- R. Bejar, C. Gomes, and F. Manya. "Solving
problems with many-valued satisfiability algorithms", Discrete Applied
Mathematics, Elsevier, to appear.
- G. Chasparis and J. Shamma, "Linear-Programming-Based
Multi-Vehicle Path Planning with Adversaries", American Control Conference,
June 2005.
- A. Chaudhry, K.M. Misovec, R. D'Andrea, "Low Observability Path Planning
for an Unmanned Air Vehicle Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming",
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2004.
- C.-E. Chen, A. Ali, W. Asgari, H. Park, R. E. Hudson, K. Yao and C. Taylor.
"Design and testing
of robust acoustic arrays for localization and enhancement of several bird
sources", Fifth International Conference on Information Processing
in Sensor Networks. (in press)
- D. Choukroun, Speyer, J.L., "Mode-Estimator-Free Quadratic Control
of Jump-Linear Systems with Mode-Detection Random Delay", Proceedings
of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Paper 2005-6135,
San Francisco, Ca, Aug. 2005.
- D. Choukroun, Speyer, J.L., "Distribution-Free Mode-Estimators for
a Class of Discrete-Time Jump-Linear Systems," Proceedings of the 44th
IEEE CDC - IFAC ECC'05 Conference, Sevilla, Spain, Dec. 2005.
- D. Choukroun, Speyer, J.L., "Conditionally-Linear Optimal Filtering
with Application to Jump-Linear Systems", To be in the Proceedings of
the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Keystone, Co, Aug.
- T. Chung, L. Cremean, W. Dunbar, Z. Jin, E. Klavins, D. Moore, A. Tiwari,
D. van Gogh and S. Waydo. A Platform for Cooperative
and Coordinated Control of Multiple Vehicles: The Caltech Multi-Vehicle Wireless
Testbed. Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization, 2002.
- T. Collier and C. E. Taylor, "Self-Organization
in sensor networks", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
In press, 2004.
- D. Del Vecchio and E. Klavins. Observation
of Hybrid Guarded Command Programs, Conference on Decision and Control,
December 2003.
- D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray and E. Klavins, "Discrete
state estimators for systems on a lattice". Automatica, 42(2): 271-285,
- D. Del Vecchio and R. M. Murray, "Existence
of Cascade Discrete-Continuous State Estimators for Systems on a Partial Order",
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3414:226--241, 2005
- W.B. Dunbar and R.M. Murray, "Distributed
Receding Horizon Control with Applicaitons to Multi-Vehicle Formation",
submitted to Automatica, 2004.
- M. G. Earl and R. D'Andrea. "Modeling and control
of a multi-agent system using mixed integer linear programming".
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2002.
- M.G. Earl and R. D'Andrea, "Solving minimum time problems and obstacle
avoidance problems using improved MILP methods", IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, December 2004.
- M.G. Earl and R. D'Andrea, "A Decomposition
Approach to Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control", submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Robotics, 2005.
- M.G. Earl and R. D'Andrea, "Iterative MILP Methods for Vehicle Control
Problems", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2005.
- M.G. Earl and R. D'Andrea, "Multivehicle Cooperative
Control using Mixed Integer Linear Programming", submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Robotics, 2005.
- S. Gentry, S. Wall, I. Oakley and and R. Murray-Smith,"Got
Rhythm? Haptic-only lead and follow dancing", Eurohaptics, Dublin, Ireland,
July 2003.
- S. Gentry and E. Feron, "Musicality experiments in lead and follow
dance", IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference, Delft, the Netherlands,
October 2004.
- S. Gentry and E. Feron, "Modeling musically meaningful choreography",
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, October
- E. Klavins. Toward the Control of Self-Assembling
Systems. In Control Problems in Robotics, A. Bicchi and H. Christensen
and D. Prattichizzo,Eds.,vol. 4, Springer Verlag, pp. 153-168, 2002. Presented
on the Workshop on Control Problems in Robotics and Automation, 2002.
- E. Klavins. A Formal Model of a Multi-Robot
Control and Communication Task. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
December 2003.
- E. Klavins and R.M. Murray, , "Distributed
Computation for Cooperative Control", IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2004.
- G.M. Kobele, J. Riggle, R. Brooks, D. Friedlander, C. Taylor, E. Stabler,
"Induction of Prototypes in a Robotic Setting
Using Local Search MDL", pp. 482-485 in M. Sugisaka and H. Tanaka,
eds., Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2004.
- G.M. Kobele et al., "Grounding
as Learing", ESSLLI, 2004.
- G. Kotsalis and M. Dahleh. "Model Reduction of Irreducible Markov Chains.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2003.
- V. Kulkarni and S. Gentry,"Optimal Mode Changes for Highway
Transportation Safety". IEEE Systems, Man, Cybernetics Conference, 2003.
- V. Kulkarni, M. Jun and J. Hespanha, "Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov
Functions for Time-delay Hybrid Systems", American Control Conference},
Boston, MA, June 2004.
- Y. Lee et al., "The Role of Population Structure in Language Evolution",
Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Life, 2005.
- Y. Lee, T. C. Collier, E. S. Stabler and C. E. Taylor. "The
role of population structure in language evolution". in M. Sugisaka
and H. Tanaka, eds., Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Artificial
Life and Robotics.
- Y. Lee, T.. C. Collier, G. M. Kobele, E. P. Stabler and C. E. Taylor. "Grammar
structure in language evolution", European Conference . pp 634-643
in Advances in Artificial Life. Proceedings of the VIIIth European Conference
on Artificial Life. Canterbury, UK. September, 2005. Springer.
- N.C. Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and Nicola Elia, "On the Specification of
Stabilizing Transition Probability Matrices for Bi-Modal Markovian Jump Linear
Systems'', IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, December 2003.
- N. C. Martins and M. A. Dahleh, "Feedback
Control in the Presence of Noisy Channels: Bode-Like Fundamental Limitations
of Performance", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, submitted,
- N.C. Martins, N. Elia and M. A. Dahleh, "Stabilization
of Uncertain Systems in the Presence of a Stochastic Digital Link",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , submitted, 2004.
- N.C. Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and N. Elia, "Stabilization
of Uncertain Systems in the Presence of a Stochastic Digital Link",
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2004. (Extended version
submitted to the IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control).
- N.C. Martins and M.A. Dahleh, "Fundamental
Limitations of Disturbance Attenuation in the Presence of Finite Capacity
Feedback", American Control Conference, June 2005. (Extended version
submitted to the IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control).
- N.C. Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and J. Doyle. "Fundamental Limitations of
Disturbance Attenuation with Side Information". Accepted for publication,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
- N.C. Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and N. Elia. Feedback Stabilization of Uncertain
Systems in the Presence of a Stochastic Digital Link. Accepted for publication,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control..
- R.M. Murray, W.B. Dunbar, R. Olfati-Saber, and L.B. Cremean, "Controller
synthesis for constrained flight systems via receding horizon optimization",
The 2nd AIAA 'Unmanned Unlimited' Systems, Technologies, and Operations-Aerospace,
Land, and Sea Conference and Workshop & Exhibits, 2004.
- R. Olfati-Saber and R. Murray. "Consensus
Protocols for Networks of Dynamic Agents", American Control Conference,
Denver, CO, June 2003.
- R. Olfati-Saber and R.M. Murray, "Flocking with
obstacle avoidance: Cooperation with limited communication in mobile networks",
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, December 2003.
- R. Olfati-Saber and R.M. Murray, "Agreement
problems in networks with directed graphs and switching topology",
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, December 2003.
- R. Olfati-Saber and R.M. Murray, "Consensus
problems in networks of agents with switching topology and time-delays",
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, September 2004.
- R. Olfati-Saber, "Flocking for multi-agent
dynamic systems: Algorithms and theory", Technical Report CIT-CDS
2004-005, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2004.
- R. Olfati-Saber, "Ultrafast consensus on small-world networks",
American Control Conference, June 2005.
- V.G. Rao and R. D'Andrea, "Managing Multiple Moving Vehicles with Patch
Representations", Fifth Annual Conference on Cooperative Control and
Optimization (CCO '05), January 2005.
- S. Sarma and M.A. Dahleh. Remote Control over Noisy Communication Channels:
A first order example. Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
- J.S. Shamma and G. Arslan, "A feedback
stabilization approach to fictitious play", IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, Maui, HI, December 2003.
- J.S. Shamma and G. Arslan, "Unified
convergence proofs of continuous time fictitious play", IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control, July 2004.
- J.S. Shamma and G. Arslan, "Dynamic
fictitious play, dynamic gradient play, and distributed convergence to Nash
equilibria", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, March 2005.
- J.S. Shamma and G. Arslan, "A
Decomposition Approach to Distributed Control of Spatially Invariant Systems",
submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, April 2006.
- L. Shi, M. Epstein, A. Tiwari and R. M. Murray, "Estimation
with Information Loss: Asymptotic Analysis and Error Bounds", 2005
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- D. P. Spanos, R. Olfati-Saber, R. M. Murray, "Approximate
Distributed Kalman Filtering in Sensor Networks with Quantifiable Performance",
2005 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
- A. Swarup and J. L. Speyer, "Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Differential
Games with Different Information Patterns," IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, Maui, HI, December 2003.
- A. Swarup and J.L. Speyer, "Characterization of Linear Quadratic-Gaussian
Differential Games with Different Information Patterns", IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, December 2004.
- A. Swarup and J.L. Speyer, "Handling Partial and Corrupted Information,"
in Advanced Technology Concepts for Command and Control, ''An Anthology of
Feedback-Based Approach to Command and Control,'' by Alexander Kott (editor),
to be published by CRC/Taylor and Francis.
- A. Tiwari, M. Jun, D. E. Jeffcoat, R. M. Murray, "The
Dynamic Sensor Coverage Problem", 2005 IFAC World Congress
- E. Vallejo and C. E. Taylor, "A
simple model for the evolution of a lexicon", pp. 309--312 in M.
Sugisaka and H. Tanaka, eds., Ninth International Symposium on Artificial
Life and Robotics, 2004.
- E. Vallejo and C. E. Taylor, "The effects
of learning on the evolution of Saussurean communication'', Artificial
Life 9, in press.
- E. Vallejo and C.E. Taylor, "Evolutionary Computing and Genetic Algorithms",
in Harvard Companion to Evolution, 2004.
- H.B. Wang, C.-E. Chen, A. Ali, S. Asgari, R. E. Hudson, K. Yao, D. Estrin
and C. Taylor. "Acoustic
sensor networks for woodpecker localization". SPIE Converence on
Advance Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations. SPIE.