. Gibson, “An unwindowed multichannel lattice filter with orthogonal channels,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 43, pp. 2831–2842, December 1995.

C.-L. Meng and J. S. Gibson, “Optimal design of fiber optic sensors for control of flexible structures,” Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 397–408, 1994.

D. B. Eldred, J. S. Gibson, and W.-J. Li, “Identification and active disturbance rejection for the JPL Phase B Test Bed,” in North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, (Albuquerque, NM), January 1993.

S.-W. Chen and J. S. Gibson, “A New Unwindowed Lattice Filter for RLS Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2158–2165, September 1992.

S.-B. Jiang, J. S. Gibson, and J. J. Hollkamp, “Identification of a flexible structure by a new multichannel lattice filter,” in American Control Conference, (Chicago, IL), pp. 1681–1685, IEEE, June 1992.

Y.-K. Kim and J. S. Gibson, “A Variable-order adaptive controller for a manipulator with a sliding flexible link,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 818—827, December 1991.

J. S. Gibson and A. Adamian, “Approximation theory for lqg optimal control of flexible structures,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 1–37, January 1991.

F. Jabbari and J. S. Gibson, “Adaptive identification of a flexible structure by lattice filters,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 12, pp. 548–554, July 1989.

F. Jabbari and J. S. Gibson, “Vector-channel lattice filters and identification of flexible structures,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 33, pp. 448–456, May 1988.




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