UCLA CMOS Lab - Lab Resources

Characterization Equipment
- State of the art Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer HP4155B
- Precision LCR meter HP 4284A
- HP 4140 B pA meter and DC Voltage Source
- HP 3325 B Synthesizer/ Function Generator
- Tektronix 11301 Programmable Oscilloscope
- HP Dynamic Signal Analyzer 3561A
- Lakeshore Temperature Controller 330
- Room temperature probing of wafers (up to 8") and dies via probe station.
- Low temperature measurements of packaged dies with Lakeshore Cryotronics dewar. Temperature range of dewar ranges from 77 K (liquid nitrogen) to 350 K.
- Noise measurements via HP 3561A spectrum analyzer
- Charge pumping. (for measuring interface state density)
Computer Simulation Tools and Resources
- 3 Windows XP Pentium IV computers
- Loads of personally owned laptops
- 2 state-of-the-art printers
- 1 industrial size color printer (both sides)
- 1 space age black and white printer + Xerox + scanner + fax (NASA wants one of these)
- 5 Sun Microsystem workstations for CAD design and simulation
- 3 SunBlade 2500 with Solaris
- 1 SunBlade 2000 with solaris
- 1 SunBlade older model
- CAD tools commonly used here (at least we hope so!)
- HSPICE (Transistor and circuit level simulator)
- Silvaco tools (ATLAS and ATHENA)
- TMA-MEDICI (Device simulator)
- ISE-TCAD tools (ver. 10) (DESSIS and cousins)
- TRIM (Ion implantation simulator)
- MATHEMatica
- Cadence layout and mask design tool