December 2024
Our work on Plasmonic Terahertz Focal-Plane Arrays has been chosen by the Optics and Photonics News (OPN) as one of the highlights and breakthroughs of optics over the past year.

October 2024
Prof. Jarrahi receives a Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Award from Department of Defense (DoD) for her research projects on Integrated Terahertz Optoelectronics.
About Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP):
The Defense University Research Instrumentation Program supports the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment that augments current university capabilities or develops new university capabilities to perform cutting-edge defense research. The awards are the result of a merit competition for funding conducted by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Each organization requested proposals from university investigators conducting science and engineering research of importance to DoD.

August 2024
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Manijeh Razeghi chairs the Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications Conference at SPIE Optics + Photonics.

July 2024
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Ozcan wins a three-year award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research on computational terahertz imaging.

July 2024
Prof. Jarrahi wins a three-year award from Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Science for her research on Plasmonic Terahertz Optoelectronics.

June 2024
Prof. Jarrahi receives the 2024 IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award for her groundbreaking contributions to plasmonic terahertz optoelectronic devices and imaging/spectroscopy systems.
About the IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award:
The IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award recognizes contributions to opto-electronic device technology that has had a significant impact on their applications in major practical systems. The award is usually granted to an individual or a team of up to three people.

June 2024
Yifan Zhao successfully defended his PhD thesis on Monolithically Integrated Terahertz Optoelectronics Based on Quantum Well Structures.[ More Information ]

May 2024
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Wong receives a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Photon-Efficient Nanoscale Optical Metrology (PhENOM) for their research on terahertz quantum sensing.

April 2024
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Sascha Preu and Prof. Dmitry Turchinovich chairs the THz Photonics conference at SPIE Photonics Europe.

April 2024
Our collaboration with Prof. Ozcan's group on "Massively parallel universal linear transformations using a wavelength-multiplexed diffractive optical network" received the Advanced Photonics Editor-in-Chief Choice Paper Award.

April 2024
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Ozcan receives a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Forward-Looking Experimentation (FLEX) Program for their research on terahertz chemical sensing.

January 2024
Our work on hyperspectral plasmonic terahertz focal-plane arrays has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and other technology and science news outlets.

November 2023
Our collaboration with Prof. Ozcan's group on rapid sensing of hidden objects using a single-pixel diffractive terahertz processor has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and other technology and science news outlets.

October 2023
Prof. Jarrahi receives the 2023 IEEE Sensors Council Advanced Career Technical Achievement Award for the pioneering contributions to terahertz sensing and imaging systems. [ More Information ]
About the IEEE Sensors Council Advanced Career Technical Achievement Award:
The IEEE Sensors Council Technical Achievement Award honors a person with outstanding technical contributions within the scope of the IEEE Sensors Council, as documented by publications and patents. The award is based on the general quality and originality of the contributions. Awards are available in two fields: the field of "Sensors" and the field of "Systems or Networks"; within each field, an Early Career and an Advanced Career are given every year.

October 2023
Prof. Jarrahi is listed as one of the World Top 2% cited scientists by Stanford University.

August 2023
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for their research on high-throughput terahertz scanners.

August 2023
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Manijeh Razeghi chairs the Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications Conference at SPIE Optics + Photonics.

July 2023
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Department of Energy (DoE) for their research on high-throughput terahertz scanners.

June 2023
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Lute Maleki from OEwaves Inc. receives a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for their research on Room Temperature Photonic Terahertz Receivers.

February 2023
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Clara Saraceno serves as the chair of the 2023 Winter College on Optics focused on Terahertz Optics and Photonics organized by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).
About ICTP Winter College on Optics:
The Winter College on Optics is part of the scientific calendar of activities of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), a UNESCO Category 1 Institute in the basic sciences located in Trieste Italy. For more than 50 years, ICTP has been working to advance scientific expertise in the developing world. Founded in 1964 by the late Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam, ICTP seeks to accomplish its mandate by providing scientists from developing countries with the continuing education and skills that they need to enjoy long and productive careers, and to avoid having to choose between having a meaningful research career and staying in their home countries. The College on Optics brings roughly 60 highly motivated and accomplished students and early career scientists working in optical fields from around 30 countries in the global south, who are selected through a competitive selection process.

January 2023
Prof. Jarrahi wins a three-year award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program for her research on multi-pixel terahertz imaging systems.

December 2022
Xurong Li successfully defended his PhD thesis on Terahertz Focal-Plane Array for Terahertz Time-Domain Imaging.[ More Information ]

November 2022
Prof. Jarrahi has been recognized in the Photonics100 list as one of the most innovative people in the photonics industry.
About the Photonics100:
The Photonics100 is a new initiative by Europa Science, highlighting 100 individuals driving photonics technology forward, as nominated by the wider photonics community. The list is made up of four categories: Photonics Vendors, Original Equipment Manufacturers using photonics, Start-ups, and Academia/Research.

October 2022
Prof. Jarrahi has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) for her pioneering research, development, and commercialization of plasmonic terahertz optoelectronics, enabling high-sensitivity, high-throughput terahertz sensing, and imaging systems.

September 2022
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Chee Wei Wong and Prof. Christina Fragouli wins a three-year award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research on terahertz communication networks.

July 2022
Prof. Jarrahi receives a three-year grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for her research on integrated terahertz optoelectronics.

July 2022
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.

June 2022
Ping Keng Lu receives Best Student Paper Award (2nd place) at International Microwave Symposium for his paper 860 uW Terahertz Power Generation from Graded Composition InGaAs Photoconductive Nanoantennas.

June 2022
Ping Keng Lu successfully defended his PhD thesis on Telecommunication-Compatible, Plasmonics-Enabled Terahertz Sources and Detectors without Short-Carrier-Lifetime Photoconductors.[ More Information ]

June 2022
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.

May 2022
Ping Keng Lu receives the 21-22 Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Research Award in Physical & Wave Electronics from UCLA Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.[ More Information ]

April 2022
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Sascha Preu and Prof. Dmitry Turchinovich chairs the THz Photonics conference at SPIE Photonics Europe.

April 2022
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.

January 2022
Prof. Jarrahi has been appointed as the Northrop Grumman Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering for her contributions to terahertz and millimeter-wave electronics.[ More Information ]

January 2022
Prof. Jarrahi receives the 2022 Harold E. Edgerton Award in High-Speed Optics from the international society for optics and photonics (SPIE) in recognition of pioneering contributions to plasmonic time-domain spectroscopy and imaging systems as well as their scientific and industrial applications. [ More Information ]
About the Harold E. Edgerton Award in High-Speed Optics:
The SPIE Harold E. Edgerton Award in High-Speed Optics recognizes outstanding contributions to optical or photonic techniques in the application and understanding of high-speed physical phenomena.

December 2021
Prof. Jarrahi receives the 2021 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize for her groundbreaking research on next-generation terahertz optoelectronic systems. [IET Press Release, UCLA Press Release, Engineering Press Release]
About A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize:
Established in 2011, the A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize is IET's most valuable prize fund awarded to phenomenal researchers working in the fields of radar and microwave, lasers and optoelectronics, or medical engineering. IET search and selection panel scour the world for potential candidates each year, drawing on expansive international networks to reward the most innovative workers in these fields. The prize commemorates the late British electronic engineer Arthur Frank Harvey, whose gift to the IET supports research in the aforementioned fields.

July 2021
Our work on passive optical-to-terahertz conversion using plasmon-coupled surface states has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as ScienceDaily,, California News Times,, etc.

May 2021
Deniz Turan successfully defended his PhD thesis. Deniz Turan joined the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory as a graduate student in 2014, and since then he has been working on plasmonic nanoantenna arrays for passive optical-to-terahertz conversion and high-sensitivity terahertz detection. [ More Information ]
May 2021
Prof. Jarrahi is selected as a UCLA Faculty Innovation Fellow.
About the UCLA Faculty Innovation Fellow Program:
The UCLA Faculty Innovation Fellows program is a campus-wide program aimed at advancing entrepreneurial excellence and startup culture among faculty across campus. It is a collaboration between Startup UCLA, UCLA Technology Development Group, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and Creative Activities.

March 2021
Our collaboration with Prof. Ozcan's group on spectrally encoded single-pixel machine vision has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as Biophotonics World,,, etc.

February 2021
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Department of Energy (DoE) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.

January 2021
Our collaboration with Prof. Ozcan's group on terahertz pulse shaping using diffractive surfaces has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as Optics and Photonics News,,, etc.

November 2020
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Ozcan wins an Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research on terahertz diffractive neural networks
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

October 2020
Prof. Jarrahi has been elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. This fellowship is granted by the Institute of Physics (IoP) to physicists who show a very high level of achievement in physics and an outstanding contribution to the profession.
About the Institute of Physics:
The Institute of Physics is a leading international professional body and learned society, established to promote the advancement and dissemination of physics.

August 2020
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Jose Pineda and Prof. Najmedin Meshkati is one of the five winners of the Catalyzing Pediatric Innovation Grant from the West Coast Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics (CTIP).
About the West Coast Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics:
The West Coast Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics (CTIP) is an FDA-funded pediatric MedTech accelerator centered at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Their goal is to facilitate the development, production, and distribution of pediatric medical devices by identifying companies working in the space and providing advice, networking, and direct and indirect financial support on the road to commercialization.

August 2020
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.

July 2020
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Groppi and Prof. Walker is awarded a grant from the Moore Foundation for their research on Plasmonic Heterodyne Terahertz Receivers.
About the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation:
Gordon and Betty Moore established the Moore foundation to create positive outcomes for future generations. In pursuit of that vision, the foundation fosters path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation of the special character of the San Francisco Bay Area.

June 2020
Deniz Turan was awarded a 2020 Dissertation Year Fellowship from UCLA Graduate Program.

April 2020
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Sascha Preu and Prof. Dmitry Turchinovich chairs the THz Photonics conference at SPIE Photonics Europe.

February 2020
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Department of Energy (DoE) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.

December 2019
Yen-Ju Lin was awarded 2019 Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship.
About Cadence Women in Technology Scholarships:
The Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship is given to a few selected female students currently enrolled in a technology-related course of study at a college or university. This is part of Cadence's efforts to increase and support diversity in technology.

August 2019
Prof. Jarrahi together with Dr. Yardimci and Lookin Inc. receives a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for their research on high-performance terahertz scanners.
About the Food and Drug Administration:
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a Federal agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices, cosmetics, animal foods, and veterinary products.

July 2019
Our work on room-temperature heterodyne terahertz detection with quantum-level sensitivity has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as Nature Photonics News & Views, Laser Focus World, Photonics Spectra Magazine, OSA Optics and Photonics News, etc.

June 2019
Deniz Turan was selected to receive a Doctoral Research Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for his research project, Bias-Free Telecomunication-Compatible Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters with Plasmonic Nano-Antenna Arrays.
About IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Awards:
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) grants up to ten Ph.D Research Awards each year. The selection committee evaluates each applicant based on his or her research project, academic record, and potential to contribute to the electromagnetics profession in the future. The award consists of a $2500 fellowship.

June 2019
Prof. Jarrahi and Dr. Yardimci receive an Innovation in Regulatory Science Award from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund for their innovative terahertz technology facilitating regulatory decisions on agricultural food products.
About the Burroughs Wellcome Fund:
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund is an independent private foundation dedicated to advancing the biomedical sciences by supporting research and other scientific and educational activities. Their Innovation in Regulatory Science Award is given to research teams developing new methodologies or innovative approaches in regulatory science that will ultimately inform the regulatory decisions the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and others make.

May 2019
Yen-Ju Lin has been awarded an SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics.
About SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics:
SPIE awards scholarships to outstanding individuals, based on their potential for long-range contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline. Award-winning applicants are evaluated and selected and approved by the SPIE Scholarship Committee.

March 2019
Shao-Shiuan Chiang is awarded the Irma Polaski Fellowship by the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science.
March 2019
Prof. Jarrahi receives a Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Award from Department of Defense (DoD) for her research projects on Terahertz Spectrometers.
About Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP):
The Defense University Research Instrumentation Program supports the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment that augments current university capabilities or develops new university capabilities to perform cutting-edge defense research. The awards are the result of a merit competition for funding conducted by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Each organization requested proposals from university investigators conducting science and engineering research of importance to DoD.

February 2019
Yen-Ju Lin is invited to attend the 69th annual gathering of Nobel Laureates that takes place in Lindau, Germany from 30 June to 5 July 2019.
About Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting:
This is an annual event, gathering Nobel Laureates in Lindau to meet the next generation of young scientists from all over the world. The attendees are selected based on their academic and research achievements through a rigorous and highly competitive process. Only the 600 most qualified young scientists from 88 countries are given the opportunity to enrich and share the unique atmosphere of the 2019 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. The 2019 meeting is dedicated to the field of physics.

January 2019
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Mercedeh Khajavikhan wins a three-year award from Office of Naval Research (ONR) for their research on fully-integrated terahertz optoelectronics.

January 2019
Lookin Inc., a spinoff company from Terahertz Electronics Laboratory, is founded with the aim of commercializing the terahertz scanner technologies developed in our group.

November 2018
Prof. Jarrahi has been elected Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for her contributions to terahertz technology and microwave photonics.

September 2018
Dr. Nezih Tolga Yardimci receives a postdoctoral research award from UCLA Chancellor's Office.
About UCLA Chancellor's Award for Postdoctoral Research:
This award recognizes especially accomplished UCLA postdoctoral scholars for their outstanding research. This award was established in 1998 to recognize the important contributions that postdoctoral scholars make to UCLA's research mission.

August 2018
Our collaboration with Prof. Ozcan's group on all-optical machine learning using diffractive deep neural networks has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as The Scientist, Discover Magazine, TechCrunch, etc.

July 2018
Prof. Jarrahi receives Alumni Achievement Award from Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA).
About Sharif University of Technology Alumni Achievement Award:
This award was established by Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) in 2012 to recognize an alumnus with outstanding achievements in industry or academia.

July 2018
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Wong and Prof. Fragouli wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, A spectrally-dense 650-GHz photonic wireless backhaul via secure network coding.
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

July 2018
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Wong wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, terahertz spectrometery at the thermodynamical limits.
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

June 2018
Our work on gold-patched graphene nano-stripe photodetectors has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as Laser Focus World,,, etc.

May 2018
Yen-Ju Lin has been selected to receive a Grace Hopper Scholarship. She is invited to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration, the world's largest gathering of women technologists, in Houston, TX, September 26-28.
About the Grace Hopper Scholarship:
Grace Hopper Scholarship is a competitive award given by Anita Borg to female students and faculty to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration. This once in a lifetime chance, allows academics to connect with other women technologists, hear stories from peers and experts, and get quality career advice specific to their need.

May 2018
Yen-Ju Lin has been awarded a scholarship from Yin-Chin Foundation of USA for her outstanding academic performance.
About the Yin-Chin Foundation Scholarship:
In collaboration with STUF United Fund Inc, Yin-Chin foundation awards scholarships to Taiwanese students with outstanding academic performance to study in the United States, helping them gain a global competitive edge, along with empowering their employment prospects.

March 2018
Yen-Ju Lin and Xurong Li have been awarded the 2018 scholarship from the Chinese American Engineers and Scientist Association of Southern California for their significant academic accomplishments. [ More Information ]
About the Chinese American Engineers and Scientist Association of Southern California:
Chinese American Engineers and Scientist Association of Southern California (CESASC) is one of the largest and most established Chinese American professional organizations in Southern California. Founded in 1962, CESASC has been dedicated to promote interests, aspirations, and professional excellence of Chinese-American engineers and scientists.

February 2018
Dr. Yardimci and Prof. Jarrahi are awarded a 2017 UCLA Innovation Fund, in collaboration with Prof. Alireza Moshaverenia from School of Dentistry and Prof. Aydogan Ozcan from School of Engineering, for their work on terahertz imaging systems for nondestructive quality control of medical implants. [ More Information ]
About the UCLA Innovation Fund:
The UCLA Innovation Fund was created in 2017 with a singular mission to bridge the gap between academic research and industry/venture capital interests to quickly bring new technologies from the lab to the market. The UCLA Innovation Fund is a collaboration between UCLA Health/David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering & Applied Science and the UCLA College's Divisions of Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. The first competition was focused on novel therapeutics, medical devices/diagnostics and digital health.

January 2018
Yen-Ju Lin has been selected to receive a Graduate Fellowship for Medical Applications from IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) for her work on Scanning Terahertz Nanoscopes for Label-Free Biological Studies. [ More Information ]

December 2017
Prof. Jarrahi has been elected Fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) for her achievements in terahertz optoelectronics and microwave photonics. [ More Information ]

September 2017
Prof. Jarrahi has been elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) for pioneering contributions to terahertz optoelectronics and microwave photonics through development of novel engineered materials, plasmonic nanostructures, and quantum well devices. [ More Information ]

July 2017
Prof. Jarrahi has been awarded a research grant from the Okawa Foundation for her work on heat recycling sheets for scalable data centers. The award was given to 8 faculty in the United States across diverse disciplines. The award will be formally presented at a ceremony held in San Francisco in September 2017.
About the Okawa Foundation Research Grant:
The Okawa Foundation Research Grant honors top young researchers working in the fields of information and telecommunications and promotes international scientific cooperation. [ More Information ]

June 2017
Yen-Ju Lin and Ping Keng Lu have been awarded a Government Scholarship for Study Abroad from Taiwan Ministry of Education. [ More Information ]
About the Taiwan Ministry of Education Study Abroad Scholarship:
This $30,000 scholarship is awarded by Taiwan Ministry of Education to Taiwanese citizens with exceptional academic record, research potentials and capabilities, and significant achievements in their fields.

May 2017
Nezih Tolga Yardimci successfully defended his PhD thesis. Nezih Tolga Yardimci joined the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory as a graduate student in 2012, and since then he has been working on large area plasmonic nanoantenna arrays for high-power terahertz generation and high-sensitivity terahertz detection. [ More Information ]
March 2017
Ping Keng Lu has been awarded the 2017 scholarship from the Chinese American Engineers and Scientist Association of Southern California for his significant academic accomplishments. [ More Information ]
About the Chinese American Engineers and Scientist Association of Southern California:
Chinese American Engineers and Scientist Association of Southern California (CESASC) is one of the largest and most established Chinese American professional organizations in Southern California. Founded in 1962, CESASC has been dedicated to promote interests, aspirations, and professional excellence of Chinese-American engineers and scientists.

February 2017
Prof. Jarrahi receives the inaugural Watanabe Excellence in Research Award from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. [ More Information ]
About the Watanabe Excellence in Research Award:
The V.M. Watanabe Excellence in Research Award recognizes research contributions of one of the faculty members at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science each year. The award recognizes innovation in pursuing critical research that addresses a major societal challenge and engaging graduate and undergraduate students in the research program.

February 2017
Our work on plasmonic terahertz detectors has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as Science wire, Controlled environments magazine, Global News Connect, etc.

January 2017
Our research project on use of terahertz sensing for reducing urban ecosystem water expenditure is one of the winners of the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Competitive Grants. For this project, we collaborate with Prof. Lawren Sack from UCLA ecology and evolutionary biology department and Prof. Benjamin Williams from UCLA electrical and computer engineering department. [ More Information ]
About Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Competitive Grants:
The Sustainable LA Grand Challenge is a university-wide research initiative to transition the Los Angeles region to 100 percent renewable energy, 100 percent local water, and an enhanced ecosystem and human health by 2050. The competitive grants are possible thanks to the Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation, which provides funding for research that will implement the Sustainable LA Work Plan. Their generous $5 million gift is supporting at least three rounds of similar grants from 2016 to 2018.
January 2017
Our work on terahertz devices, imaging, spectrometry, and spectroscopy systems as well as their applications in medical diagnosis, biosensing, non-destructive product evaluation, and space explorations has been featured in SPIE Newsroom.

December 2016
Prof. Jarrahi's work on terahertz technology is featured in Huffington Post. Prof. Jarrahi spoke with Huffington Post as part of a series of interviews with prominent Iranian-Americans who have made seminal contributions in the worlds of science, technology, finance, medicine, law, the arts.

December 2016
Dr. Shang-Hua Yang joins the Electrical Engineering faculty at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, as an assistant professor. Shang-Hua was a graduate student in the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory from 2011 to 2016 and worked on advanced plasmonic photoconductive sources for pulsed and continuous-wave terahertz generation during his doctoral studies.
December 2016
Prof. Jarrahi wins a three-year award from Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Science for her research on Plasmonic Terahertz Optoelectronics.
About Department of Energy Office of Science:
The Office of Science is the lead federal agency supporting fundamental scientific research for energy and the largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. The Office of Science portfolio has two principal thrusts: direct support of scientific research and direct support of the development, construction, and operation of unique, open-access scientific user facilities that are made available for use by external researchers.

November 2016
Prof. Jarrahi has been named one of the five inaugural Moore Inventor Fellows by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for her work on new terahertz imagers for biological studies. [ UCLA Newsroom, IEEE Spectrum, Daily Bruin]
About Moore Inventor Fellowship:
The Moore Inventor Fellowship program recognizes early-career innovators at U.S. universities who have a high potential to accelerate progress in scientific research, environmental conservation and patient care. For this inaugural year, the Moore Inventor Fellows competition drew from early-career researchers at Association of American Universities member institutions and 15 additional institutions from the top 50 National Institutes of Health-funded medical schools. Starting with this class of fellows, the foundation will invest nearly $34 million over the next 10 years to support 50 Moore Inventor Fellows.

November 2016
Prof. Jarrahi is a part of a Competitive Research Grant program from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) led by Prof. Hakan Bagci to explore novel reconfigurable terahertz radiation sources.
About the KAUST Competitive Research Grant Program:
The KAUST Competitive Research Grant program is an internal research program at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology that funds novel and curiosity-driven scientific research while catalyzing a world-class collaborative ecosystem with leading external academic and industrial collaborators.

October 2016
Our work on terahertz beam-steering metasurfaces has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as, Next Big Future, etc.

September 2016
Prof. Jarrahi wins Popular Mechanics' 2016 Breakthrough Award for her work on high sensitivity terahertz scanners. [ UCLA Newsroom, Daily Bruin, UCLA Electrical Engineering]
About Pupular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards:
The Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards recognize ten innovators and products that have dramatically advanced the fields of technology, medicine, space exploration, automotive design, environmental engineering every year.

July 2016
Shang-Hua Yang successfully defended his PhD thesis. Shang-Hua Yang joined the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory as a graduate student in 2011, and since then he has been working on advanced plasmonic photoconductive sources for pulsed and continuous-wave terahertz generation. [ More Information ]
July 2016
Ning Wang successfully defended her PhD thesis. Ning Wang joined the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory as a graduate student in 2010, and since then she has been working on high-sensitivity terahertz receivers based on plasmonic photoconductors.[ More Information ]
June 2016
Prof. Jarrahi wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for her research project, Advanced Terahertz Imaging Systems Based on Plasmonic Antenna Arrays.
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

June 2016
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Pottie (Co-PI) wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, Advancing Spectral Access through Adaptive Terahertz Communication Systems.
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

May 2016
Prof Jarrahi has been recognized as one of the 50 most distinguished alumni of Sharif University of Technology , on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Sharif University of Technology is the top technical university in Iran, whose students go one to perform research at the world's greatest universities. Over its history, it has graduated over 48,000 students selected among those who perform well in a highly competitive national examination. [ More Information ]

March 2016
Shang-Hua Yang is invited to attend the 66th annual gathering of Nobel Laureates that takes place in Lindau, Germany from 26 June to 1 July 2016. [ More Information ]
About Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting:
This is an annual event, gathering Nobel Laureates in Lindau to meet the next generation of young scientists from all over the world. The attendees are selected based on their academic and research achievements through a rigorous and highly competitive process. Only the 400 most qualified young scientists from 80 countries are given the opportunity to enrich and share the unique atmosphere of the 2016 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. The 2016 meeting is dedicated to the field of physics.

February 2016
Ping Keng Lu is ranked number 1 in the Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Preliminary Examination in the Physical Wave Electronics area and receives a Henry Samueli Fellowship for his outstanding performance.[ More Information ]
October 2015
Prof. Jarrahi receives a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. [ More Information ]
About Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award:
The Humboldt Foundation grants about 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually to internationally renowned scientists and scholars, who completed their doctorates less than 18 years ago and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in future, which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work. Award winners are honored for their outstanding research record and invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany.

September 2015
Prof. Jarrahi is a part of a research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) led by Dr. Hassan Arbab at the University of Washington to explore noninvasive terahertz assessment of burn severity.
About National Institutes of Health:
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the steward of medical and behavioral research for the Nation. Its mission is science in pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce the burdens of illness and disability.

August 2015
Nezih Tolga Yardimci receives Best Student Paper Award (3rd place) at the 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves for his paper High Power Pulsed Terahertz Radiation From Large Area Plasmonic Photoconductive Emitters. [ More Information ]

June 2015
Prof. Jarrahi receives a Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Award from Department of Defense (DoD) for her research projects on Terahertz Spectroscopy at Nanoscale.
About Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP):
The Defense University Research Instrumentation Program supports the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment that augments current university capabilities or develops new university capabilities to perform cutting-edge defense research. The awards are the result of a merit competition for funding conducted by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Each organization requested proposals from university investigators conducting science and engineering research of importance to DoD.

May 2015
Shang-Hua Yang has been awarded a Government Scholarship for Study Abroad from Taiwan Ministry of Education. [ More Information ]
About the Taiwan Ministry of Education Study Abroad Scholarship:
This $30,000 scholarship is awarded by Taiwan Ministry of Education to Taiwanese citizens with exceptional academic record, research potentials and capabilities, and significant achievements in their fields.

May 2015
Nezih Tolga Yardimci has been awarded an SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics. [ More Information ]
About SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics:
SPIE awards scholarships to outstanding individuals, based on their potential for long-range contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline. Award-winning applicants are evaluated and selected and approved by the SPIE Scholarship Committee.

May 2015
Prof. Jarrahi receives Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award from IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for her pioneering contributions to plasmonic antennas and optical phased arrays for terahertz and microwave systems. [ More Information ]
About Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award:
This award recognizes the technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding woman of mid-career status in the field of antennas and propagation, whose prior technical accomplishments and future potential earmark them as current and future leaders in the field of antennas and propagation, as well as role models for future generations of women in the field.

April 2015
Prof. Jarrahi has been selected to attend the 2015 German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and National Academy of Engineering. [ More Information ]
About About German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium:
The German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium brings together a selected group of outstanding engineers under the age of 45 from the United States and Germany to meet and discuss cutting-edge developments in their fields. The event facilitates international and cross-disciplinary research collaboration, promotes the transfer of new techniques and approaches across disparate engineering fields, and encourages the creation of a transatlantic network of world-class engineers.

April 2015
Shang-Hua Yang receives Rackham Summer Award from University of Michigan for his research on high-efficiency photoconductive terahertz sources based on three-dimensional plasmonic nanostructures.

March 2015
Ning Wang receives Best Student Poster Award (2nd place) at Optical Terahertz Science & Technology Conference for her paper Heterodyne Terahertz Receiver Based on Plasmonic Photomixers.

December 2014
Prof. Jarrahi has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society for year 2015-2017. [ More Information ]
About IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer Program:
The Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, via the Technical Coordinating Committee, each year carefully selects a group of Distinguished Microwave Lecturers who are recognized experts in their fields to give seminars at IEEE MTT-S chapters world-wide.

December 2014
Prof. Jarrahi has been named a 2014 Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences. The Kavli fellow program honors young scientists who are considered leaders in their fields and have made significant contributions to science. Fellows are invited to attend, present and network at U.S. and international Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia, at which some of the world's brightest young scientists convene to share the exciting research taking place in their fields. Prof. Jarrahi has been invited to attend the 14th Japanese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium held in Tokyo Dec 4-7. [ More Information ]
About the Kavli Fellow Program:
Kavli fellows are selected by the advisory board of the Kavli Foundation and members of the National Academy of Sciences from young researchers who have already made recognized contributions to science, including recipients of major national fellowships and awards and who have been identified as future leaders in science. More than 150 Kavli fellows have been elected into the National Academy of Sciences and 10 have been awarded Nobel Prizes.

November 2014
Our work on high power plasmonic photomixers has been highlighted in the Laser Focus World Magazine.

September 2014
Shang-Hua Yang was selected to receive a Doctoral Research Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for his research project, Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Photoconductive Antennas for High-Power Terahertz Generation. [ More Information ]
About IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Awards:
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) grants up to ten Ph.D Research Awards each year. The selection committee evaluates each applicant based on his or her research project, academic record, and potential to contribute to the electromagnetics profession in the future. The award consists of a $2500 fellowship.

July 2014
Our work on fully-integrated broadband terahertz modulators has been highlighted in UCLA Newsroom and many technology and science news outlets such as EE Times, SciTech Daily, AZoNano, Semiconductor Engineering, In Compliance Magazine, etc.

June 2014
Prof. Jarrahi receives Booker Fellowship from the United States National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (USNC/URSI) for her outstanding contributions to the advancement of terahertz optoelectronics and microwave photonics. [ More Information ]
About Booker Fellowship:
The award is presented to a U.S. scientist in the early years of his/her career, who has made outstanding contributions to radio science. The award is presented every three years, corresponding to the triennial meeting of the Union of Radio Science (URSI) General Assembly.

February 2014
Prof. Jarrahi receives an Early Career Award in Nanotechnology from IEEE Nanotechnology Council for contributions to the development of nano-plasmonic and nano-photonic devices and quantum well structures for advancement of terahertz technology. [ More Information ]
About IEEE Nanotechnology Council Early Career Award in Nanotechnology:
The Nanotechnology Council has established an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology.

January 2014
Prof. Jarrahi receives a 2014 Outstanding Young Engineer Award from the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) for outstanding early career contributions to the microwave profession. [ More Information ]
About IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Outstanding Young Engineer Award:
This award recognizes an outstanding young MTT-S Member, who has distinguished him/herself through achievements, which may be technical (within the MTT-S Field of Interest), may be exemplary service to the MTT-S, or may be a combination of both.

December 2013
Prof. Jarrahi receives Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. [ List of Awardees, UCLA Press Release]
About Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE):
The Presidential Early Career Awards recipients are nominated from the most meritorious scientists and engineers whose early accomplishments show the greatest promise for assuring America's preeminence in science and engineering and contributing to the awarding agencies' missions. The awards, established by President Clinton in 1996, are coordinated by the Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Office of the President. Awardees are selected for their pursuit of innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology and their commitment to community service as demonstrated through scientific leadership, public education, or community outreach.

September 2013
Prof. Jarrahi is a part of a Strategic University Research Partnership (SURP) program with Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for the research project entitled Plasmonic Radiometers: A novel approach for THz heterodyne receivers.
About JPL Strategic University Research Partnership Program:
The JPL Strategic University Research Partnership Program provides resources to initiate and cultivate collaborative efforts of mutual strategic value for NASA research and missions, between JPL and its strategic university partners.

August 2013
Christopher Berry successfully defended his PhD thesis. Christopher Berry joined the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory as a graduate student in 2009, and since then he has been working on plasmonic photoconductors for high-performance terahertz radiation sources.[ More Information ]
July 2013
Christopher Berry receives Best Student Paper Award (2nd place) at IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting for his paper Plasmonic Photoconductive Antennas for Significant Terahertz Radiation Enhancement.

June 2013
Prof. Jarrahi wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for her research project, Frequency-Agile Terahertz Spectrometry for Advanced Chemical Sensing.
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

June 2013
Christopher Berry receives Best Student Paper Award (3rd place) at International Microwave Symposium for his paper Nanoscale Contact Electrodes for Significant Radiation Power Enhancement in Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters. [ More Information ]

March 2013
Our work on high-efficiency plasmonic photoconductive terahertz sources and detectors has been highlighted in many technology and science news outlets such as Popular Mechanics, Science360, Nextbigfuture, MedicExchange, Nanowerk, Homeland Security News Wire, Medical Design Technology, etc.

March 2013
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Green from Johns Hopkins University have received a Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grant for Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research awarded by the National Academy of Engineering for their research on High-Performance Label-Free Drug Delivery Monitoring through Terahertz Spectroscopy. [ More Information ]
About the Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grants:
Frontiers of Engineering is a National Academy of Engineering program that brings together outstanding early-career engineers from industry, universities, and government to discuss pioneering technical work and leading-edge research in various engineering fields and industry sectors. The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grants provide seed funding for U.S. Frontiers of Engineering participants to enable further pursuit of important new interdisciplinary research.

November 2012
Christopher Berry was selected to receive a Doctoral Research Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for his research project, Plasmonic Photoconductive Antennas for High Power Terahertz Generation.[ More Information ]
About IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Awards:
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) grants up to ten Ph.D Research Awards each year. The selection committee evaluates each applicant based on his or her research project, academic record, and potential to contribute to the electromagnetics profession in the future. The award consists of a $2500 fellowship.

August 2012
Dr. Mehmet Unlu joins the Electronics and Communication Engineering faculty at Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, as an assistant professor. Dr. Mehmet Unlu joined the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory as a postdoctoral scholar in 2011, and since then he has been working on MEMS-reconfigurable meta-surfaces for high-performance terahertz modulation.
August 2012
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Carmon (Co-PI) wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, Compact Whispering-Gallery Terahertz Emitter.
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

May 2012
Prof. Jarrahi receives Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Award for her research project, Fundamental Properties and Capabilities of Plasmonic Antennas for Efficient Interaction with Nanoelectronics.[ More Information ]
About Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program:
ARO's Young Investigator Program seeks to identify and support academic scientists who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees within the last five years and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research. The objectives of this program are to attract outstanding faculty members of Institutions of Higher Education to the Department of the Army's research program, to support their research, and to encourage their teaching and research careers.

May 2012
Shang-Hua Yang has been awarded an SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics.
About SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics:
SPIE awards scholarships to outstanding individuals, based on their potential for long-range contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline. Award-winning applicants are evaluated and selected and approved by the SPIE Scholarship Committee.[ More Information ]

May 2012
Prof. Jarrahi has been selected to attend the National Academy of Engineering 2012 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.[ More Information ]
About National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium:
The Frontiers of Engineering program brings together a select group of emerging engineering leaders from industry, academe, and government labs to discuss pioneering technical work and leading edge research in various engineering fields and industry sectors. The goal of the meetings is to introduce these outstanding engineers (ages 30-45) to each other, and through this interaction facilitate collaboration in engineering, the transfer of new techniques and approaches across fields, and establishment of contacts among the next generation of engineering leaders.

March 2012
Prof. Jarrahi receives Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award for her research on plasmonics-enabled material characterization at the nanoscale.[ More Information ]
About Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award:
The Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program seeks to identify and support academic scientists and engineers who show exceptional promise for doing creative research. The objectives of this program are to attract outstanding faculty members of Institutions of higher education to the Department of the Navy's research program, to support their research, and to encourage their teaching and research careers.

February 2012
Christopher Berry has been awarded a Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship for the third time for his research on plasmonic terahertz sources.[ More Information ]
About the Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship:
The mission of the Michigan Space Grant Consortium includes creating, developing, and promoting programs that reflect NASA strategic interests. The Consortium offers a total of $100,000 of support in the form of graduate and undergraduate research and public service fellowships to students in aerospace, space science, Earth system science and other related science, engineering or mathematics fields. Preference is given to projects directly related to aerospace, space science, Earth system science, and directly related educational efforts.

February 2012
Prof. Jarrahi receives Elizabeth C. Crosby Research Award from the University of Michigan ADVANCE Program.
About the Elizabeth Crosby Research Award:
The Elizabeth C. Crosby Research Awards were created to support the participation and advancement of women faculty in science and engineering at the University of Michigan, and was established with NSF funding. The Crosby Awards are sponsored by the U-M ADVANCE Program.

December 2011
Our work on ultrafast optical-pump terahertz-probe measurements at the nanoscale has been featured in the Special Issue of "Optics in 2011" of Optics & Photonics News Magazine. This special issue of Optics & Photonics News Magazine highlights the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months.

November 2011
Our work on high-efficiency whispering-gallery ultraviolet light emitters has been highlighted in many technology and science news outlets such as Laser Focus World Magazine, Photonics Spectra Magazine, Science Daily, Science Newsline, etc.

June 2011
Sung Ho Park receives IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Undergradute/Pre-Graduate Scholarship for his research on developing antenna models for photoconductive antennas radiating at terahertz frequencies.[ More Information ]
About the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Undergradute/Pre-Graduate Scholarship:
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) awards up to ten undergraduate/pre-graduate scholarships each for the fall and spring semester. The purpose of these scholarships is to attract BS and MS students to the microwave and RF discipline, and to encourage them to pursue a job in the field or PhD degree in this field.

June 2011
Prof. Jarrahi receives a Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Award from Department of Defense (DoD) for her research projects on plasmonic terahertz sources and detectors.
About Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP):
The Defense University Research Instrumentation Program supports the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment that augments current university capabilities or develops new university capabilities to perform cutting-edge defense research. The awards are the result of a merit competition for funding conducted by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Each organization requested proposals from university investigators conducting science and engineering research of importance to DoD.

March 2011
Christopher Berry has been awarded a Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship for the second time for his research on plasmonic terahertz sources.[ More Information ]
About the Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship:
The mission of the Michigan Space Grant Consortium includes creating, developing, and promoting programs that reflect NASA strategic interests. The Consortium offers a total of $100,000 of support in the form of graduate and undergraduate research and public service fellowships to students in aerospace, space science, Earth system science and other related science, engineering or mathematics fields. Preference is given to projects directly related to aerospace, space science, Earth system science, and directly related educational efforts.

February 2011
Prof. Jarrahi receives National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early CAREER Development Award for her research project, Next Generation Photomixer-Based Terahertz Sources. [ More Information ]
About National Science Foundation Faculty Early CAREER Development Award:
The Faculty Early CAREER Development Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.

October 2010
Prof. Jarrahi receives a three-year grant from Office of Naval Research (ONR) for her research project, Fundamental Studies on Ge-Based Photomixers for the Next Generation of High-Performance Terahertz Sources.

October 2010
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Carmon (Co-PI) wins a one-year Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, Coherent Terahertz Generation in Silica Micro-Resonators.
About National Science Foundation Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Award:
The EAGER funding mechanism may be used to support exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches. This work may be considered especially "high risk-high payoff" in the sense that it, for example, involves radically different approaches, applies new expertise, or engages novel disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives.

August 2010
Prof. Jarrahi together with Prof. Rais-Zadeh (Co-PI) wins a three-year award from National Science Foundation (NSF) for their research project, MEMS Reconfigurable Subwavelength Metallic Slits for Broadband Terahertz Modulation
About National Science Foundation Awards:
The NSF funds research and education in science and engineering, through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

April 2010
Prof. Jarrahi has been awarded a Young Faculty Award from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for her research project, Plasmonics-Enabled Ultra-Short Carrier Lifetime Photoconductors for High Power Terahertz Generation. [ Award Recipients, More Information ]

About the DARPA Young Faculty Award:
The DARPA Young Faculty Award program is intended to identify and engage rising research stars in junior faculty positions in academia, and provide high-impact funding in order to develop their research ideas in the context of Department of Defense needs. DARPA is looking for research focusing on innovations that will enable revolutionary advances in selected areas. High-risk/high-payoff ideas are strongly encouraged.

February 2010
Christopher Berry has been awarded a Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship for his research on plasmonic terahertz sources.
About the Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship:
The mission of the Michigan Space Grant Consortium includes creating, developing, and promoting programs that reflect NASA strategic interests. The Consortium offers a total of $100,000 of support in the form of graduate and undergraduate research and public service fellowships to students in aerospace, space science, Earth system science and other related science, engineering or mathematics fields. Preference is given to projects directly related to aerospace, space science, Earth system science, and directly related educational efforts.

September 2009
Prof. Jarrahi teaches a new Special Topics Course on Terahertz Technology and Applications (EECS 598) during Fall semester. This course provides students with the fundamental concepts required to conduct research in the field of terahertz technology. [ Download the syllabus ]
June 2009
Terahertz Electronics Laboratory takes part in the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, hosting Chelsea Frid from Michigan State University to work on plasmonic focusing of light.

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