Adaptive Optics


Current practice in “adaptive” optics:
Non-adaptive feedback loop only 


Result of this research: 
Truly adaptive control loop based on Multichannel Lattice Filter


f = uncorrected wave front (phase profile)
e = closed-loop wave front error
c = actuator command vector
u, v = control command vectors
y, s = Open-loop, closed-loop WFS vectors
Control Objective: Minimize variance of e
Optics Objective: Maximize Strehl Ratio


Strehl Ratio = Peak Intensity of
                          Point Spread Function
Green: achievable only with perfect, instantaneous information
Blue: adaptive loop closed at t = 2000
Red: feedback loop only
Black: no control

C.-C. Chang and J. S. Gibson, “Parallel control loops based on spatial subband processing for adaptive optics,” in American Control Conference, (Chicago, IL), IEEE, June 2000.

J. S. Gibson, C.-C. Chang, and B. L. Ellerbroek, “Adaptive optics: Wavefront reconstruction by adaptive filtering and control,” in 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (Phoenix, AZ), IEEE, December 1999.

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