Network Component Analysis:
NCA toolbox v. 2.3 for Matlab 7 (released Feb. 19, 2007)
NCA proofs (Liao et al. PNAS 2003, 15522-15527 appendices.)
NCA Modules and Data files (Kao et al. PNAS 2004, 641-646.)
Software for Statistical Analysis of Microarray data:
Tseng et al. NAR 2001
Hyduke et al. OMICS 2003
Supplemental information for papers:
Huang et al. PNAS 2001, 11771-11776:
Competition Assay Protocol
Software for Competition Assay
Oh et al. JBC 2002, 277, 13175-13183:
Microarray data file
Sabatti et al. NAR 2002, 2886-2893
E. coli Operon Map
A synthetic gene-matabolic oscillator
Fung et al. Nature, 435, 118-122.
Download Supplementary material
Gibbs Sampler for the Identification of Gene Expression and Network Connectivity Consistency.
Brynildsen, M.P., Tran, L. M. and Liao, J.C. (2006) A Bioinformatics, 22, 3040-3046.
Brynildsen et al. Bioinformatics, 22, 3040-3046
Software and Supplementary Information: download software uploaded 5/8/2007
Network visualization: Osprey - SIF uploaded 3/30/2007
Biological Network Mapping and Source Signal Deduction
Brynildsen, M.P.; Wu, T.Y.; Jang, S.S. and Liao, J.C. (2007) Bioinformatics, 23: 1783-1791
Network Component Mapping modules
Trimming of Mammalian Transcriptional Networks using Network Component Analysis,
Tran, L.M, Hydguke, D.R., and Liao, J.C. submitted to Bioinformatics, Download Matlab code here
"Ensemble Modeling and the Mathematical Modeling of Metabolic Networks".
Rizk & Liao, Download example here.
"Reducing the Allowable Kinetic Space by Constructing Ensemble of Dynamic Models with the
Same Steady-state Flux" Submitted to Metabolic Engineering.
Tan et al. Download Matlab module here.